
Describe the activity or artifact you have found, and give a link to it if it’s on the web.

Find something out in the world beyond the course that you think counts as an example of philosophical content, or thinking, or a philosophical activity.
There are many different options for this assignment, from novels to films to video games to TV shows to everyday activities. It’s up to you what you want to pick to talk about.

Describe the activity or artifact you have found, and give a link to it if it’s on the web.

Do so by first defining what philosophy means to you, and referring to at least one philosopher we have discussed in class to show how this definition fits what they do.

Give details about what the philosopher says or does to support your claim that this definition fits with their work, referring to specific things in the texts where relevant.











Discuss both the positive and negative aspects as it relates to both parties concerning the Mutual Exchange of Evidence, the Right to Inspect the Property, Destructive Testing, the Contractor’s Failure to Take Any Action, the Contractor’s Failure to Honor an Agreement to Make Repairs, and the time limits to complete promised repairs.

This statute dramatically altered the industry in the litigation of construction defect claims by requiring homeowners to provide contractors and other allegedly responsible parties with prior written notice and an opportunity to cure the alleged defects prior to filing a lawsuit.

Furnish a summary of the obligations, responsibilities, and time limitations imposed on the parties required to serve notice of the defect and those parties receiving notice of the defect.

Discuss both the positive and negative aspects as it relates to both parties concerning the Mutual Exchange of Evidence, the Right to Inspect the Property, Destructive Testing, the Contractor’s Failure to Take Any Action, the Contractor’s Failure to Honor an Agreement to Make Repairs, and the time limits to complete promised repairs.


Which techniques do you see in the video that are described in the following research articles?

English Language Learners and Bilingual Program Models” section of the course text.

In this class, where ELLs are learning English Language Arts alongside other students, the teacher uses teaching techniques that support her ELL students’ academic progress and language acquisition. Which techniques do you see in the video that are described in the following research articles?


What strategies can Mrs. Smith incorporate into her lessons to help Sarah with this disconnect in the future?

The infusion of Multiple Intelligences Theory into the curriculum has been proven to increase learner achievement, including improved engagement and performance on standardized tests. However, even with this research, many educators (from Pre-K through college) focus on delivering content standards instead of permeating their curriculum with pedagogy that engages students and deepens their understanding of higher order thinking skills.

There are two parts that need to be completed for this discussion. When responding, be sure to refer to examples, theory, and research from this week’s readings and other sources to support your conclusions.

How can Mrs. Smith find out what type of learner Sarah is?

How can she use this information to help Sarah excel in the classroom and go beyond just an average student?

Part 1: Mrs. Smith’s class just completed a comprehension test on the story they were reading in class. Sarah received a failing grade on this written test. The test was comprised of open-ended questions, multiple choice, and short answers. This grade surprised Mrs. Smith, as Sarah was able to express her knowledge and understanding of the text through class discussions and through collaborative activities.

Why do you think that Sarah may have received a failing grade on the written assessment?

Why do you think that this does not reflect the knowledge displayed during the discussions and collaborative group assignments?

What strategies can Mrs. Smith incorporate into her lessons to help Sarah with this disconnect in the future?

Part 2: Mrs. Smith reflected upon her teaching and the assessment. She then reflected upon Sarah and the type of learner she tends to be. One thing she decided was that the test format was not appropriate for Sarah’s learning style and that next time she could offer Sarah part of the test orally to see how she does.

What is something else that she may have reflected upon?

How will knowing Sarah’s learning style help Mrs. Smith be a more effective teacher?

How will you as an educator ensure you know all your learners’ learning styles and plan in order to enhance their intelligences?

What did you agree with in the book? o What did you disagree with?

Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education by Christopher Emdin comparing the information in this book with the information learned in Section 1 of this course, and your own experience. You must address the following:

o What did you agree with in the book?

o What did you disagree with?

o Based on what you have learned about teaching and student development,
what challenges do you foresee in implementing the author’s recommendations?

How would you now define organized crime? Discuss concepts, theories, and other information that you now understand concerning organized crime and of which you were not aware before taking the class. Which have been the most interesting to you?

Assessment and Course Review

How would you now define organized crime? Discuss concepts, theories, and other information that you now understand concerning organized crime and of which you were not aware before taking the class. Which have been the most interesting to you?

Do you believe your knowledge of organized crime will be useful in your current career or the one you intend to pursue after college? Why or why not?

Demonstrate how that situation would have been improved if safeguarding tendencies were not used.

Examine Alfred Adler’s 3 safeguarding tendencies in the text.

Select 1 of the tendencies and compare that tendency with instances of safeguarding that you find in Scripture.

Demonstrate how that situation would have been improved if safeguarding tendencies were not used.

Analyze, Evaluate and Compare the Olive Branch Petition and the Declaration of Independence.

Declaration of Independence.

Analyze, Evaluate and Compare the Olive Branch Petition and the Declaration of Independence.

Who were the authors and/or signers of each document?

What were the catalysts for the composition of each document?

What were the objectives or anticipated outcome(s) or response?

Why were they written?

When was each document written?

What actions or events preceded the writing and presenting of the documents?

How were these two documents written?

What was/is the tone? Did the tone assist in the objective?

What were some of the reasons given in this chapter for updating our prevailing model of the human body? What benefits do a biopychosocial view of the connection between thoughts, emotions and the digestive system offer?

In this introductory chapter, Dr. Mayer discusses how the traditional biological model approached gastro intestinal problems/complaints with patients.

What was this model’s approach and what were the pitfalls? Give at least one example of a disorder or illness that wasn’t properly treated by the biomedical approach.

What were some of the reasons given in this chapter for updating our prevailing model of the human body? What benefits do a biopychosocial view of the connection between thoughts, emotions and the digestive system offer?

Why is the gut called our “second brain”?

What is one question you have about the reading? Or, what is something you found particularly interesting or surprising about the reading?

What can we learn about culture, experience, and capitalism when we look closely at these spaces or events?

We experience culture in many different spaces and through different events. Sports stadiums, street festivals, museums, national holidays, and rites of passage like weddings, are all spaces where we experience and consume culture.

Examine how it is both a cultural and capitalist product.

What can we learn about culture, experience, and capitalism when we look closely at these spaces or events?

You might also want to think about who is included or excluded. You also need to consider how these places are affected by consumerism and capitalism. These are spaces of community and culture but also business and industry.

Remember you are being asked to use course material, so you also need to think about theories like atomization, folk culture versus mass culture, and industrialization.