
Explain your professional beliefs about this disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.

Select a specific personality or paraphilic disorder from the DSM-5 to use for this Assignment.
Use the Walden Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations
Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected disorder.

Explain your professional beliefs about this disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.

Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a patient that may present with this disorder.

Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to this disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.

What can be said about the value of the dependent variable for values of the independent variable that are outside the range of the sample values? Explain.

 Regression and Correlation Analysis

Select and use one independent variable throughout this analysis. Use Excel to perform the regression and correlation analysis to answer the following. The week 6 spreadsheet can be helpful in this work.

Generate a scatterplot for the specified dependent variable (Y) and the selected independent variable (X), including the graph of the “best fit” line. Interpret.

Determine the equation of the “best fit” line, which describes the relationship between the dependent variable and the selected independent variable.

Determine the correlation coefficient. Interpret.

Determine the coefficient of determination. Interpret.

Based on the findings in steps 1-5, analyze the ability of the independent variable to predict the dependent variable.

Compute the confidence interval for b, using a 95% confidence level. Interpret this interval.

Compute the 99% confidence interval for the dependent variable, for a selected value of the independent variable.

What can be said about the value of the dependent variable for values of the independent variable that are outside the range of the sample values? Explain.

Describe a business decision that could be made based on the results of this analysis. In other words, how might the business operations change based on these statistical results.
The report should explain and interpret the results in ways that are understandable to someone who does not know statistics.

Discuss the ways that conflict affects community (in whatever way you understand that term) in chinua achebe’s, ‘things fall apart’

How does conflict affect community in chinua achebe’s, things fall apart

Discuss the ways that conflict affects community (in whatever way you understand that term) in chinua achebe’s, ‘things fall apart’

Discuss, how conflict cements and undo social ties within community, closely use the text to support your arguments using a variety of different quotes and analyze a variety of different literary techniques; simile metaphor, imagery, symbolism, foreshadowing, juxtaposition, etc to support your argument also use sources on the wider context of post-colonialism and achebes life if and when that is possible to also support your arguments.

Name two different methods for evaluating evidence. Compare and contrast these two methods.

Name two different methods for evaluating evidence. Compare and contrast these two methods. (do not include references in word count)

Identify gaps in the information (this signals new research areas), problems that are emerging, areas of growth and opportunity, etc

Research Paper Marking

 Definition of the problem/question and clarity of research objectives

•Your paper should address one main question/problem, but you may have several research objectives. For instance, your topic may be “Green Supply Chain Management in Canadian Organizations,” while your research objectives may be aimed at assessing the state of green supply chain management in Canadian organizations and identifying main barriers to its implementation in Canada.

The grade in this area will be based on how clearly the problem/topic and research objectives are stated and addressed throughout the paper. In the previously stated example, the marker might ask the following questions in assigning this grade:

Does the paper identify issues that are particular to the Canadian context (such as legal or cultural issues)?

Does the paper stay focused on green supply chain management?

Does the paper actually assess the state of green SCM?

Introduce your topic clearly, so you give your readers a good sense of what you are going to write about.

•Establish the topic’s importance. Ask yourself questions such as “Is this a little-researched topic?”, “Why study this topic?”, and “Does it have strong strategic, operational, or competitive implications for organizations?”

10 Comprehensive literature review

•Thoroughly review literature/research that reflects on your topic.

•Bring in concepts and theory from the course where appropriate.25 Analysis/discussion

•Analyze the literature you have reviewed. It is not enough to simply tell the reader what the literature says; you need to assess what is being said and differentiate clearly between your own thoughts and those coming from the literature.

Identify gaps in the information (this signals new research areas), problems that are emerging, areas of growth and opportunity, etc

.•Where appropriate, bring in concepts and theory from the course to aid the analysis.

Describe what effect this technology has on society and the environment (for example: photo radar helps prevent vehicular accidents and reduces fuel consumption associated with excessive speeding).

Lidar guns

A detailed report on lidar guns Using the Internet, submit a research report outlining the kinematics involved in motion detectors designed and built into vehicles on the road today. Be sure to provide details on how the technology works.

Describe what effect this technology has on society and the environment (for example: photo radar helps prevent vehicular accidents and reduces fuel consumption associated with excessive speeding).

How has misinformation/disinformation affected you? How might filter bubbles have influenced the situation? How did the article/podcast/video you chose add to your understanding?

Online Information Landscape

Answer the questions below in essay form. 

Whenever you include someone else’s ideas or information, you must cite the source of those ideas, whether you quote directly, summarize, or paraphrase from the source.

For this discussion, you should include both an in-text citation and a full citation at the end of your essay. Hanging indents (indenting all the lines in the citation except the first line) are difficult to format in Canvas and are not required in discussion posts.

How has misinformation/disinformation affected you? How might filter bubbles have influenced the situation? How did the article/podcast/video you chose add to your understanding?

How do you get your information about the world? Do you have any concerns about the quality of the information you are exposed to? Why or why not?

What strategies have you learned this week that will help you avoid misinformation and/or find better information in the future?

Identify three repercussions associated with this issue. What could be done to prevent similar issues from reoccurring?

Ethical Issues

Identify an ethical issue in the workplace.

Describe one from the news or at your current or former job. You do not have to state the organization’s name (use Company ABC or XYZ if you wish). answer each of the following questions.

Describe the ethical issue. What happened?

Why do you believe these events occurred?

How did the issue affect employees and the company?

Identify three repercussions associated with this issue. What could be done to prevent similar issues from reoccurring?

Discuss the key factors in each of the acts below that demonstrate that they are foundational components of government contract law and the federal acquisition process.

Examine the legislation from the discussion preparation and how the legislation supports government contract law and the federal acquisition process.

Discuss the key factors in each of the acts below that demonstrate that they are foundational components of government contract law and the federal acquisition process. Provide an example or scenario of each to support your response.


What features, according to the course textbook  cite the page numbers meet the definition of terrorism?

How does the incident qualify as terrorism and not just an act of violence?

What features, according to the course textbook  cite the page numbers meet the definition of terrorism?

Compare the attack to the controversy surrounding the release of Sony Pictures’ film The Interview. In what ways are they similar or different? Give three reasons.