
How do you perform your gender on a daily basis? What signs and indicators do you use to project your gender identity to the world?

Respond to the following prompt in an essay, using a minimum of three assigned readings from Modules 1-3 to support your argument 

How do you perform your gender on a daily basis? What signs and indicators do you use to project your gender identity to the world?

In what ways do you feel your (gendered) body “fits” or does not “fit” into the (public) world around you?

Do you feel comfortable in the gendered activities assigned to you by your society and culture, or do you feel constrained by them ( – or something in between, perhaps)?

In addressing the prompt, make sure you make it clear that you understand the differences between sex and gender (and that both of these terms are separate from sexuality) and that you make use of the concepts of gender identity, gender performance, gendered socialization (socialization by assigned gender), and gender expectations (from society.)

Explain how the technique might work with a specific stakeholder category.

There are 5 general techniques for resolving conflicts: Withdraw/Avoid, Smooth/Accommodate, Compromise/Reconcile, Force/Direct and Collaborate/ Problem Solve.
Pick any two and create an example using any three techniques.

Explain how the technique might work with a specific stakeholder category.
You may use an example from Roeder text or your own example. .

Why do you think that this is important when managing a global team regardless of the technology platform such as social media?

Stakeholder Disc 

This week’s discussion will be about the risks of virtual teams. Specifically,

internationalization and localization.
Localization entails customization related to:

Numeric, date and time formats

Use of currency

Keyboard usage

Collation and sorting

Symbols, icons and colors
Varying legal requirements
A guide for the use of color in international communications. Click for more options A guide for the use of color in international communications.

– Alternative Formats
Why do you think that this is important when managing a global team regardless of the technology platform such as social media?

How much does personal developmental history effect one’s moral behavior, and can individuals overcome bad upbringing?

How Much Should We Do for Our Fellow Man?
We are ruminating over, at least, three topics here:
1) How much does personal developmental history effect moral behavior?;
2) How much should we do for our fellow man ?

3) When we support weakness and the unfortunate, do we then make people weak
(Give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, he eats for life.)?

First, read attached “Shame”, by Dick Gregory.
Then, write a researched-supported paper  (at least two sources), MLA-styled,  1,000-2,500 word essay, using at least two quotes from sources for support on the one of these inquiries (beware reliance on personal anecdotes) —
INQUIRY: WRITE ON ONE OF THESE TOPICS, being clear on which you are doing in your abstract:

1) How much does personal developmental history effect one’s moral behavior, and can individuals overcome bad upbringing?

2) How much should we do for our fellow man? Consider local charity and government welfare.

3) When we support weakness and the unfortunate, do we then make people weak? How do people become strong and resilient?

What ways do trade unions operate at a global level to protect workers’ rights? What are the complexities and challenges facing the trade union movement?

Answer one of the following questions.

This is a 2, 500 word assignment (which excludes the references at the end).

Given the rise of non-union employing , critically assess whether managers can really create harmonious employee relations.
‘European Union employment legislation has transformed employment relations in the UK for the better.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?

What ways do trade unions operate at a global level to protect workers’ rights?

What are the complexities and challenges facing the trade union movement?

Identify and discuss key components of the study, the researcher behind the study, and the reliability of the study. 

For this assignment, you will read and critique the research article written below. Your critique will be a short paper in which you fully address the questions listed below.

Identify and discuss key components of the study, the researcher behind the study, and the reliability of the study.

Discuss the ethical considerations taken into account by the researcher.

What was the purpose of the study?

What was the need or rationale for this particular study?
Literature Review

What types of sources were used in the literature review?

What themes and content areas were explored?

How does previous literature influence this study’s design?

What was the role assumed by the researcher? What was the person’s training and background?

What was the design selected?

Which sampling technique was used? How were people selected to be interviewed or observed?

What was the sample size?

What data collection strategies were used? Were multiple strategies employed?

What strategies did the researcher use to minimize potential bias (internal and external validity)?

