
Why did you choose this topic? What interested you in this topic? Do you have any history with this topic?

Topic Analysis Assignment Instructions
You will write an essay (a minimum of 500 words) in which you select 1 higher education topic that you will use as the focus for your Course Project in this course.

As you select your topic, you will need to narratively discuss the following items. This assignment requires citations from 5 sources in current APA formatting.

Why did you choose this topic?
What interested you in this topic?
Do you have any history with this topic?
Why is this topic significant or worthwhile to study?
What can be learned from this topic?

How does this topic relate to current practices?


 Discuss one key concept from the course and apply it to analyzing current events in their communities, the wider society, and around the world.

Discuss one key concept from the course and apply it to analyzing current events in their communities, the wider society, and around the world.


Has western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent? Is society still too prude and irrational about sex, or has it become too sexually liberal? Give reasoning to support your answers.

Bertrand Russell in sexuality

Consider Russell’s views on western attitudes towards sex in the 1930’s. Has western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent? Is society still too prude and irrational about sex, or has it become too sexually liberal? Give reasoning to support your answers.

Explain the mechanics of a well-written fundraising program. Include a discussion of ethics and accountability.

Fundraising: involving volunteers, managing the process and ethics discussion

Explain the mechanics of a well-written fundraising program. Include a discussion of ethics and accountability.

What is the situation you are calling about? Identify self, unit, patient, room number. Briefly state the problem, what is it, when it happened or started, and how severe.


What is the situation you are calling about? Identify self, unit, patient, room number. Briefly state the problem, what is it, when it happened or started, and how severe.

Background: Pertinent background information related to the situation could include the following:

• The admitting diagnosis and date of admission
• List of current medications, allergies, IV fluids, and labs
• Most recent vital signs
• Lab results: provide the date and time test was done and results of previous tests for comparison
• Other clinical information
• Code status

Assessment: What is the nurse’s assessment of the situation?

Recommendation: What is the nurse’s recommendation or what does he/she want?

• Notification that patient has been admitted
• Patient needs to be seen now
• Order change

Identify the population that should be surveyed and the benefits and limitations of reaching that specific population.

Researcher in a Business Consulting Firm

1-What business research problem does Royal Barton face?

2-What are his informational needs? List some survey research objectives for a research project on the Royal Bee system

3-What type of survey(s) should be selected for this research?

4-Identify the population that should be surveyed and the benefits and limitations of reaching that specific population.

5-What sources of survey error are most likely to occur in a study of this type?

6-What means and methods should be used to obtain a high response rate?

7-From a fishing competition perspective, is this an ethical product? Is it fair for use in competition? Is it ethical for the firm (you) to participate in helping to increase access, sales, and development of this product for professional competitive fishermen?

Explore and explain agile service design and its affects on customer experience.

1. Explore and explain agile service design and its affects on customer experience.
2. Discuss how the hospitality industry can take CB advantage of this method.

Identify an interpersonal conflict you are currently experiencing with one specific individual. It could be with a boss, subordinate, vendor/supplier, client, or co-worker.

Identify an interpersonal conflict you are currently experiencing with one specific individual. It could be with a boss, subordinate, vendor/supplier, client, or co-worker.

Analyze the conflict using the principles presented in our text and in the videos.

First, Identify and describe the type of conflict you are experiencing. What is the focus of the conflict? What is/are the specific source(s) of the conflict?

Select an appropriate strategy to address this conflict (forcing, compromising, collaborative, compromising, accommodating).

Explain why you believe the strategy you chose is best for this situation in terms of the:

Importance of the relationship

Importance of the issue

Relative power

Time constraints



Describe how the strategy you chose relates to the “Managing Interpersonal Conflict” and “Strategies of Handling Conflict” assessments.

For example, is the strategy you chose in step 2 your “go to” strategy? Could there be an opportunity to “stretch” your skills?

Draft a “script” in which you initiate a conversation with the individual with whom you are experiencing conflict.

Discuss your overall reaction to the concept of white privilege as defined in Collins’ article. Feel free to use examples from media, and/or your own experience in reacting to the article.

Reading Response: “What is White Privilege Really?”
To gain a background understanding for our upcoming course readings, read the brief article “What is White Privilege Really?”Links to an external site.

1) First, briefly explain how the author of “What is White Privilege Really?”

2) Next, quote a passage of one to four sentences long from “What is White Privilege Really?”Links to an external site.

Explain why you chose that particular quote, and how it relates, or does not relate, to your own experience.

2) discuss your overall reaction to the concept of white privilege as defined in Collins’ article. Feel free to use examples from media, and/or your own experience in reacting to the article.

Discuss the difference and similarities between an interview and an interrogation. Second, analyze new Technologies impacting crime scene investigation.

Discuss the difference and similarities between an interview and an interrogation. Second, analyze new Technologies impacting crime scene investigation.

Lastly, craft a fictional crime, any crime, and tell me step by step how you would solve it.