
How would you calculate the precision of the glassware used in the experiment?


PART 2 – Percentage error of a pipette
Volume dispensed from the pipette =
Weight of the beaker =
Weight of the beaker + water =
Weight of water =
Density of the water =
True volume (from the calculation) =
Show work below:
Percentage error (show work below) =

PART 3 – Percentage error of a burette
Volume dispensed from the burette =
Weight of the beaker =
Weight of the beaker + water =
Weight of water =
Density of the water =
True volume (from the calculation) =
Show work below:
Percentage error (show work below) =

Post-lab questions
From the glassware that you used in the experiment, which one has the lowest percent error?

If you want to measure 16.00 mL of a solution, accurately, which glassware would you choose?

In this experiment, we did not use the average values for the mass or the volume of water that was dispensed from the glassware. However, in real experiments, average values are used. Why do we usually use the average values instead of a single value?

How would you calculate the precision of the glassware used in the experiment?

Do math manipulatives help students move from the concrete representation to the Abstract representation?

Your diversity statement

Do math manipulatives help students’ performance and test scores?

Do math manipulatives help students move from the concrete representation to the Abstract representation?

– Enhance understanding of the desktop study process so that students can practice their independent learning and critical thinking skills in order to improve their professional performance.
– Enable candidates to study in-depth an appropriate topic or issue that is of particular interest to them personally and of value to their professional practice and relevant organization (s).
– Extend and deepen understanding of the chosen area of investigation.
– Provide a vehicle for the demonstration of originality, initiative and reflection

During the next 18 weeks with the guidance of your supervisor, you will gradually work towards completing your dissertation on your chosen topic.

Take time to participate in the weekly activities such as discussion forums and formative submissions towards the enhancement of productive feedback and successful dissertation submission.

During this module, you are required to submit one summative assessment

Explain what you would do upon receiving an email like this? How would you handle the issue internally?

Get a grip and sort yourselves out because regardless of revenue income this is not acceptable considering your products are aimed at young children.

Explain what you would do upon receiving an email like this? How would you handle the issue internally?

Provide a draft of a reply to this angry customer. Explain the time frame that this would happen in.

Why do you think the sources are credible? What facts will they give you for your paper? Why are they important for this piece?

The Proposal for the Ethnography Piece

In three to four paragraphs, the proposal must explain:What you would like to research for your Auto/Ethnographic piece.

Talk about the three sources you are going to use to inform your essay. Why do you think the sources are credible? What facts will they give you for your paper? Why are they important for this piece?

List the sources in MLA format at the bottom.

Describe the role of choice and decision making within the theory you chose regarding the efficacy of treatment. How can a counselor assist their client in using these concepts more effectively?

Write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis of the case study using the theory you chose. Include the following in your analysis to the client

What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals?

Describe the process of treatment using this theory. This should include a description of the length of treatment, the role of the counselor, and the experience of the client as they work from beginning to termination of therapy.

How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client? (Cite specific research findings)

Describe the role of choice and decision making within the theory you chose regarding the efficacy of treatment. How can a counselor assist their client in using these concepts more effectively?

How can a counselor implement cognitive processes in counseling without undue risr the counseling relationship?

Include at least six scholarly references beyond the textbook in your analysis.

Each response to the assignment prompts should be addressed under a separate heading in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

What are some of the perceptions that Chelsea-Elliott Housing residents have about the Avenues students and vice versa? Do you think those attitudes are fair or unjustified?

Gentrification of West Chelsea
1. In Class Divide we learn that since 2009, the average rent for Chelsea apartments rose 10 times faster than for all of Manhattan. What have the implications been?

2. What was the role of the High Line in the gentrification of West Chelsea? How has the High Line changed the neighborhood overall (think about both positive and negative impact)? Justify your response with reference to the film.

3. What are some of the perceptions that Chelsea-Elliott Housing residents have about the Avenues students and vice versa? Do you think those attitudes are fair or unjustified?

4. Why is gentrification emotive and controversial? Justify your response with specific references to the documentary.

5. The filmmaker chooses to interview a number of subjects but puts particular emphasis on interviewing youth from both sides of the ‘divide’. Do you think this is an effective choice? Why or why not?

6. What is the role of real estate agents and developers in gentrification? Make specific references to the documentary e.g. the tactics used to displace old-time residents that NYC councilman Corey Johnson mentions during the protest.

7. What do you think about Yasemin’s 115 steps project? What does dialogue across divides achieve?

8. How is gentrification embedded in race and class relations and social stratification? In the documentary, Hyisheem claims, “It’s not racism, it’s classism.” Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

9. In the documentary, residents of the Elliott-Chelsea Houses express uncertainty about their future in the neighborhood. Danny wonders whether they will give his mother money to move out. Brandon says it is like a big question mark on what’s going to happen next. The young man sitting on the bench says he feels as if they are already starting to push them out. He says, “I feel like I live under a cloud of darkness surrounded by happiness.” Given what you know about the changing face of Chelsea do you think it is inevitable that these families will get pushed out of the neighborhood? Justify your response.

Discuss the importance of considering elasticity in pricing decisions and the danger of relying solely on costs.

You are introduced to the shutdown price, using elasticity to determine the effects of price changes, and cost-based pricing.

Discuss the importance of considering elasticity in pricing decisions and the danger of relying solely on costs.

Outline the THREE phases of organic matter decomposition and use this to explain how litter bags can be used to measure organic matter decomposition in soil.

This module coursework consists of three exercises.
1. This is shown on ”Portfolio exercise” pdf file
2. Outline the THREE phases of organic matter decomposition and use this to explain how litter bags can be used to measure organic matter decomposition in soil.

Based on your visual inspection and measures of Kurtosis and Skewness, what is your conclusion regarding the shape of the distribution? Does it resemble a normal distribution? Explain.

You can use Excel or SPSS to complete this assignment.The data file is located in GAP under Week Ten.

Complete the following tasks and copy your results in a word document and submit your report.

1) Create standardized values for the Overall GPA variable. Report key descriptive statistics for this variable (i.e., standardized Overall GPA).

2) Create a histogram of Standardized Overall GPA. Based on your visual inspection and measures of Kurtosis and Skewness, what is your conclusion regarding the shape of the distribution? Does it resemble a normal distribution? Explain.

3) Create a cross tabulation of Retained vs College_A. How many students in College of Education were retained? What percentage of all retained students were from College of Education?

4) Create a cross tabulation of Retained vs Received Financial Aid. Of the students who had received financial aid, what percentage were retained? Conduct the Goodness of Fit test and calculate the chi-square value. Write the null and alternative hypotheses. What is your conclusion?

Identify the opportunities and develop strategies aimed at gaining sustainable competitive advantages


Strategy in the Global Marketplace Module code: 6BM505

1. Module Overview
The module focuses on strategy and strategic management within the global context. Students will learn about strategies that businesses can employ to identify opportunities, gain sustainable competitive advantages and grow. The module explores the effects of globalisation, the ways businesses can adapt to the changing global environment and respond to the emerging challenges and competition. It discusses theory, conceptual frameworks and principles and their application in real life. Students will also explore some of the most important areas in strategic decision-making, including but not limited to production strategy, sustainability, innovation, change and risk management.
2. Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this learning, and this module, you will be able to:
1. Critically appraise the effects of the external environment and globalisation trends and dynamics on an organization
2. Identify the opportunities and develop strategies aimed at gaining sustainable competitive advantages
3. Critically evaluate potential risks and change management challenges associated with implementation of a strategic plan.