Limitations and Ethics

What are the recognized limitations of the study?

What ethical consideration was addressed?

Did the researcher specify how informed consent, confidentiality, etc. were handled in the field?

Did the author(s) make a clear case for what valuable information was gained from their research? If so, what was learned?

Did the author(s) make clear other avenues of research that should be taken in the future? If so, what was suggested?

Identify at least three risks to each success measure, determine which are major risks, and for each major risk develop one or more contingency plan.

Describe what each project success measure (from the textbook Exhibit 10.1) looks like on your example project.

Identify at least three risks to each success measure, determine which are major risks, and for each major risk develop one or more contingency plan.

Identify whether the contingency plan is an avoidance plan (reducing the probability of the risk event), a mitigation plan (reducing the impact of the event), or both.

Facilitate a discussion with the sponsor and other key stakeholders of your project. Have them determine the relative importance of their priorities and document them as in the textbook Exhibit

Give correct and complete reference of literature or web reference that you are reviewing and briefly introduce, discuss or analyze how this source is useful to your work.

Health And Equity

1) Briefly introduce and state your research question and discuss why you have chosen to write on this topic. (This section can be from a couple of sentences to a paragraph or so).

2) Give correct and complete reference of literature or web reference that you are reviewing and briefly introduce, discuss or analyze how this source is useful to your work.

Anne Westhues and Brian Wharf, (2012). Canadian social policy: issues and perspectives. (5th edition) Waterloo, Ontario : Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

According to Westhues and Wharf the low-income measure (LIM), the “highest incidence of poverty…was among people in female lone-parent families with no earner” (Westhues, 176).

The poverty rate among this group is 86.5%. Furthermore, female lone-parent families with one earner had a poverty level of 38.7% in 1989 and 30.6% in 2009. Accordingly, these figures indicate

1) The inadequacy of social income programs for the poor in bringing female lone-parent families with no earner anywhere near the internationally used poverty line; and

2) the persistence of poverty among the vulnerable children in Canada” (Westhues, 179).

This source is useful to my research question as it allows a comparison of Canadian child poverty rates of female lone-parent to those in other countries. Also, this source suggests that poverty, therefore, is irrefutably intersected with gender and race.

3) Conclude the annotated bibliography with a discussion of possible outcomes, expectations of what this essay may reveal to our understanding and possible significance for further research within the academic community

Explain where your organization sits on the centralized/decentralized continuum.


1. What is the chain of command in your organization?

a. What is the formal authority in the organization?

b. That is, who has economic, legal, contractual, collegial authority?

2. Describe the span of control in the organization.

a. How many people report to managers at various levels?

b. How many levels exist in the organization?

3. Describe the departmentalization structures of the organization.

4. Where are decisions being made in the organization?

5. Explain where your organization sits on the centralized/decentralized continuum.

6. Are the staff/line distinctions being maintained in your organization?

What do you believe are reasons why many first-year teachers feel unprepared to teach in diverse settings?


Standardized Open-Ended Interview Questions

Describe your current role within your institution.

What are your perceptions and experiences in using culturally responsive teaching?

Here is a conceptual framework of Dr. Geneva Gay’s Culturally Responsive Theory.

Identify which of the six tenets you are familiar with and describe your understanding of them.

What are your perceptions and experiences in using culturally responsive teaching for diverse settings?

How does your educational program help to aide teacher candidates during their first year of teaching?

How do you prepare your teacher candidates to empower their students in diverse settings?

How do you prepare your teacher candidates to validate the cultural differences of their students?

How do you prepare teacher candidates to use comprehensive teaching approaches in diverse settings?

How do you prepare teacher candidates to use multi-dimensional curriculum content in a diverse classroom setting?

How do you prepare teacher candidates to allow their students in diverse settings an opportunity to learn in an emancipator manner?

How do you prepare teacher candidates to recognize the existing strengths of their students in diverse settings?

What do you believe are reasons why many first-year teachers feel unprepared to teach in diverse settings?