
What are its strengths and weaknesses. What recommendations would you make to change the business case to help ensure it would pass through the committee system.

Strategic Project Management

You are an independent project management consultant who has been engaged by the Director of Capital Projects for the Estates Department of GUL.

In 3,000 words provide a report for the Director, analysing the KARL business case. What are its strengths and weaknesses.

What recommendations would you make to change the business case to help ensure it would pass through the committee system.




Do you think that the law is sufficient to protect workers in Canada? Do you think the law should change? If yes, how and why should the law change? If no, why is the law effective as it is?

This assignment requires you to locate and evaluate a news story related to issues involving employment law in Canada. You can choose any Canadian news article from a reputable source published in the last 2 years. Stories on blogs or social media are not acceptable. The story should be from a reputable news agency, newspaper, television station, or similar source. It could be local (Ontario) or national media (Canada wide).

1. Write a 4 page paper outlining the following:

Brief overview of the facts

Explanation of the employment law issue, including the law, the position of the employer(s) and the position of the worker(s)

Provide your own reasoned opinion of the issues described. Do you think that the law is sufficient to protect workers in Canada? Do you think the law should change? If yes, how and why should the law change? If no, why is the law effective as it is?

The assignment is a formal paper.

A mastery of course material and concepts related to employment law should be demonstrated within your paper.


Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of learning and collaborating with peers online at higher education.

Produce a written research essay paper.

You are to research and evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of learning and
collaborating with peers online at higher education.

You must supply at least five credible sources where you got your information from.

 Do you socialize mostly with members of your own ethnic, racial, or gender group? Why?

Do you socialize mostly with members of your own ethnic, racial, or gender group? Why?

Write an essay that explores, in detail, the advantages of a more diverse social life and the ways that you could go about making this change happen.

What are the most important qualities of a committed relationship? What factors keep such a relationship positive and alive? Would it be shared interests, trust, humor, or nurturing each other’s growth? Your audience is anyone who wants a devoted relationship.

Then write an essay that explains three key qualities of committed partnership. Support your points with details and examples.

critically compare and contrast arguments in favour of and against the notion that patterns of HRM are likely to converge as multinational corporations extend their influence and globalisation reduces the difference between nation states.


·       Now, with specific regards to national employment and HR systems, critically compare and contrast arguments in favor of and against the notion that patterns of HRM are likely to converge as multinational corporations extend their influence and globalization reduces the difference between nation states.


Assignment details and instructions

To critically analyse, by providing evidence and examples, the extent to which Human resources (HR) patterns around the world are becoming more similar or whether specific HR patterns will be associated with specific countries because of the idiosyncratic historical, societal, economic and political context of the country. Keep in mind that this is a debate and the answer is not black or white.

You need to examine evidence from a variety of studies that point to either divergence or convergence and critically assess what these studies are actually implying (i.e. the level and type of convergence). You should also discuss and analyze the forces that could possibly push for convergence, as well as the factors that can prevent it from taking place and support the path-dependency view.

Moreover, you should also demonstrate an understanding of the role multinational corporations’ play in this process, as well as of the ethical considerations embedded in this debate. Use of specific examples, of either host countries or multinational corporations, will strengthen your arguments and help you provide a more in-depth analysis.

The content must demonstrate how to:

§  understand and define the concept of globalization

§  understand definitions of international human resource management and key debates in the field

§  Understand the difference between HR management and International Human resources management (IHRM) and how context shapes the latter.

§  understand the role of the multinational company (MNC) in the process of globalization

§  evaluate the key features of international business

§  examine the dynamics between multinational companies and nation states

§  Evaluate the impact of culture on IRHM.

§  define the key debates that exist in IHRM

§  evaluate the key challenges for HRM in multinational companies

§  critically evaluate the debate for and against convergence and divergence

§  Consider how best to transfer HR practices in multinational companies.

§  evaluate the features of a host environment

§  assess if and how HRM practices need to be altered to fit local conditions

§  Analyze the key challenges faced by the HRM professional when managing internationally.

§  assess how national culture impacts on an organization

§  understand the importance of expatriate management and cultural intelligence

§  Evaluate how cultural values shape human resource management strategy.

§  evaluate international variations in business ethics

§  evaluate models of corporate social responsibility

§  Understand the importance of transparency and accountability to ethical behaviors in international business.


Should the French government relax its AOC system, allowing French vintners to expand the size of their chateâux to capture economies of scale? Why or why not?

The Growing Trade in Growing Grapes

Prepare your composition to cover the following topics or questions with in the Body section of the paper described for this assignment:

Both Old World vineyards and New World vineyards compete in the global market place.

What are the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the Old World vineyards?

Of the New World vineyards?

Why are French wines able to command a price premium in export markets?

Should the French government relax its AOC system, allowing French vintners to expand the size of their chateâux to capture economies of scale? Why or why not?

Should the U.S. government adopt an AOC system to ensure the quality of U.S. wines destined for export markets?

Which type of retailer is likely to specialize in Old World wines? In New World Wines?

Give a reason for your answer.

How do modern firm based theories of international trade apply to this case?

Critically describe how you would evaluate the success of a salt intake intervention program in this setting-500words

A) Critically evaluate the excessive salt intake in adult men aged 40-65 in a workplace setting- 1,000words

Your write up should include:
1)Background research,

2)Clearly and concisely presented

3)Ottawa Carter Health promotion (a way to achieve the recommended 6g/d intake)

4) Awareness of related public health activities

B) Critically describe how you would evaluate the success of a salt intake intervention program in this setting-500words

What criteria will you employ to evaluate the outcomes?

What evaluation tools will you use?

Explain what financial compliance processes could have prevented the occurrence of this case.

Fraud case

Compliance is a comprehensive program that helps institutions, and their employees conduct operations and activities ethically; with the highest level of integrity, and in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

To have an effective compliance program, an organization must establish and maintain an organizational culture that “encourages ethical conduct and a commitment to compliance with the law.” U.S. Federal Sentencing Guideline.

Develop a 3-5 page white paper using the case as the point of application for the financial compliance process and that provides a succinct overview of the healthcare finance fraud committed applied to the chosen case.
The potential criminal and monetary fines that can be imposed on the individual and/or organization from the case.

Explain what financial compliance processes could have prevented the occurrence of this case.

What loopholes in the applicable law or the system the perpetrators used to commit the fraud.

Identify, define, and explain the concepts of information technology governance and management

GG Freight ways (GGFRT) IT Strategic Plan,
This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply the course concepts to complete the development of an Information Technology Strategic Plan (ITSP) to support the strategic direction of GG Freightways (GGFRT). This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:

Identify, define, and explain the concepts of information technology governance and management

Apply best practices in information technology management and governance to make, defend, and justify an IT decision.

How has the growth of cognitive psychology changed the way Tolman’s theories are viewed today?

How has the growth of cognitive psychology changed the way Tolman’s theories are viewed today?

Also will appreciate if you are able to get information for paper from Stephen B. Klein book “Learning” that will be helpful.