
What does the Vioxx case reveal about the legal dangers that drug companies face when they are advertising medicines to consumers?

We have discussed tort law and criminal law. Let’s see how those laws apply to real-life situations.

What does the Vioxx case reveal about the legal dangers that drug companies face when they are advertising medicines to consumers?


list and discuss possible data sources for this information, and explain why you think there has been a lack of progress.

Leading Health Indicator (LHI)

Since 1990, the U.S. government has published 10-year national objectives for improving the health of Americans.

A select group of 26 objectives is monitored periodically and published on the Healthy People website. The most recent science-based goals, Healthy People 2020, were published in 2010 and expanded the goals to four major areas:

General health status

Health-related quality of life and well-being

Determinants of health


Choose one of the Leading Health Indicator (LHI) topics for which there was little or no detectable change or one that has been getting worse. Summarize the LHI you chose, list and discuss possible data sources for this information, and explain why you think there has been a lack of progress.


Discuss why you think the incidence was low. Include the human and environmental factors that could have contributed.

H1N1 Outbreak 

The outbreak of the novel H1N1 flu virus in 2009 caused widespread anxiety throughout the world.

However, the incidence of this flu was lower than anticipated.

Briefly describe the time line of this outbreak and the ways in which it was investigated.

Discuss why you think the incidence was low. Include the human and environmental factors that could have contributed.

Be sure to support your opinions with scholarly evidence from your readings.

Are strategic themes and initiatives described?Is there a plan for evaluating success of the plan?

Critique Strategic Plans

Select one of the strategic plans listed below and answer the 5 questions with explanations and examples from the document:

1. Is the plan based on an analysis of the environment?

2. Are vision and mission clearly articulated and appropriate?

3. Are goals and objectives SMART?

4. Are strategic themes and initiatives described?

5. Is there a plan for evaluating success of the plan?

Describe pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug related to the pathophysiology of the disease process.

Content lesson presentation

Select a disease process and a drug class used to treat the disease process.

Describe pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug related to the pathophysiology of the disease process.

Describe the product, its intended use, side effects, adverse reactions, and safety issues.

Identify ethnic, cultural, and genetic differences in patients that may affect the safety or efficacy of medications.

How would you monitor the desired effect is achieved?

Be sure to include three to five references.

Where is it originally from? What impact is it having in your area? What are people trying to do to deal with it?

Invasive species

Find an invasive species from where you are from and write about it.

Where is it originally from? What impact is it having in your area? What are people trying to do to deal with it?

Discuss how organizational behavior concepts are prevalent or critical to the movie

Organizational Behavior Concepts in Remember the Titans

Discuss main characters involved in Organizational Behavior concepts.
Discuss plot of movie.
Discuss how organizational behavior concepts are prevalent or critical to the movie

What sequences would be optimal for a customer trying to find items? Would all items requested by the wedding couple be included on the list?

Research assignment

Design a Web page that would allow customers to enter a zip code and find the nearest store.
Design a Web page for customers to browse gifts and order them online. Do not include the actual ordering forms, simply the products.

What sort of options should be available for customers? Include buttons or links to change the sort sequence in your design.

Design a printed list that customers could request when they go to one of the stores.

What sequences would be optimal for a customer trying to find items? Would all items requested by the wedding couple be included on the list?

Identify essential leadership characteristics of a nurse leader and explore the leadership style that you think make her/him an exemplary leader.

Nurse Leader/Manager Interview

Identify essential leadership characteristics of a nurse leader and explore the leadership style that you think make her/him an exemplary leader.

Discuss how he/she motivates others, handles conflict, and makes decisions.


Why do you think this particular work is so timeless? What are some themes from the Epic of Gilgamesh that you can find in movies/plays/books/TV shows today? Can you make a comparison?

Why do you think this particular work is so timeless? What are some themes from the Epic of Gilgamesh that you can find in movies/plays/books/tv shows today? Can you make a comparison?