
 Explain the excel document/numbers/financial models in the weekend intensives. Where the numbers come from? How you calculated them.why?

Financial Model Structure

Then, construct the financial model (structured and populated do it in separate excel pages).

Explain the excel document/numbers/financial models in the weekend intensives. Where the numbers come from? How you calculated them..why? Everything you do on excel you will need to write down


What are some possible consequences to their ecosystems if this species were to go extinct, or greatly diminished in population? (endangered)

Biodiversity Status of Species

Research – from academic/scholarly sources – their biodiversity status in the original habitat in which you have observed them, completing a 1-page write-up (double-spaced) for each species. Consider these questions during your research:

What is their current biodiversity status? (Threatened? Endangered? Thriving?)

What are their historical trends for changing biodiversity? (if known)

What sources of threat exist to them? (Natural predators? Humans? Human practices/processes?)

What are some possible consequences to their ecosystems if this species were to go extinct, or greatly diminished in population? (endangered)

What efforts (if any) are currently happening to help preserve this species?


Analyze and evaluate changes to the roles of the dental team when designing and manufacturing a range of bio-mechanically sound dental appliances.

 Assessing the performance of appliances and the impact on dental team roles

Critically appraise the performance of dental appliances using evidence based research with consideration to potential problems that may impact on the patient and evaluate the management of these problems

Analyze and evaluate changes to the roles of the dental team when designing and manufacturing a range of bio-mechanically sound dental appliances.

Discuss the organization’s plan to support the post-implementation of the capstone project, including plans for short- and long-term maintenance.

Record your presentation, including slides, audio, and a live image of yourself using the Panopto, Adobe Connect, or Google Hangout platform.

1.  Present an introduction of your capstone project.

2.  Describe how your capstone project filled the gap between evidence and current practice.
3.  Explain the process you went through to develop and launch your capstone project.

4.  Reflect on your capstone implementation experience by doing the following:

a.  Discuss the most successful aspects of your capstone project.

i.  Explain how the successes of this project help to inform future projects.

b.  Discuss aspects of your project that did not go as well as anticipated.

i.  Explain how an understanding of what did not go well can help to inform future projects.

5.  Discuss the organization’s plan to support the post-implementation of the capstone project, including plans for short- and long-term maintenance.

6.  Discuss the resources needed for post-implementation support.

7.  Describe two MSN program outcomes that were integrated into your capstone project.


What did you learn that may change how you would delivery services to patients as a health care professional in the future?

The Miraculous Escape of a Misdiagnosed Boy Trapped Inside his Own Body by Martin Pistorius

Assignment: Read one of the books listed above and write a 500 word response that addresses the following questions:

What did you learn about neurological injury and how it might impact the lives of patients and their families?

What did you learn that may change how you would delivery services to patients as a health care professional in the future?

Identify ethical, security, and privacy considerations in conducting data and information analysis and selecting and using information technology.

Identify ethical, security, and privacy considerations in conducting data and information analysis and selecting and using information technology.

The IT department for Anne Arundel County requires strong passwords for users to access and use information systems.

•The IT department for Anne Arundel County is meticulous about keeping payment terminal software, operating systems and other software (including anti-virus software) updated.
•Assessment of protection from remote access and breaches to the Anne Arundel network:Odenton Township accesses the database system for the County when updating resident’s accounts for services.It is not clear whether a secure remote connection (VPN) is standard policy.
•Assessment of physical security at the Odenton Township hall: the only current form of physical security arelocks on the two outer doors;however,the facility is unlocked
•Employee awareness training on data security and secure practices for handling sensitive data
•The overarching conclusion of the risk assessment was that Odenton Township is not fully compliant with the PCI Data Security Standards(v3.2)


What are the legal issues (if you are unsure about the legal issues, please be honest)–are these any different from the ethical issues?


Case Studies in Readings and Lecture. 

The Research Director. Put yourself in the position of manager or executive who will have to make a decision in this case, and respond to the following questions:

What are the ethical issues in this case?

What are the legal issues (if you are unsure about the legal issues, please be honest)–are these any different from the ethical issues?

What are the economic issues in this case?

Are there any factual considerations that would help evaluate the severity of the ethical offense in this case?

Finally, let us assume that if this project (designs and building of prototype) is not completed the company would have to go out of business. What would you do in this case and why?

Which of these do you see as the primary problem? Why? What can be done to address the issues described?

External Influences on the Health of Communities

Your reading describes four major problems with the U.S. healthcare system: Escalating costs due to technology, fragmentation of services, limited access to care, and quality of care.

Which of these do you see as the primary problem? Why? What can be done to address the issues described?

Explain how the questions have helped you understand your organization better. For example, when discussing your views on the structural theories lens.

Guiding Questions

What is the chain of command in your organization?

a. What is the formal authority in the organization?

b. That is, who has economic, legal, contractual, collegial authority?

Describe the span of control in the organization.

a. How many people report to managers at various levels?

b. How many levels exist in the organization?

Describe the departmentalization structures of the organization.
Where are decisions being made in the organization?

Explain where your organization sits on the centralized/decentralized continuum.

Are the staff/line distinctions being maintained in your organization?

Explain how the questions have helped you understand your organization better. For example, when discussing your views on the structural theories lens.


Why did your group choose this particular ethical dilemma?

Ethical dilemma
How can the ANA Code of Ethics be used to do ethics in this instance?

Why did your group choose this particular ethical dilemma?
– Speak with your charge RN and express the concerns to him/her with hopes of helping escalate it to the doctors

– Start that conversation with the doctor/provider as it has to be the doctor who changes the patient’s code status