
Identify weaknesses in critical thinking such as fallacies, rhetorical devices, vague language, and cognitive biases.

Introduction: Identify the issue/topic. Provide the necessary background and important recent developments. Define key terms and concepts.

Arguments and Counterarguments: Summarize the best arguments on both sides of the issue. Include relevant research from credible sources used to support each conclusion.

Evaluation of Critical Thinking: Assess the strength of the arguments and the quality of thinking surrounding this issue.

Identify weaknesses in critical thinking such as fallacies, rhetorical devices, vague language, and cognitive biases. Provide specific examples of how these weaknesses appear in arguments, using terminology and definitions from the course

Evaluate the quality of scientific and anecdotal evidence using the standards of inductive and deductive reasoning described in the course. Consider the quality of causal relationship, analogies, generalizations, and/or moral reasoning.

Conclusion: Analyze the totality of research and offer a critical thinker’s response to the issue. Identify your own position and experience with the issue and explain how your thinking of the subject has evolved as a result of your analysis.

You must use a minimum of 5 research references in APA Style and include in-text citations in your paragraphs. Include a minimum of 3 academic peer-reviewed books or journal articles. Other sources may be used as supplemental sources, such as journalistic, government, web-based, or media sources. Sources should not include dictionaries, encyclopedias, or general information websites like Wikipedia.

Identify the fallacy and why you think that this particular type of advertisement represents the fallacy that you have chosen.

Find an example of a fallacy used in popular advertising or any persuasive text.

Identify the fallacy and why you think that this particular type of advertisement represents the fallacy that you have chosen.

Evaluate what cultural competencies a psychologist may use to help resolve this culture-related issue.

Cultural Competency and Research Analysis 

Write a brief title that concisely conveys the purpose of this report. It is suggested that you use the APA Paper Template [DOCX] to format your paper according to the APA manual (current edition).

Write an introduction: For the introduction section of your paper, include the title at the top of the first page. (In APA format, the word Introduction is not used as a heading.) Briefly summarize:
The case you have chosen.

How theories and research, in general terms, explain why the issue may have developed.

How the case relates to culture-related attitudes that may affect future professional behavior.
Create a heading titled Cultural Issue: Describe how the circumstances in the case study you chose unfairly impact members of one or more of the populations described in the Introduction to Hays’s ADDRESSING Model document.

Create a heading titled Theoretical Explanations: Apply two or more psychological theories to explain how this culture-related issue may have developed.

Create a heading titled Professional Behaviors: Analyze how attitudes related to culture, ethnicity, and diversity may have adversely affected professional behaviors within the case study scenario.

Create a heading titled Research Findings: Present the research methods and findings from two research studies and analyze how they relate to your selected case.

Create a heading titled Proposed Cultural Guidelines and Competencies:

Evaluate what cultural competencies a psychologist may use to help resolve this culture-related issue.

Propose general guidelines to improve or resolve this cultural issue and help prevent its reoccurrence.

Describe the competencies necessary for working in a culturally diverse environment.

Integrate psychological principles with your personal values and goals to formulate guidelines for your personal and professional behavior with regard to culture, ethnicity, and diversity.
Create a heading titled Conclusion:

Reflect upon and assess how your own attitudes associated with culture, ethnicity, and diversity may affect your future professional behaviors.

Explain how the guidelines you developed will help you.

Discuss some steps you could take to further your own growth in cultural competencies.

Refer to the Cultural Competency and Research Analysis Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the criteria for this assessment.

What is your assumption about financing of capex and change in working capital??

Finance valuation of En+ group

For discounted cash flow approach
What model you would like to use stable growth, two periods or three period growths???

Think of the discount rate you would like to use to compute PV of cash flow. Different rate for different stage of growth? Or the same???

• What you would like to value 1) entire firm (FCFF) or only equity part (FCFE or Dividend)
• Use WACC for firm valuation, required rate of return for equity for equity valuation
For equity valuation

How to estimate the growth rate of dividend and growth rate of FCFE (ratios using historical average, industry average)

What is your assumption about financing of capex and change in working capital??

EBITDA (both equity of firm)multiple is one of the most commonly used valuation metrics, as EBITDA is commonly used as a proxy for cash flow available to the firm.

When a company has negative EBITDA, the EBITDA and EBIT multiples will not be material. In such cases, Sales multiple may be the most appropriate multiple to use.

