
What constraints are there in supply of this good or service that could impact revenue growth and profitability?

Managerial Economics

The purpose of this assignment is to apply information learned about supply, demand and consumer behavior to your chosen company and determine how the company can use this information to increase revenue and profitability. Consumer behavior can be affected by a change in tastes for goods or because of some ethical scandal that makes consumers not want to buy from a company. There are many factors that impact supply and demand for a good or service and it’s important to understand how these factors impact a business and its goal of maximizing revenue and profit.


Using the company you have chosen (YOU HAVE CHOSEN Apple Inc.) for analysis in this class, conduct research to determine the following:

Who is the consumer of this company’s good or service?

What factors, including ethical factors, determine consumer demand for this good or service?

Based on your research, is demand for this company’s good or service increasing, decreasing or staying the same?

What constraints are there in supply of this good or service that could impact revenue growth and profitability?

Based on your research, what strategies would work for your company to maximize revenue and profits?

This information should be formatted as a Memo to an executive who wants this information in order to develop plans for the upcoming quarter. Once you have identified the information, you should give your view on what strategies the company should take to improve performance.

Your memo should be 2 ½ to 3 pages typed (font size 12, double spaced, APA standard margins), adhering to proper grammar, writing structure topic organization, clarity of thought, and use of supplemental content. Here is a link to the format for a standard memo. You must adhere to APA citation guidelines.

Explain how the article relates to at least one of the learning objectives and explain why the information in the article matters in the context of business decision making.

Managerial Economics

Identify and summarize a current event article that is relevant to the weekly learning objectives and assigned readings (this week’s topic is supply and demand).

Be sure to use reputable scholarly or journalistic sources such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Economist, , etc.

Here is an example of article on topic: “One of the Giants”. Ronald Coase, the economist who explained why firms exist, died on September 2nd, aged 102.

Explain how the article relates to at least one of the learning objectives and explain why the information in the article matters in the context of business decision making.

Your response should be insightful, thoughtful, and analytical. Your response must have a clear, well formulated thesis, development using textual quotes and references; sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling count.

Citations must be in APA 6th Edition format.

why is this med, what is neurochemistry action of med, side effects to monitor, expected benefits, contraindications; counseling-goals, rationale for this type of therapy, (CBT) expected benefits up.


See below for specific instructions. All you have to add to document attached is (Treatment plan section: neuro biology of disorder(s). GAD, ADHD, MDD: (Include genetics, neurotransmitters, neuro anatomical changes, Current theories of causation, cultural factors)

Rationale for each part of management plan ( why is this med, what is neurochemistry action of med, side effects to monitor, expected benefits, contraindications; counseling-goals, rationale for this type of therapy, (CBT) expected benefits up.


What are the methods used when comparing two documents to align. You should mention some theories or strategies.


In the methodology section. You should mention the methods used to review documents i.e

What are the methods used when comparing two documents to align. You should mention some theories or strategies.

Identify a theory that uses a concept of interest to you that can be applied in research and nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration).

Nursing theory

Identify a theory that uses a concept of interest to you that can be applied in research and nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration).

This is a professional paper in which headings, full sentences, paragraphs, correct grammar and punctuation, and correct citation of sources are required.

The theory you select will be the same theory used for each assignment in the future modules.

What projects are they currently working on that are related to public health, epidemiology, disease outbreaks, or healthcare-acquired infections?

list three (3) different organizations you would like to do your project on. Why did you choose them?
Review the organizations’ websites and try to make contact with someone at the organization.

What projects are they currently working on that are related to public health, epidemiology, disease outbreaks, or healthcare-acquired infections?

Respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ or your instructor’s posts. Comment on the organizations they chose. Which organizations do you think are the best options and why?

Which factors contribute to this statistic? Are there differences between healthcare “needs” and “wants” in this population? How could you close this gap?

It is often stated that excess mortality is higher in low socioeconomic populations. Visit the Kaiser Family Foundation and read about the reasons behind these disparities.

Which factors contribute to this statistic? Are there differences between healthcare “needs” and “wants” in this population? How could you close this gap?

Explain how the company uses the total cost approach to coordinate the selected logistics activities in a cost-efficient manner.

Identify two logistics-related activities the company utilizes to achieve its business goals. You may select, for example, the company’s inventory management system, warehousing operations, order management, transportation management, international logistics, or any other activities.

Name the company that you chose and identify and describe the two logistics activities you selected that support the company’s supply chain and business strategies.

Explain how the company uses the total cost approach to coordinate the selected logistics activities in a cost-efficient manner.

Identify the tools and/or methods (as described in Chapter 4 of your textbook) that the company uses to measure the quality of its logistics performance.

Describe one tool/method, and briefly explain what it measures and how it works.

Support your report with credible sources, citing from the company’s websites, business publications or articles, and assigned readings from this week. Reference them in your discussion post in proper APA style

Evaluate the legal risks and malpractice issues you identified in Milestone Two, being sure to analyze how conflicting values may impact potential legal risks.

Immunizations Outline

 For your third milestone in your final project, you will develop an outline of the areas of analysis for your chosen issue. This will serve as a template for Milestone Four, where you will provide your indepth analysis of each component.

Your outline for Milestone Three should include the following elements to be analyzed in the next milestone:

A.Analyze the needs and interests of the key stakeholders you identified. Be sure to provide specific examples.

B.Apply current healthcare laws, policies, and financing practices to the issue. Be sure to highlight any potential financial ramifications associated with the issue.

C.Explain why stakeholder value conflicts may exist in this environment. Be sure to justify your reasoning.

D.Evaluate the legal risks and malpractice issues you identified in Milestone Two, being sure to analyze how conflicting values may impact potential legal risks.

Discuss the different states of consciousness that you have experienced in the past 24 hours, including any periods when you were asleep, alert, or “daydreaming.


Discuss the different states of consciousness that you have experienced in the past 24 hours, including any periods when you were asleep, alert, or “daydreaming.

Describe both the brain and bodily activity you experienced during each state of consciousness. Include information from class materials, readings, and research on states of consciousness to support your discussion.