
Analyze the impact of communications on society, and explain the importance of ethical decision making given that impact. Use examples from advertising, entertainment, technology advancements and politics.

Analyze the impact of communications on society, and explain the importance of ethical decision making given that impact. Use examples from advertising, entertainment, technology advancements and politics.


Critically examine why environmental protection is not a core policing responsibility.

 Green Crime and Environmental Justice

Must answer only ONE of the following questions:
You may choose which ONE of four questions you’d like to answer, that you believe in your professional opinion you can do the best on.

1. Critically assess the importance of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as environmental law enforcers.

2. Critically examine why environmental protection is not a core policing responsibility.

3. Drawing upon a relevant case study, critically discuss how the justice system should respond to corporations’ false claims of environmental compliance.

4. “The story of global warming as a state-corporate crime helps to explain why it remains important for criminologists to address the relationship between power and crime” (Lynch, Burns & Stretesky, 2010, p. 230). Critically examine this statement.

Contains accurate, relevant material in the subject matter.

Demonstrates understanding of complex subject matter and is able to view it in a wider context.
NO bullet pointed or short sentences

Shows originality and confidence in analyzing and criticizing assumptions, is aware of the limits of knowledge.

Evidence of extensive research, uses and presents references effectively.
NO constant repetition as the essay should flow nicely.

Excellent in terms of organization, structure, use and flow of language, grammar, spelling, format, presentation, diagrams, tables etc.

Explain and describe cultural and/or ethical, legal or regulatory issues related to your topic. 

Improving health care for transgendered people

This week, you will find three scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles on your topic. Remember that next week you will submit a paper on Cultural and/or Ethical perspectives of inquiry, so use this week’s assignment to prepare materials and collect information for that purpose.

Explain and describe cultural and/or ethical, legal or regulatory issues related to your topic.


How does the author use rhetorical strategies to sell this product to its audience?

Describe, deconstruct, and analyze the advertisement by answering the following items:

Where did you find the advertisement ?

Briefly describe the scenario depicted in the advertisement.

What product is advertised?

Who is the audience for this advertisement? How do you know this?

Identify the main claim in the advertisement.

Is the claim credible? Why or why not? Use class terminology to explain.

What might make the claim more credible? What might make it less credible?

How does the author use rhetorical strategies to sell this product to its audience?

Does the advertisement reveal any cognitive biases? Which ones and how?


What is transnational criminology? How can it help us to understand global issues of crime and violence?


Work required: A 2000-word answer to the following question.

What is transnational criminology? How can it help us to understand global issues of crime and violence? Draw on a specific case study of transnational crime to explore these questions further.


Explain all four aspects of your personality gleaned from the assessment.

Introduction to the assignment. (Introduction starts after the title on page 2. The word Introduction is not used. A title is required –Personality Types).

Integrates how your specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment.

Explain all four aspects of your personality gleaned from the assessment.

A conclusion should refocus the reader to the main points of the paper. No new information should be included in a conclusion.


how have you seen social media represent a major threat or opportunity for a company? What advice could you offer a company to overcome these threats or to take advantage of the opportunities presented by social media?

In your own experience, how have you seen social media represent a major threat or opportunity for a company?

What advice could you offer a company to overcome these threats or to take advantage of the opportunities presented by social media?

Do you think organizations that have comprehensive mission statements tend to be high performers? How do mission and vision statements assist in selecting an industry-specific strategy?

Over the course of this unit, we have discussed the importance of mission and vision statements. As a part of that discussion, we analyzed mission and vision statements for their effectiveness. For the Unit II Essay, you will expand on this topic.

Within your essay, include the information below.

Include an introduction.

Explain the principle value of two vision statements.

Explain the principle value of two mission statements.

Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance.

Compare and contrast mission statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance.

Do you think organizations that have comprehensive mission statements tend to be high performers? How do mission and vision statements assist in selecting an industry-specific strategy?

Explain why a mission statement should not include monetary amounts, numbers, percentages, ratios, goals, or objectives.

Your essay should be a minimum of three pages in length or approximately 750 words, not including the title and reference pages. You must also include an outside source from the CSU Online Library to support your explanations. Follow APA standards for formatting and referencing.

Identify the offer, method of acceptance, and consideration in the e-contract. Are e-contracts treated the same as “regular” contracts?


Identify the offer, method of acceptance, and consideration in the e-contract.
Are e-contracts treated the same as “regular” contracts?

Write about a provision you found interesting, which ties into some of the readings in our text.

How do the plan and design of the architecture reflect the public use of the monument from its original purpose to the present time?

The Jerusalem Temple

In a well-written Microsoft Word document of between 150-200 words, answer the following questions:

1.How do the plan and design of the architecture reflect the public use of the monument from its original purpose to the present time?

2.What is your perception of the scale, proportion, and balance in the structure? (These are important architectural terms that can be found in the glossary of terms or other resources provided in the course.)

3.In your opinion, does the form of the building reflect its function? How?

4.How is a sense of “grandeur” conveyed by the plan and exterior?