
Do GPS devices constitute an invasion of employee privacy? Are there guidelines companiescan develop for appropriate GPS use?

Ethics Activity Managing Human Resources and Labor Relations329Tracking employee information through global positioning systems (GPS)—in particular, on company vehicles driven by employees—is becoming commonplace.Companies are not only tracking vehicles, but many now track employees through their mobile phones.

Understandably, many employees don’t like the idea of Big Brother following their every move; most states allow employers to track their employees’ location even in off hours. Many employees take their company vehicles home after their shifts, but even employees with company-owned phones may be tracked after hours,too.

Surveys show that many GPS-tracked employees have serious concerns about after-hours tracking,micromanagement, and privacy .

Ethical Dilemma:Do GPS devices constitute an invasion of employee privacy? Are there guidelines companies can develop for appropriate GPS use?

Explain the Financial Crisis solution using one of the following schools of thought.

Examine what caused the 2008 Financial Crisis using the following HBO documentary.

Explain the Financial Crisis solution using one of the following schools of thought. Austrian, Monetarism, Keynesian or Chicago.

What are at least 3 ways that you are able to “see” the mission and vision of your organization in action? Support these 3 ways with literature.

What is the mission and vision statement of your current organization?

What are at least 3 ways that you are able to “see” the mission and vision of your organization in action? Support these 3 ways with literature.

How does your unit/area support the mission and vision of the organization?

How does that impact the overall organization as a whole? Support your work with references.

What information are you lacking that might assist you and your team in developing and suggesting value-enhancing strategic alternatives?

In a paper of approximately 1,500 words, revisit the strategic alternatives and financial analysis recommendations that offer the greatest opportunities to add value to your firm and assess the risks of each. Use the information you have learned about American Express Company’s business model, industry, competition, and target market in conjunction with the feedback you received on your work in the previous two topics to assist you in addressing the following.

1. In the Strategic Alternatives Assessment, you evaluated potential growth opportunities and strategies for your firm, using a SWOT analysis to assess the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Recapitulate your findings here in conjunction with any instructor feedback received, identifying how you determined your proposed strategic alternative(s) and calculated potential inhibitors to each. Expand upon your initial proposed alternatives to include financial considerations.

2. Throughout the course, you have developed and submitted reports for your firm based on information that you and your CLC group have acquired and assessed.

However, it is equally important to consider what other information, had you been able to locate it, would have been of value in formulating recommendations.

What information are you lacking that might assist you and your team in developing and suggesting value-enhancing strategic alternatives?

What information are you lacking that would assist you and your team in better assessing and managing possible risks of the proposed alternatives?

3. When it comes to making strategic recommendations to management, financial considerations weigh significantly on the feasibility and viability of the available options. Revisit the Financial Analysis assignment and, with the incorporation of any instructor feedback received, reiterate your findings on the financial condition and performance of the firm respective to the risks and benefits of forming a strategic alliance, profitability ratios, and possible value-enhancing strategies.

4. Given your instructor’s feedback and considering how the financial markets have changed since you submitted your Financial Analysis assignment, how would you refine or update your assessment of the organization’s current performance and financial strategies?

5. How would you use a decision matrix to determine the risks of your suggested strategic alternative and the potential financial implications for your company of pursuing this alternative? Is the decision matrix an effective tool for predicting risk? Why or why not? How does the application of the decision matrix alter what you previously chose as the most advantageous strategy?

6. Utilizing a risk matrix, identify a minimum of 10 unique risks associated with the strategic alternative you believe will provide the most significant opportunity for your firm to add value. Choose two or three of the most critical risks and discuss their potential impacts on your selected alternative.

Discuss how racism still exists and discrimination. It still be big conflict in today world and explain why.

Racial conflict

This class is an argumentative, we need to prove our point of view.  Discuss how racism still exists and discrimination. It still be big conflict in today world and explain why. we need to answer about Jefferson predictions on racial conflict.

How to achieve competitive advantages ,why we measure firm performance ?

Strategic Management

Your participation in concept discussions is highly encouraged and critical to your learning process.  Read the chapter and think about the topic (sometimes additional research may be necessary) and post your comments/opinions (about a half page, single-spaced)

Developing competitive advantages through globalization of business and effective global strategies

Strategic motives behind vertical integration and outsourcing

How to achieve competitive advantages ,why we measure firm performance ? Organizational inertia in the process of strategic change

Identify how the care environment affected the situation, including the nurse or provider, the patient, and the outcome.

Quality and Safety in Practice

This assignment is designed to highlight the role a nurse plays in quality, safe patient care on a daily basis.

Identify a patient care case that has received media attention.

Summarize the situation.

Describe the nurse’s role in the patient care situation.

Explain the role the patient played in their own quality- or safety-related situation.

Evaluate the relationship between the patient’s care and the outcome.

Identify how the care environment affected the situation, including the nurse or provider, the patient, and the outcome.

Determine whether a quality model was employed. If yes, identify and explain it. If not, identify one that could have improved the situation.

Explain what actions you might take to improve the outcome or prevent an adverse outcome in the future.


How well are you coping with current life challenges?

Reflection essay

How well are you coping with current life challenges?

Discuss the differences in solutions from part (a) and part (b). What are implications?

Statistic Problems

1)Levinson Foods is in the process of expanding its distribution system. After some planned acquisitions, the company will have ten regional centers, with monthly volumes.
Information, compiled showing the cost per carton of shipping from each warehouse to any regional center in the system, is shared under the Excel template.

a) Assuming that all of the six warehouses stay open,determine the distribution plan and its corresponding cost.

b) If some warehouses could be closed, what would be the cost minimizing new distribution plan?

c) Discuss the differences in solutions from part (a) and part (b). What are implications?

2)Majestic Enterprises is considering a investing $160 million for capital projects this year.
a) Determine which projects should be selected to maximize the total NPV.

What three steps will help achieve the necessary qualities of reality and “common currency” for your project?

Saliency of the outcome

1.What five steps would you take to ensure saliency of the outcome?

2.What three steps will help achieve the necessary qualities of reality and “common currency” for your project?

3.What seven challenges establish cause and effect in non experimental designs?

4.Considering your outcome of interest, what analytic issues do you anticipate?

5.What four implementation challenges exist within OA projects? Suggest a solution for each challenge.