
What were the chances for European American men and African American women to alter their physical and social circumstances, within the historical contexts in which they resided?

American immigrants

Limited chances for upward mobility for American immigrants. Based on American Yawp, Lectures, and Videos No other sources permitted; and Essay must include all sources.

What were the chances for European American men and African American women to alter their physical and social circumstances, within the historical contexts in which they resided?

Describe the different relevant social groups that use that technology, and how each of their perceptions of that technology differ.


Discuss how technology contains elements of interpretative flexibility (defined in the Pinch and Bijker reading from Thursday wk1, as well as in the Kline and Pinch reading from Tuesday wk2).

Describe the different relevant social groups that use that technology, and how each of their perceptions of that technology differ.


Describe in detail 2-3 measures you will take to improve hand hygiene practices among the staff and minimize outbreaks in your facility?

Proper hand washing is the safest and easiest thing to do to prevent the spread of infections; however, true hand hygiene rates in most hospitals are extremely low.

You are the assistant to the CEO of a large academic teaching hospital.

Describe in detail 2-3 measures you will take to improve hand hygiene practices among the staff and minimize outbreaks in your facility?

Use Appendix A, the Hand Hygiene guidelines, and other sources to support your claims and proposed actions.

Your proposal must be 2–3 pages in length. Include evidence or information from at least three credible external sources and follow APA style for formatting and citation.

Verify each of the factual statements. Are they accurate? How do you know?

They propose that a basic characteristic of young children’s intellectual capacity is their delight and “sense-making” of stories, consequently, a prime learning and remembering mode.

Locate two (2)nonfiction picture books for young children. (The books may not be books from any of the modules or books discussed in the text.)

Respond to the following for EACH book:1.Cite title, author, publisher, and publication date2.

List three factual statements found in each book3.

Verify each of the factual statements. Are they accurate? How do you know?

4.Are there inaccurate statements in the books? How do you know?(Tell me how you know.)

What are some of these grey areas that you might see in career counseling and how do you see yourself handling these concerns?

The National Career Development Association (NCDA) and the American Counseling Association (ACA) provide a code of ethics for those counselors servicing both students and adults.

In studying ethics, there are times where there may seem to be some “grey’ areas that may arise when working with students as a career counselor.

What are some of these grey areas that you might see in career counseling and how do you see yourself handling these concerns?

Explain the delivery, funding and organizational roles of the state, market and civic (informal) sectors in the mixed economy of welfare, in contemporary United Kingdom society?

United Kingdom society

Explain the delivery, funding and organizational roles of the state, market and civic (informal) sectors in the mixed economy of welfare, in contemporary United Kingdom society?


Evaluate how better business decisions can benefit not just the producer but the consumer and society as a whole.

Research elasticity information for two particular goods: one with an elastic demand and one with an inelastic demand.

Using elasticity information you gather, predict changes in demand. The United States Department of Agriculture website has a good resource to help with this.

Describe how marginal analysis, by avoiding sunk costs, leads to better pricing decisions.

Explain the importance of opportunity costs to decision-making and how opportunity costs lead to trade.

Evaluate how better business decisions can benefit not just the producer but the consumer and society as a whole. In your evaluation, contrast the de-ontology and consequential-ism approaches to ethics.

Adhere to APA Style when writing your essay, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction.

If you need help identifying peer-reviewed publications, review the Online Library resources Peer-Reviewed Resources attached.

What devices can be tracked? What will be tracked, and will it be stored?

GPS devices constitute an invasion of employee privacy if the employee is tracked when they are not on the job.

Using cell phone tracking becomes a little more invasive as you can be “followed” at all times of day. Florida law states that a business can track employees in company owned vehicles or on cell phones.

The law is vague as to when that tracking becomes an invasion of privacy. If you are working for a company that feels the need to track your work during the day.

Employee trust becomes paramount in this issue. If you are suspicious of your employees, they should not be working for you. A company could set up guidelines that would be appropriate for GPS use by working with the managers and employees to produce an agreement everyone is comfortable with.

This would create trust among the workers and give the employer the desired results of being able to track company property. Gaining consent from the people being tracked is not necessary but would help if there ever was an instance of overstepping the boundaries of GPS use. Areas that could be covered in an agreement could include:

1.1. What devices can be tracked?

2.2. What will be tracked, and will it be stored?

3.3. How the date will be utilized.

4.4. Who has access to the information and how will it be secured?

How did the differing United States positions on who should rule Vietnam (Indochina) compare to the French, Russian, British, Chinese, and the views expressed by Ho Chi Minh?

Vietnam War

After reading the Introduction and Chapter One of the Bradley book and watching the two videos for background, look at the documents below and write a 3 to 5 page paper that uses the following documents.

Examine how the United States wrestled with what to do with Indochina during and after World War 2.

How did the differing United States positions on who should rule Vietnam (Indochina) compare to the French, Russian, British, Chinese, and the views expressed by Ho Chi Minh?


 Discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding The End of Life Option (physician-assisted suicide) law that was recently passed in California and its impact on hospitals.

First, select a topic with both legal and ethical implications faced by professionals in the healthcare setting. Your final paper will discuss the multitude of legal viewpoints, ethical issues, and issues of inter-professionalism related to your topic.

You will be required to discuss how values, ethics, and sense of inter-professionalism may shape how the topic is interpreted, analyzed, and communicated in legal and ethical terms.
For example, you can analyze Roe v. Wade (the law that legalized abortion) and its impact on the practice of obstetrics and gynecology over time.

Discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding The End of Life Option (physician-assisted suicide) law that was recently passed in California and its impact on hospitals.

Discuss the need for a strong Code of Ethics in every medical business setting or the need for inter-professional education and how it can improve the ethics of a medical setting.

Once you have chosen your topic, conduct research to find at least two peer-reviewed articles related to your topic and summarize the findings in those two articles. Then, formulate a thesis for your paper.