
How does the prison measure up to the mission, vision, and values?

Location and History of the institution
Warden (Background, how long has he/she been a warden, previous assignments)
Level of the prison (Super-max, max, med, min)
Current prison population and design capacity
Demographics (blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asian and what type of crimes are the most prevalent in the facility)

Prison design
Prison programs (prison industries, vocational, rehabilitative, maintenance, and recreational programs)

Riots and/or uprisings
Lawsuits (medical: Estelle v Gamble, conditions, 4th, 8th, and 14th Amendments

Conclusion (State of the prison), compare what you have researched to the prison’s strategic plan (mission, vision, and values statement). How does the prison measure up to the mission, vision, and values?

Critically evaluate how organizations select projects from numerous opportunities using best practices in a global setting.

Review the company website of your chosen scenario, examine its strategic goals and directions and, based on this research, explain what type of projects you would expect the company to pursue and provide reasons why.

The next step is to give advice about the best way to make decisions within the project. In order to do this please note the following:

Compare advantages and disadvantages of two project management governance frameworks of your choice

Give recommendations for the chosen two (discussed above) project governance frameworks and which one would work better for your scenario

Critically justify your choice with the support of academic literature

Give recommendations for which governance institutions have to be created to successfully manage the process and critically justify your recommendations with the support of academic literature or/and similar case studies.D.Leadership.

Evaluate the role of the project leader in the project of your selected scenario and with the support of academic literature discuss how the role of this project leader would make this project successful.

Once you have discussed the role of project leader, give recommendations as to how project champions can support the project of your selected scenario and critically discuss what would be the best way to manage those project champions.

Your arguments must be supported by academic literature.E.Advanced Planning and Scheduling To support the delivery of the project of your chosen scenario you must:

Compare advantages and disadvantages of two project management methodologies of your choice (e.g., Agile, Waterfall, Prince2)

Choose one project management methodology (between the 2 discussed before) that bestsuits your chosen scenario, and critically justify your choice. Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real-life projects.F.Managing and Leading Change

Give advice to the company of your chosen scenario about how change management can be incorporated into the project in a structured manner, and how to involve people affected by the project in the change management process.

Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real projects.G.Presentation and Structure H.Assessment Self-Evaluation

You must self-evaluate each single task of your report by using the rubric provided in the marking guide and attach it to your report. The template for this can be found in the marking guide section

By completing this report, you are going to meet the following learning outcomes 

Critically evaluate the organizational attributes that are integral to the success of a project within an organizational context.

Critically evaluate how organizations select projects from numerous opportunities using best practices in a global setting.

Develop the skills required for building and leading successful project teams within a project management environment.

Critically appraise techniques in Project Planning and Scheduling and how these apply within a project environment.

Is charity a failure of the state? discuss in relation to the social contract and the individual

Is charity a failure of the state? discuss in relation to the social contract and the individual and the individual

What leadership qualities would you apply to effect a positive change in the practice?  Be thinking about the culture of the practice.

Mrs. Smith was seen today in the office for an annual physical. Her last appointment was a year ago for the same reason. During this visit, Mrs. Smith brought an empty bottle of amoxicillin with her and asked if she could have a refill. You noted the patient’s name on the label, and the date on the bottle was 1 week ago. You also noted your name printed on the label as the prescriber. The patient admitted that she called last week concerned about her cough and spoke to Stephanie. You do not recall having discussed this patient with Stephanie nor do the other providers in the practice.
Case Study Questions:
1. What are the potential ethical and legal implications for each of the following practice members?
o Medical assistant
o Nurse Practitioner
o Medical Director
o Practice
2. What strategies would you implement to prevent further episodes of potentially illegal behavior?
3. What leadership qualities would you apply to effect a positive change in the practice?  Be thinking about the culture of the practice.
4. A scholarly resource must be used for EACH discussion question each week.

How do our food choices affect society? How do food policies affect us?

How do our food choices affect society? How do food policies affect us?

Critically evaluate the findings and implications for working cross-culturally.

Investigation into Personal and Social Development, looking at a study of outdoor instructors working cross culturally, with the sub focus of gender

Curated qualitative audio from interview to discuss in relation to key literature relating to the subject.

Critical discussion of quantitative data in relation to key literature.

Critically evaluate the findings and implications for working cross-culturally.


What are the consequences of unethical behavior while conducting statistical analysis? Is there any positive aspect of unethical behavior while conducting statistical analysis?

Why is so important ethics in Statistics? What are the consequences of unethical behavior while conducting statistical analysis? Is there any positive aspect of unethical behavior while conducting statistical analysis?

Evaluate the source’s that are useful or relevance to the closed research theme question, its credibility, and its balance or bias.

How do food choices affect society? How do food policies affect us?

For this activity you will write a short, two-source annotated bibliography.
First, use the search databases found at the Ivy Tech Library website Links to an external site. to find two sources that you will use in your final research paper.

These two sources should offer new data, information, perspectives, arguments, and/or insights that are not already found in your class’s closed research theme readings and background readings and that you think will help you compose fresh arguments in response to the closed research theme question

After each source citation, write an evaluative annotation of the source. Each annotation should provide a concise description and summary of the source

Evaluate the source’s that are useful or relevance to the closed research theme question, its credibility, and its balance or bias. Each annotation should be about 150-200 words no more.
Your mini-annotated bibliography needs to be formatted and documented in MLA or APA style. Save your mini annotated bibliography in Microsoft Word.

Explain the behavioral factors that influence the effectiveness of communications.

Integrated Marketing Plan

This assessment is for students to apply all IMC content covered in the course to a real-life business context and create a thorough IMC plan.

1.1.1Course Learning Out comes This assignment addresses the Course Learning Outcomes of:

1.Outline the nature of IMC and describe its environment;

2.Explain how to set IMC objectives and formulate an IMC budget;

3.Evaluate creative strategies in the light of given marketing objectives and strategies;

4.Explain the behavioral factors that influence the effectiveness of communications; 5.Prepare an IMC Plan

 Demonstrate a critical understanding of key themes, principles and concepts commonly found in the disciplines of cultural and environmental anthropology.

“The Living Mountain” – Nan Shepherd, Review

You are required to write a 2,500-word essay that identifies key themes connected with the syllabus of Anthropology of Place in a book of your choice.

Identify themes that are implicit in the writing, and critically discuss and contextualize them with reference to what has been covered on the lessons.

AAOP1 is about quality and not ‘quantity’. A few themes(5 or so) well identified and discussed will suffice. The book needs to be a hybrid between an ethnography and travel writing and must not be an academic publication. – Use “The Living Mountain” by Nan Shepherd.

Demonstrate a critical understanding of key themes, principles and concepts commonly found in the disciplines of cultural and environmental anthropology.

Draw on evidence from a range of sources including traditional ecological knowledge to critically analyze themes and concepts relevant to adventure education and adventure & cultural tourism.

Apply anthropological knowledge and understanding in enquiringly and researching diverse, global and multi-cultural interpretations of nature.