
What are the major things journalists should do when interviewing a victim? How can journalism affect the community?


Responsibility of the Media (answer two or more of the following):

1. What are the major things journalists should do when interviewing a victim?

2. How can journalism affect the community?

3. Provide examples of things journalists should not say or write.

4. Reporters, especially those covering crime and tragedy, often experience vicarious victimization or post-traumatic stress disorder.

What are some solutions to ensure that reporters can do their job well without sacrificing the needs of the victim?

What are the arguments for and against an airline company hedging its fuel risk?

Corporate Finance

So Ryanair lost on its oil price hedge but this was offset by a gain on its currency hedge.

The recent past is littered with examples of airlines that have lost significant amounts on hedging out their fuel price risk.

This has led many to question whether hedging really adds value for an airline. Please read the articles suggested below that look at the problem from slightly different angles but come up with a similar conclusion.

Address the following questions:

What are the arguments for and against an airline company hedging its fuel risk?

Based on this, would you advise Ryanair to continue on hedging its fuel price risk?

Write a maximum of 750 words answering the questions above

Evaluate 1 or 2 relevant aspects of the argumentation in the research article in terms of your advocacy position – that is, look at the actual findings and engage the aspects that are most compelling for you

Immigration Policy and its psychological and social impact

Identify the argument – that is, look for what the authors set out to study, what they suspect/ intend to learn more about, and why, in your own words;

• Evaluate 1 or 2 relevant aspects of the argumentation in the research article in terms of your advocacy position – that is, look at the actual findings and engage the aspects that are most compelling for you;

• Assess how the research article influences the case that YOU are building on the relevance of your advocacy position.

In this scholarly journal “How U.S. Policy Has Failed Immigrant Children: Family Separation in the Obama and Trump Eras” by Claudio Perez, he takes a look into the background of both Obama and Trump and their immigration policies.

He goes even further to discuss the psychological impact on the families and children who are detained and separated from their parents in harsh conditions, as well discussing ramifications of the criminal law and some solutions.

Perez emphasizes the psychological impact that separated families from this Zero Tolerance policy has on these families, they could develop depression anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A child should not have to experience feeling like a prisoner or an animal at these detention centers and should not be separated from their families for so long or have none to return back to. The effects of the Zero Tolerance Policy have gone way beyond its authority by surpassing the law that keeps those families together and has spent so much more money compared to safer and effective alternative routes that could spare these families of this traumatic experienc

Discuss the findings of these various polls. Are the results of the three polls similar or different? Why do you think that might be the case?

Public opinion polls

Find three different public opinion polls (from different sources) on the same current political issue (for example, immigration, war in Syria, tariffs, abortion, national debt, Social Security, prayer in schools, etc.).

Discuss the findings of these various polls. Are the results of the three polls similar or different? Why do you think that might be the case?

How might the sample, sample size, type of poll, time period in which the poll was conducted, or wording of the questions have affected the results?

Are there any other elements that may have affected the results of the polls? Be sure to include the actual polls (or links to the polls) with your response.


Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state.

Legal and Ethical Issues Related to Psychiatric Emergencies

Explain your state laws for involuntary psychiatric holds for child and adult psychiatric emergencies. Include who can hold a patient and for how long, who can release the emergency hold, and who can pick up the patient after a hold is released.

Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state.

Explain the difference between capacity and competency in mental health contexts.
Select one of the following topics, and explain one legal issue and one ethical issue related to this topic that may apply within the context of treating psychiatric emergencies: patient autonomy, EMTALA, confidentiality, HIPAA privacy rule, HIPAA security rule, protected information, legal gun ownership, career obstacles  and payer source.

Identify one evidence-based suicide risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.

Identify one evidence-based violence risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.

Why are so many companies opting for this strategy? What would be the considerations to use this strategy?

There are several ways companies can gain entry into a country to become a MNC.
One of the most common entry strategies for MNCs is the joint venture.

Why are so many companies opting for this strategy? What would be the considerations to use this strategy?

When would a fully owned subsidiary be a better choice?Political risk also can weigh heavily on a decision to move and operate into a country

Choose two countries and a specific industry. Then, describe the types of political risks associated with entering each of those countries for a company from that industry.

Is the risk associated for that company with those countries dependent on the type of entry for the company? Explain.

What do you think the Black Lives Matter movements, Immigrant Rights Movements and related protests will do to American politics or policy in the long term (5 years or more in the future)?

Social movements

How will social movements shape politics?

What do you think the Black Lives Matter movements, Immigrant Rights Movements and related protests will do to American politics or policy in the long term (5 years or more in the future)?

Will the movements accomplish their goals, or have unexpected side effects?

Explain who will react to the movements, what they will do, and why we should expect this outcome.

Feel free to talk about changes in things like the following: Political party membership, legislation around criminal justice and civil rights, public opinion on issues of race or policing, or other outcomes you think are likely to respond to the movements.

Do you think the fast food industry should be taxed to help pay for the high cost of health care problems associated with its product?

Food industry

They use a number of marketing tactics including advertising aimed at children, pricing structures aimed at getting people to purchase food they don’t need (a good example is super sizing, the increase in portion sizes for just a small increase in price), and advertising aimed at subconscious urges and desires (like the desire to be cool and with the “in crowd”).

Should these advertising practices be prohibited or limited in some way through government regulation?

Does your answer change for advertising geared toward children?

Should Ronald McDonald be banned?

Do you think the fast food industry should be taxed to help pay for the high cost of health care problems associated with its product?

What type of data is age? Identify all that apply from the following list: binary, continuous, discrete, nominal, ordinal.

1. Is the paper titled “Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine” a peer reviewed publication? How can you tell?

2. Does this paper describe a randomized clinical control study or an epidemiological study? Identify at least one pro and one con of that type of study.

3. What is the sample size used in the study described in this paper?

4. Identify one example of a dependent variable in the study described in this paper.

5. Identify one example of an independent variable in the study described in this paper.

6. Identify one example of quantitative data listed in Table 1 of this paper.

7. Identify one example of qualitative data listed in Table 1 of this paper.

8. What type of data is age? Identify all that apply from the following list: binary, continuous, discrete, nominal, ordinal.

9. What is one hypothesis that the authors of this paper might have been testing? Do you think they accepted or rejected that hypothesis based on the data shown? (Note: you can answer this question from looking only at the title page, but it may be easier to look at the data shown later in the paper).

10. Based on what you’ve read about this paper, what do you think the conclusion or take-home message is of the paper?

Explain either the example of the wine taster or the symphony conductor. Explain what these examples are meant to demonstrate.

Make sure your answers are detailed and well-supported. If a question has more than 1 part, make sure you answer every part. Explain using your own words and own examples. Discuss answers with your group, esp. concerning #11.

What are qualia? Explain using an example.

Explain what Jackson’s examples of Fred and Mary and Nagel’s example of the bat are meant to demonstrate.

Explain why Jackson and Nagel think that mental states cannot be reduced to physical states. (Use your own example to illustrate.)

What is folk psychology? Use an example to illustrate.

What is inter-theorectic reduction? (Use an example to illustrate.)

What does Church land hope to reduce with inter-theorectic reduction? What does he want to replace it with? Explain why he thinks this is possible.

Explain either the example of the wine taster or the symphony conductor. Explain what these examples are meant to demonstrate.