
Was your calorie intake within 150 calories of the calorie level recommended by the diet analysis program ?

Food Group Nutrients

Energy Balance:

Which 3 foods contributed the most calories to your diet?

Was your calorie intake within 150 calories of the calorie level recommended by the diet analysis program ?

Summarize the relationship between the calories you consumed and your activity calories. You summary must be at least 100 words. The box will expand as you type.

Discuss and analyze both the internal and the external factors that lead to the destabilization of Umuofia society.

 Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart (1959)

Discuss and analyze both the internal and the external factors that lead to the destabilization of Umuofia society. This full ten-page critical literary essay in proper MLA style must have an original title, an introduction, a body and a conclusion.

In addition, you must incorporate (quote or paraphrase) from at least six nonfiction secondary sources into your essay; no other novels. poems, short stories can be used. These non-fiction secondary sources can be literary criticism, history, sociological, legal, or religious texts.

This you must have a Works Cited page in proper MLA style as your last page after your tenth page, all sources must be listed on this page. Essays that are less than ten full pages will not obtain a passing grade.. You should post your introduction and topic sentences as soon as possible in order to obtain feedback.

Here in the final research essay the focus is on the important themes that the writer illustrates; so your introduction should state the themes, internal and external that you will discuss and analyze.

In the body paragraphs other literary aspects can be discussed to support the topic sentences which in turn support the thesis statement. No other literature or handouts from the professor can be used in this essay. Your six non-fiction secondary sources must be based on your research. Ten full pages with the 11th page being your Works Cited page.


What does the study mean in the big picture and how does the study apply to your own research question/topic?


The purpose of the Student Affairs Issue Project is to assist the PhD candidate with formulating his or her thoughts around a very important issue in today’s higher education culture. You will learn how to investigate issues and determine best practices for possible resolutions to the issue by articulating possible solutions.

From the professional associations’ websites or the higher education news agencies, choose a current student affairs issue being discussed (i.e., free speech, gender, racial equity, student debt).

Develop a research question, narrowed to investigate a particular issue pertaining to student affairs. Submit your research question/topic with your rough draft and article critique.

In developing a research question, be sure to do a thorough review of the Jerry Falwell Library resources, various higher education news agencies, and course material.

Be sure you have a narrow student affairs issue with plenty of research material. You can determine the type (quantitative or qualitative) of research question and scope.

Article Critique Assignment is to assist the candidate with researching current literature in the Jerry Falwell Library. Being able to research current literature on a given topic will be very beneficial to any educational leader.

Just as important as researching on a topic is the ability to fully understand what others have written on the topic, critiquing their findings, and appreciating how their work may be beneficial to your research.

You are required to submit a critique (1,000–1,250 words, not including title, abstract, and reference pages) of an article related to your research question/topic. The article critique must be written in current APA format (including a title, abstract, reference pages), include 3 Level 1 headings (Background of the Study, Critique of the Study and Conclusion), and incorporate a minimum of 2 scholarly citations.

Access the Jerry Falwell Library (JFL) Online Research Portal and use the Education Research Guide link on the Student Affairs Issue Project: Article Critique Assignment page to find peer-reviewed journal articles. The article that you choose must be scholarly, empirical (research-based), and written within the last 5 years.

Include the following elements in your critique:

Introduction (no header)

A. Inform the reader about your own research question/topic

B. Provide the article title and author

C. Offer insight into why the article was chosen

Background of the Study

A. Description of how the researchers attempted to answer the question:

a. Methodology

b. Population studied

c. Unique features of the study

B. Description of the research findings.

Critique of the Study

A. Do you have confidence in the researcher findings? (i.e., Were there flaws in the study design, questions, etc.?)

B. Does the study give an explanation to other people that were not the subject of the research (application of results to other locations, people, or groups—transferability)?

C. What does the study mean in the big picture and how does the study apply to your own research question/topic?

D. What ways could your biblical worldview fit into the contents of the article?


Explain which social determinants of health are identified as well as the programs that are identified that address these social determinants.

In your own words:
• Define leading health indicators

• Define social determinants of health

• Describe the difference between the two

Summarize the article.

Explain which social determinants of health are identified as well as the programs that are identified that address these social determinants.

Explain how the social determinants of health that are identified impact individual and community health.

Select and describe one social determinant of health.

In what ways can this social determinant of health influence one of the leading health indicators? For example, for the leading health indicator of oral health care, you might discuss the different social factors that impact oral health like socioeconomic status.

Where do you think the blight that killed off the chestnut trees in eastern North America came from? Why are some chestnuts still alive today? And why are they not as big as they once were decades ago?

 1.Hypothesize: generate a hypothesis in reply to Mary’s questions. You do not have the full picture yet, but what do you predict you will find? What exactly is a blight?

Where do you think the blight that killed off the chestnut trees in eastern North America came from? Why are some chestnuts still alive today? And why are they not as big as they once were decades ago?

What is the role of family or friends during the communication? What supports do you need to make available to patients?

Communicating Bad News to Patients

What are the pros and cons for using telehealth for communicating bad news? How do patients react?

What is the role of family or friends during the communication? What supports do you need to make available to patients?

Why is this a terrorist strategy? Which terrorists use this strategic method?  Why? When is this strategic method effective?  Why? What are the flaws of this strategy?  Why? and What infrastructures support the use of this method as part of a terrorist strategy?  How and Why?

Impact of Current Terrorist Strategies On The USA Interests

This paper must include a brief history of the strategy as well as answer the following questions:  Why is this a terrorist strategy? Which terrorists use this strategic method?  Why? When is this strategic method effective?  Why? What are the flaws of this strategy?  Why? and What infrastructures support the use of this method as part of a terrorist strategy?  How and Why?

Who qualifies for palliative care? How is it financed? Who manages it? What services does it provide? How long does it last?

Then discuss how palliative care is different and/or the same as hospice. Who qualifies for palliative care? How is it financed? Who manages it? What services does it provide? How long does it last?

How would you feed this many people? What technology would you use and what historical basis can you based your prediction of the future.

World population is at about 7.5 billion in the world today. The population will probably double within your lifetime exceeding the current carrying capacity of the planet.

Use of Genetically Modified Organisms have increased crop yields and have increased the food carrying capacity of planet Earth.

How would you feed this many people? What technology would you use and what historical basis can you based your prediction of the future.

What have your experiences been throughout this class? ​ Positive or negative


Paper Guidelines

• Name and title in the header…DO NOT add extra lines

• No title page.

• Single space, times new roman, 12 point font, and 1-inch margin

• References page with at least one (1) reference

• Paper must be 2 pages in length

Paper Content
• What is your favorite yoga pose, and why? If you have two that’s ok )

​• Provide the English and Sanskrit names for your pose and provide physical cues and benefits of the pose.

​• Why did you enroll in this class? BE HONEST!!

​• What have your experiences been throughout this class? ​ Positive or negative