
What cultural factors led to these two very different forms of religious expression?

Write a 1-2 page essay comparing and contrasting how these two works express faith appropriate to that time and place, citing specific details from each painting.

What cultural factors led to these two very different forms of religious expression?

How will you pass on the information you have learned in this course to those within your circle of influence?

We started this course by considering that everyone is a theologian because everyone has thoughts about God. You considered how you form your thoughts of who God is and what God does. In Module/Week 1, you reflected on your experience with theology and your study of theology in the past. For this module/week, you will write a 600-word essay answering the following 3 prompts that will allow you to reflect on how you’ve grown in your understanding and study of theology.

How has your view of theology changed over the duration of this course?

How have you been able to practice the principles you learned from the course in your own life?

How will you pass on the information you have learned in this course to those within your circle of influence?

Discuss general vaccine in adults in this rural area include information the covid-19 vaccine administration.

-Write a literature review on Vaccine distribution efforts in rural America

-Focus specifically on Washington County Bartlesville OK.

-Discuss general vaccine in adults in this rural area include information the covid-19 vaccine administration.


Explain the current (actual or potential) environmental problem faced by patients or communities.

Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Florence Nightingale was a leader in nursing whose writings led to the foundation of many of our current nursing philosophies

Although there have been significant changes in our society and health care since her era, one can identify evidence of her writings and practice in current nursing practice.

For this assignment, read “Nightingale’s Environmental Theory” published by Margaret Hegge in Nursing Science Quarterly 26(3), 211-219. Dr. Hegge describes the environmental theory from Nightingale’s experiences.
Describe Nightingale’s Theory.

Explain the current (actual or potential) environmental problem faced by patients or communities.

Discuss political influences, policy issues, and legal influences on the problem. Examples of current environmental problems include: Covid 19, Flint Water Crisis, Air pollution etc.

Compare and contrast one other discipline (e.g., PT,OT,Pharmacy, Social Work, Nutrition etc.) with nursing in examining the problem.

Discuss stakeholders and resources involved in examining the problem

Discuss outcomes. How will you measure the success of the solutions you propose?.

Briefly explain what additional parallels can we make between the diversity of culture and diversity among plants and animals?

Cultural International Perspective

When we hear the word “diversity,” we think of race and maybe culture.

This is true when we are referring to the diversity of ethnicity, race, and culture.

However, diversity is much broader. Diversity cuts across all facets of our lives, and it plays an important role in helping us survive. Among plants and animals, for example, diseases are less prevalent when there is greater diversity.

2 Pathogens cannot easily find their ideal hosts among various plants and animals, leading to lower levels of disease. And the passing of diseases is lower when there are lots of different kinds of hosts, as some will not be as receptive as others making the reproduction of diseases less likely. We see another lack of diversity in “in-breeding” with certain ancient royal families, where mutations, deformities, and genetic diseases have multiplied numerous generations.

a. Briefly explain what additional parallels can we make between the diversity of
culture and diversity among plants and animals?

b. Briefly explain the complex nature of racism, sexism, and other forms of

c. Some researchers have shown that when some people are given reminders of their own mortality, they feel a sense of anxiety and insecurity. Some, unfortunately, respond to anxiety and insecurity by becoming more prone to status-seeking, materialism, greed, prejudice, and aggression. As a teacher, explain how would you broach this dilemma in your classroom?

a. Briefly explain how can linguistic diversity be employed in solving social and

environmental problems?

b. Briefly explain how we can achieve greater efficiencies through the reduction

and streamlining or reducing of diversity?

Critically evaluate the relevance and application of research and policy to social work practice

Global and UK Perspectives.

1. Critically analyze key themes and policy developments in relation to social work practice

2. Critically evaluate the relevance and application of research and policy to social work practice

3. Critically analyze comparative approaches to service provision in one other country

4. Evaluate research findings in relation to policy and practice

5. Critically reflect on how anti-oppressive practice can be supported or damaged by government policy

Briefly explain what some other benefits of acknowledging the first language are and culture of English Language Learners?

Cultural International Perspective

It is believed that people who live and learn in two languages do significantly better on standardized tests. This is partly due to how the brain calls upon executive functions such as

1. Attention control,

2. Cognitive focus

a. Briefly explain why the above statements true or not true?

b. Briefly explain why “attention control” is so important for English language

c. Briefly explain what role does culture plays in the development of a second

When researchers compared responses of 6-year old from bilingual children with monolingual children, they found that the bilingual brain is highly engaged in the cognitive challenges of evaluating between the two competing language systems. This requires “executive functioning,” where attention is selecting and focusing between two competing language systems.

a. Briefly explain what some other benefits of acknowledging the first language are and culture of English Language Learners?

b. Briefly explain what is meant by the “systematic effect of experience” and why is it necessary to the learning process? Give two examples.

Discuss the various dialectical behavioral activities that can be utilized with Clare.

Interventions for a Client with Borderline Personality Disorder

She has a history of difficulty with interpersonal relationships at her job. Clare is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

Identify the defense mechanisms Clare is using.

Discuss the various dialectical behavioral activities that can be utilized with Clare.


What significant steps or missteps have you noted in this fight?

Journal Fight for Justice

1. Share your views on the author’s fight for justice.

2. What significant steps or missteps have you noted in this fight?

3. Connect the issues raised in this experience with the chapter’s discussion on organizational power and politics.

What is the ethical issue in the scenario? What would you, as the social worker do?

The paper should outline the following:

• What is the ethical issue in the scenario?

• What would you, as the social worker do?

• What ethical principles from the NASW Code of Ethics would you use?

• Are there any value or belief conflicts for you in the scenario?

Ethical Dilemma

As a clinician you have an 18 year old female client who is currently homeless. She has a history of depression and has a history of cutting and one suicide attempt when she was 15. At present, the client is non-compliant with medication due to costs. She has family that live in a nearby county that want to be a part of her life but she refuses to contact them, she states . As her clinician you are very worried about her safety, in fact, last week when you saw her she had bruises on her face, she stated that someone had robbed her while she was sleeping on the street.