
What are the prime ethical considerations for each of the chosen international strategies, and what type of strategic plan must accompany the international strategy to meet the ethical and CSR expectations?

Ethics of International Strategies
Often, organizations have the opportunity or the need to expand globally, and this action requires a different type of strategy for successful outcomes.

Define and discuss the differences between an international corporation and a global corporation. Choose two international strategies, define each strategy, then compare and contrast each.

Discuss why organizations may choose one strategy over another and the type of industry that is best suited to the strategy.

Expanding globally involves the proper forecasting of cultural issues. Consider how ethical values and corporate social responsibility (CSR) might challenge the strategic process and the planned outcomes.

What are the prime ethical considerations for each of the chosen international strategies, and what type of strategic plan must accompany the international strategy to meet the ethical and CSR expectations?


Use SPSS program to analyze the data gathered in the research and follow the same context and steps applying them within the context online bancking

The Data analysis and discussion of results should be done using spss program ( similar data analysis as attached article)

Use SPSS program to analyze the data gathered in the research and follow the same context and steps applying them within the context online bancking

 Identify and define the various types of strategic alternatives and how the process of bundling might help or harm the strategic motivation of the organization. What is the goal of strategic bundling?

Strategic intent is an important aspect of maintaining or improving market position and market share.

Week 3 looks closely at strategy and the concept of strategic alternatives and strategic alternative bundling.

Identify and define the various types of strategic alternatives and how the process of bundling might help or harm the strategic motivation of the organization. What is the goal of strategic bundling?

Summarize the history of the organization. Define their current market position and market share.

Describe what type of strategic alternative helped to facilitate their current market position. What strategic alternative might the organization use for future growth and improvement?

Your initial post must be specific and significant. The initial post must be between 300 and 350 words. You must support your post with at least two scholarly resources in addition to the text to defend your positions and findings.

Use the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document for additional guidance.

 Was it a wise foreign policy decision for the Trump Administration to unilaterally withdraw from the JPCOA (AKA Iran Nuclear Deal)?

Iran Nuclear Deal

Write a response to the following questions and content.



What did you learn from the two videos.

Was it a wise foreign policy decision for the Trump Administration to unilaterally withdraw from the JPCOA (AKA Iran Nuclear Deal)?

Should the Biden Administration re-enter the JCPOA with its European partners and Russia and China?

Critically analyze whether force can be used in self-defence by a state when the armed attack that it is responding to was perpetrated by a non-state actor.

Critically analyze whether force can be used in self-defence by a state when the armed attack that it is responding to was perpetrated by a non-state actor.

What ideas and/or information in the content did you learn and find interesting?

World’s Reaction to Biden Election

The first paragraph should indicate what you learned from the posted content, highlighting several ideas that you found interesting. Ask yourself in writing the first paragraph of each response: The more you demonstrate what your learned that you otherwise did not know about the topic, the better off you are. What ideas and/or information in the content did you learn and find interesting? And not just what you think, but give a college-level explanation of WHY you think a certain way about the topic.

Why did you experience the performance that you experienced? What was correct or incorrect about your initial hypotheses? If the trades failed (which, of course, is fine and expected about half the time!) why did they fail?

Strategies in Investment, Options& Futures-FIN

Submit a detailed report that describes the performance of your trades. How much did you earn on each trade?  make sure to describe your performance in specific dollar terms, not percentage terms. Your report should be three pages in length and include the following sections:
– A single-page summary of the performance of your trades (1 page in total).
– A discussion of the performance of your trades including a discussion explaining any failures, and including detailed numbers with supporting evidence from your data source (only 1 page per trade).
Here are some more details regarding what you should focus on when preparing deliverable 2:
–  How much did you earn on each trade? Make sure to describe your performance in specific dollar terms, not percentage terms.

Summarize the performance for all trades on a single page and then discuss in more depth for each trade. The reference to “evidence from data source” means that you should  present the numbers that show how you have performed.

For option positions, simply compare the price of the given option when you close out the position to the price at the beginning of the period

For futures positions, compare the value of the futures contract when you close out the position to its value when you initiated the position.

– Why did you experience the performance that you experienced? What was correct or incorrect about your initial hypotheses? If the trades failed (which, of course, is fine and expected about half the time!) why did they fail?

Based on your knowledge of anatomical differences, why are women more likely than men to get urinary tract infections?

BIOS 256 Case Study 4

Mr. P is 77 yrs old and is having urinary problems. He urinates more frequently than he did when he was younger, but he still can’t seem to fully empty his bladder. He has to get up several times at night to use the bathroom and it is exhausting him!

Physical exam: consider what exam would be helpful in determining his diagnosis

Labs: urinalysis is normal

Answer the following questions based on the scenario and article above and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.

Trace the flow of urine from the collecting duct to the urethral meatus.

Based on your knowledge of the male urinary tract, what normal organ is most likely obstructing the urinary outflow?

Based on the anatomic location of this structure, how can this structure be examined?

Predict the consequences of the inability to empty the bladder.

Define interprofessional education, explain how it was developed, and discuss the goals of this type of education model within a health care setting.

Team Inter-professional Education and Patient Centered Care

1. Define inter professional education, explain how it was developed, and discuss the goals of this type of education model within a health care setting.

2. Discuss how inter-professional education can prepare health care professionals for inter-professional collaboration initiatives in the workplace.

3.Discuss the concept of wellness as a framework for health care. How does inter-professional education help prepare health care professionals to practice wellness initiatives?

4. Explain the concept of a patient-centered care model, and describe how inter-professional collaboration enhances the patient-focused care a health care organization is able to offer.