When depreciation and amortization expenses are small, as in the case of a non-capital-intensive company such as a consulting firm, EBIT and EBITDA will be similar.
For the sake of consistency (because you want to compare both DCF and relative valuation results), if you value FCFF, use the multiples that estimate the value of the firm, if you estimate the value of equity FCFE, use the equity multiples.

How did the corrective action helped to restore stability to the financial system?

Federal Reserve and the Great Recession Analysis

Subprime mortgages and derivatives, bailout of FNMA, Freddie Mac and AIG

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of 1 of the following corrective actions taken by the Federal Reserve as a result of the crisis:

Quantitative easing
Purchase of toxic assets from financial institutions
Paying interest on reserve balances

Actions taken by the Federal Reserve to mitigate the crisis
How did the corrective action helped to restore stability to the financial system?
How did the corrective action should prevent recurrence of a similar crisis?

Explain the distinction between personal ethics and values and professional ethics and values evident in the social work profession in addressing this community.

Cultural Diversity/Social Work

Hetero-sexism is defined as “the discrimination or prejudice by heterosexuals against homosexuals”  and is predicated on the belief that being heterosexual is the norm and the only accepted type of relationship.

Everyday hetero-sexism is exemplified in our media, our policies, and daily practices. By making these assumptions, social workers can be in part culpable for the oppression and marginalization experienced by the LGBTQ community.

As a profession, social work embraces diversity and strives to ensure equal rights for all. The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is committed to supporting the needs of these groups and, in turn, they created the National Committee on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues. During this week’s discussion you will be asked to consider how one’s own personal views on sexual orientation may clash with the profession’s stance.

Post a scenario of how a social worker’s personal, ethical, and moral values in relation to the LGBTQ community might conflict with those of their clients. Explain the distinction between personal ethics and values and professional ethics and values evident in the social work profession in addressing this community. Be specific and explain how this distinction relates to the scenario you posted.

xplain how prejudice and bias might create barriers to fulfilling your professional responsibility to the LGBTQ community.

How does the nurse in each scenario use informatics in his or her work? What is the nurse in each scenario responsible for as it pertains to informatics?

The Nurse’s Role in Informatics

Scenario 1: Helen has recently graduated from nursing school and passed her boards. Last week, she completed her orientation period on the medical nursing unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital.

Scenario 2: Paul is a registered nurse in the neurosurgery unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. He has been a staff nurse for ten years and provides direct patient care. In addition, Paul chairs the unit’s nursing council to improve patient care.

Scenario 3: Lisa is a nurse manager and leads the medical intensive care unit and surgical intensive care unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. She is responsible for the day-to-day operations, staff adherence to policies and procedures, staffing, and payroll.

Explain the role of the nurse with respect to informatics in each scenario. Write a one- to two-page paper in which you discuss the role of each nurse in informatics. Use the following questions as guidelines:

How does the nurse in each scenario use informatics in his or her work?
What is the nurse in each scenario responsible for as it pertains to informatics?


 Explain which social determinants of health are identified as well as the programs that are identified that address these social determinants.

Social determinants

Question #1 In your own words: • Define leading health indicators

• Define social determinants of health

• Describe the difference between the two

Question #2 Summarize the article. Explain which social determinants of health are identified as well as the programs that are identified that address these social determinants.

Explain how the social determinants of health that are identified impact individual and community health.

Question #3 Select and describe one social determinant of health. In what ways can this social determinant of health influence one of the leading health indicators? For example, for the leading health indicator of oral health care, you might discuss the different social factors that impact oral health like socioeconomic status.

In what ways do the five domains of athletic training align with the 10 essential public health services?

Public Health Questions

In what ways do the five domains of athletic training align with the 10 essential public health services?

Analyze and examine how enterprise architecture and enterprise systems influence, support, and enable an organization’s ability to contribute to strategic decision making and to respond and adapt to the business environment

Memo to CIO on Success Criteria for Enterprise System Implementation and Enterprise Architecture

This assignment gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to research, evaluate, and explain enterprise systems, and to communicate effectively at the executive level.

Analyze and examine how enterprise architecture and enterprise systems influence, support, and enable an organization’s ability to contribute to strategic decision making and to respond and adapt to the business environment

Analyze enterprise system solutions to make recommendations based on benefits, limitations, and best fit within the enterprise environment

Analyze and explain the elements of a successful plan for implementing enterprise solutions, addressing structure, processes, culture, and other considerations
analyze success criteria for higher application to enterprise architecture