
 Briefly summarize the author’s answer to the common question, “There are so many more vaccines  and now they combined some of them into one shot doesn’t that increase the risk of bad reactions? Can’t that overwhelm my baby’s system?  Isn’t this too much too soon?”

Post a response to the following questions:

The author explains several common concerns about vaccinations and gives some scientific explanations about how vaccines work in response to those concerns.

Briefly summarize the author’s answer to the common question, “There are so many more vaccines  and now they combined some of them into one shot doesn’t that increase the risk of bad reactions? Can’t that overwhelm my baby’s system?  Isn’t this too much too soon?”. At the minimum, you should explain what antigens and antibodies are and what they do.

Are there other concerns you think people might have about vaccines that are not addressed by this article? If so, what is the concern?

Why or why not? Could you make do. Could you make a change? Could you find an opportunity to rise above your place in life to get more?

Middle Ages

Offer your thoughts on whether you would want to live during the 11th century. Why or why not? Could you make do. Could you make a change? Could you find an opportunity to rise above your place in life to get more? Assume you cannot be of noble birth.


Describe how student creation of family portraits and various examples of family portraits from contemporary and historical artists, assist first graders in gaining a panoramic view of the multitude of ways that the concept of family can be expressed.

Adapting Curriculum for Multicultural Classrooms.

Explore the similarities and differences between the models for curricular adaptation. How did each of the curricular topics develop?

What overarching key aspects of each curricular model were present? What were the impacts on the students, teachers and institutions?Answer should be one paragraph in length.2).

Describe how student creation of family portraits and various examples of family portraits from contemporary and historical artists, assist first graders in gaining a panoramic view of the multitude of ways that the concept of family can be expressed.

Do you agree or disagree with Nieto and Bode’s position? Why or why not?2).


Compare the short term impact and long term impact on jobs based on steel and aluminum tariffs?

International Trade Assignment

Compare the short term impact and long term impact on jobs based on steel and aluminum tariffs?

What impact has the tire tariff have on the economy overall?

In your opinion, is the tariff effective in changing the economic performance of a country? (Support your answer)

Identify a country where you would not like to live and compare its performance and rankings to the more desirable country identified in steps 1 to 3. Be sure to give equal treatment to the country where you would not like to live.

A central theme of this course is that the world is incredibly diverse and that there are meaningful differences both within and among countries.
The research paper asks students to explore this phenomenon in more detail and to research and assess statistical measures of “well-being” in countries around the globe.

More specifically, you should reflect on what you have learned in this course and develop a set of characteristics that describes a country where you would like to live (e.g. low infant mortality rate, high gross national income, long life expectancy, etc.). Then think about the characteristics that are the direct opposite and describe a country where you would not want to live.

Next write a paper in which you:

1) Present a rationale for choosing the kind of country where you would like to live and discusses the reasons for using particular indicators of well-being to select that country (you should use at least 6 indicators);

2) Identify a country where you would like to live based on the desirable characteristics you have selected;

3) Detail and discusses the country’s performance and especially rankings on the characteristics you selected (i.e. justify your choice); and

4) Identify a country where you would not like to live and compare its performance and rankings to the more desirable country identified in steps 1 to 3. Be sure to give equal treatment to the country where you would not like to live.

Briefly examine and discuss how does Ajax improve a webpage that changes based on user actions? Be sure to include examples.

System Analysis

Briefly examine and discuss how does Ajax improve a webpage that changes based on user actions? Be sure to include examples.


Explain, in your own words, why working capital investments are subtracted each year in the cash flows.

Discussion forum

The Electrobicycle is an electronic, climate-controlled bicycle with zero emissions. The R&D efforts focused on developing the capability to utilize electricity to power bicycles.

Projected Electrobicycle Financial Projection

Determine the NPV for the Electrobicycle project. Use the annual project cash flow from the table above. For the required rate of return, use the percent value from your birthday date. For example, if your birthday falls on the 16th of the month, the required rate of return would be 16%.

Calculate the NPV of the Electrobicycle project. Be sure to show your NPV calculations.

Explain, in your own words, why working capital investments are subtracted each year in the cash flows.

Explain, in your own words, the meaning of the required rate of return for the project.

Assume the auto company has a required rate of return of 15%. Based on the required rate of return you used for the Electrobicycles (based on your birthday date), is the Electrobicycle project more or less risky than the auto company? Explain your answer.

How does a cascading style sheet allow the analyst to produce output and what are the advantages of using an extensible style language transformations instead of a cascading style sheet?

How does a cascading style sheet allow the analyst to produce output and what are the advantages of using an extensible style language transformations instead of a cascading style sheet?


What are our RSS feeds and how can a web administrator use RSS feeds? Also, briefly examine and discuss what are dashboards used for who uses them?

What are our RSS feeds and how can a web administrator use RSS feeds? Also, briefly examine and discuss what are dashboards used for who uses them??


Describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. 

Throughout history, technological advancements have appeared for one purpose before finding applications elsewhere that lead to spikes in its usage and development. The internet, for example, was originally developed to share research before becoming a staple of work and entertainment.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your healthcare organization’s use of technology and offer a technology trend you observe in your environment.

Reflect on the Resources related to digital information tools and technologies.

Consider your healthcare organization’s use of healthcare technologies to manage and distribute information.

Reflect on current and potential future trends, such as use of social media and mobile applications/tele health, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled asset tracking, or expert systems/artificial intelligence, and how they may impact nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice.

Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described.

Describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described.

Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples.