
What is the EBP implementation at the immersion site? What is the connection to patient clinical significance?

Quick revision and addition

1. What is the EBP implementation at the immersion site?

2. What is the connection to patient clinical significance?

3. You use the term study and will need to remove these terms as DNP projects are not original research.

Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page or you can make a Five to Seven Slide PowerPoint Presentation.

Assignment 4

Research an article regarding how Artificial Intelligence systems are going to change acquisition and fulfillment in the future. As your topic might be very new, use the web or the library. Note that you need to make sure to support your position on what will change in the future.

Read the articles below about the topic.

You need to make sure to identify the author’s point of view, and the bias of the author. Remember to include a link to the article.

Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page or you can make a Five to Seven Slide PowerPoint Presentation.

As always, read all the lesson notes in Week 6 before you start this assignment as new or current events may have been updated since the start of class.

What did you learn from Professional nursing 1 that you did not already know? How will you apply what you learned Professional nursing 1 to your patient care?

Professional nursing

Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following:

  • What did you learn from Professional nursing 1 that you did not already know?
  • How will you apply what you learned Professional nursing 1 to your patient care?

You should include a minimum of 2 references. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page in APA format.

Does Frostburg Fit, as the employer, have the right to access the files and Internet history on Wayne’s computer? Assume the role of Kevin. Would you want to take this action? Explain your position.

Discussion Essay

Include the following as part of your analysis:.

1. Given the facts presented in the case, do you feel an employee with Wayne’s responsibilities at Frostburg Fit should be allowed to work elsewhere? Does Wayne’s employment with Apollo Fitness present a conflict of interest? Please explain.

2. Does Frostburg Fit, as the employer, have the right to access the files and Internet history on Wayne’s computer? Assume the role of Kevin. Would you want to take this action? Explain your position.

3. Given what you know about the case, draft a moonlighting policy that would be applicable to Frostburg Fit
Quality is more important than quantity, however, so strive to develop a concise, insightful analysis. Here are a few important points to keep in mind as you develop your analysis.

What further steps could be taken by governments, NGOs, and companies to strengthen the process to exclude conflict minerals from the global supply chain?

Mod 3 db

What further steps could be taken by governments, NGOs, and companies to strengthen the process to exclude conflict minerals from the global supply chain?

Briefly describe the example of planning you are using, and the types of activities and resources involved. What was the goal(s) of the planning process in terms of improving health? How do you think ‘health’ defined and needs identified (if at all)?

Assessment 1: Planning in Health and Social Care Start Assignment

The assessment focusses on your understanding of the goals, principles and approaches to health planning by reflecting on your experience or observation of a planning process.

This assessment task addresses these subject learning objectives:

  • A. Evaluate local circumstances and use evidence based health planning principles, frameworks and processes.
  • B. Identify and assess community health status, demographics and social conditions that impact health
  • C. Determine the issues impacting health planning and health plan evaluation, including enabling and impeding factors.

Formatting requirements
In your submission, apply 12-point font size and double-spaced paragraphs. Ensure the document you upload is easily legible and has been spell checked and proofread before submission. Please ensure your reference list is accurate and complete.

In-text citations are not required, but a reference list should be submitted at the end of the document with APA 7th formatting applied. A minimum of five (5) quality references should be included.

Think about your current role in health or social care and any involvement you have had in planning, whether you were involved in the planning process or subject to the plan. It can be of any scale or scope. Drawing on the concepts from Module 1, reflect on your experience or observations.

If you have not experienced health planning in the course of your work (I am a Registered Nurse) you can use an example from the media or in your community e.g. planning a new health facility or service. Write a short essay:

Briefly describe the example of planning you are using, and the types of activities and resources involved.
What was the goal(s) of the planning process in terms of improving health? How do you think ‘health’ defined and needs identified (if at all)?
Which of planning principles guided the process and how was that demonstrated? Did any dominate the process?
Reflect on the challenges involved in the planning process and what could have been done better. What alternative activities and information could have been considered?

Provide a brief introduction about their field of interest to the supervisor. The introduction must cover your educational background, work experiences, and the research area, which are of most interest to you.

Topic Selection and Proposal Development

Students will provide a brief introduction about their field of interest to the supervisor. The introduction must cover your educational background, work experiences, and the research area, which are of most interest to you.

Proposition of the research problem, developing the research questions, rationale, and purpose of the study.

Supervisor will assist the candidate in finalizing the research topic

The candidates will develop the research proposal for their project.

Supervisor will assist in ensuring that the proposal contains all the required sections as mentioned in the approved format.

Describe what these norms are, how they exist in the present and how we live in accordance with them in your chosen place and community.

A report on past and present of Sydney, and explore the emerging trends and signals which may impact the future.

The purpose of this report is to form a grounded understanding of the past and present of Sydney, and explore the emerging trends and signals which may impact the future. This will involve conducting research and synthesising findings to form the basis of your futures exploration.

About the report and things needed in the report:


A rich picture that encapsulates a coherent and nuanced understanding of your challenge space. This is a distillation and representation of your research into your chosen place, community and theme.

The objective of this rich picture is to establish a grounded understanding of your challenge space. This will support you in exploring future opportunities and barriers to change.

Your rich picture should demonstrate both a breadth and depth of exploration. It will be your synthesis of the chosen context incorporating the 3 elements of the futures triangle:

  • Past forces which have shaped the present and emerging future
  • Present day conditions and dynamics, exploring norms and behaviours of today
  • Emerging trends, signals and drivers which are impacting/emerging the space, gather via horizon scan

Your rich picture should communicate a nuanced understanding of your challenge space, including:

  • key features,
  • structures, things and technologies,
  • stakeholders (human and non-human),
  • narratives
  • values

You should also be examining how these elements interrelate and interact with one another.

It will be impossible to produce a completely comprehensive representation of everything. Instead, this rich picture should illustrate the areas you have explored, and the areas which you are especially drawn to understanding further. This should demonstrate a broad understanding of high level forces, as well as areas of more focused research and unpacking.

You are encouraged to get creative with how you present your rich pictures. You can support the communication of your rich picture with text elements. Your rich pictures should present the past, present and future of your challenge space with clarity and coherence.

Your submissions should be the equivalent size of A2 or larger. This can be created digitally, or a scan of a hand-drawn artefact. Please ensure that it is clear and legible. You do not need to reference your rich picture, but PLEASE ensure that you are drawing from credible sources to support your understanding.


Supporting your rich picture will be some further analysis into key aspects of the past, present and future.


Your rich picture should feature key historical events which have shaped the present and may continue to influence the emerging future. The past should be presented in a way to coherently links to the present day conditions of your challenge space.

Additionally, you will conduct a deep dive analysis into events in history, identified in relation to your place and community. This analysis (300 words each) should outlining the chosen events and their significance and impact on your challenge space. In your exploration you may choose to explore both history from a macro and/or micro level, as well as events from further in the past, or more recent.

Your deep dive should present a cohesive narrative of history, exploring the connections between each event towards the present and emerging future. Your analysis should also provide a rationale for why you chose to explore your set of historical events, in relation to the challenge space and your personal perspective on its significance.

This analysis should address the narratives, materials and values associated with the history you uncover. Your analysis should investigate how the historical events identified relate to one another, and how these events together have brought about the present and emerging future(s).


Your rich picture will be primarily focused on illustrating your understanding of the present; the structures and dynamics of your chosen place, community and theme. This should encompass both high-level macro elements, as well as more specific micro features.

In addition to this you will conduct a deep dive into underlying present-day norms and their associated narratives, materials and values. Your analysis of each norm (300 words each) should investigate the everyday behaviours, activities and practices in your challenge space to gain an understanding of how we live in the present.

Describe what these norms are, how they exist in the present and how we live in accordance with them in your chosen place and community. Unpack them through the narratives, materials and values framework. Each norm should be presented with imagery illustrating how they are practised. You should also critically engage with these norms; examining how these norms may interrelate, the positive and negative impacts, who they affect and what their causes and costs are. Your analysis should also provide a rationale for why you chose to focus on your chosen norms, addressing your personal perspective on its significance in the challenge space.


Through a horizon scan, you will explore and identify trends, drivers and weak signals which could affect the emerging future of your challenge space. Your scanning should feature a range of interesting insights from different sectors and scale, and encompass a range of sources. These trends/drivers/signals will be incorporated into your rich picture.

Additionally, you will conduct a deep dive into key trends/weak signals/drivers (300 words each). In this analysis you should be exploring the origins of the trend/driver/signal, unpacking new narratives, materials and values, anticipating the costs and consequences, as well as the politics behind it, and outline how/why these trends/driver/signals are relevant to your challenge space. Your analysis should also address why you chose to focus on these particular trends/driver/signals. You should also explore how these trends may work in relation to one or more of the identified trends.

Choose one of the TED Talks below and form a response based on the provided guidance. As you respond to the questions, you will be expected to connect the concepts covered in this course to the information in your chosen video.

Philosophy Question

The Signature Assignment for this course combines all the concepts you have explored in this term. In this assignment, you will choose one of the TED Talks below and form a response based on the provided guidance. As you respond to the questions, you will be expected to connect the concepts covered in this course to the information in your chosen video.

Discuss the need for institutional review boards (IRBs). How can they potentially affect or impact a study?

Institutional review boards (IRBs)

Discuss the need for institutional review boards (IRBs). How can they potentially affect or impact a study?