
 What did you think of the ABC 20/20 report on the backstory and the criminal investigation? Did it change your take on the movie or any of the real life characters?

What did you think of the ABC 20/20 report on the backstory and the criminal investigation? Did it change your take on the movie or any of the real life characters?

One of the CNN articles says that some exotic dancers have spoken out about the film on social media because they feel the film equated their work with criminal activity.

Do you feel like this film paints an open minded portrait of women just trying to make a living? Or does it indict their entire profession?

What features of each writer’s work seem to you to correspond with descriptions of the purposes of postcolonial literature?

Postcolonial literature

What features of each writer’s work seem to you to correspond with descriptions of the purposes of postcolonial literature? OR does the writer’s work seem more closely related to one of the earlier “movements” we studied, modernism, the avant-garde, or post modernism?


Which scanning protocol (specify the CT study name e.g head, c-spine, Facial bones, etc)would you use and how will you prepare and position the patient for this study?

Which scanning protocol (specify the CT study name e.g head, c-spine, Facial bones, etc)would you use and how will you prepare and position the patient for this study?

Provide the area of scan (what anatomy to what anatomy), slice thickness, and windowing methods used for this study?

Find a CT image (from the internet or other resources with citation) for this diagnosis and attach it to the category.

Discuss how Keynesian Economic Theory is related to US Opioid Overdose Crisis that has or could result from this healthcare policy change would impact your future practice as an APRN. Be specific and use examples if possible.

Discuss how Keynesian Economic Theory is related to US Opioid Overdose Crisis that has or could result from this healthcare policy change would impact your future practice as an APRN.

Evaluate the financial statements of both companies (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement).

Evaluation of a Merger or Acquisition

Applying the concepts learned throughout this course to an analysis of a merger or an acquisition. Much of the information you will need to complete this analysis can be found in the companys annual report. You may choose any recent merger or acquisition . Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the success of the merger or acquisition.
The completed project should include the information listed below.

Provide an introduction to the companies involved in the merger or acquisition. Include the companies’ background information and the reasons for the merger.

Evaluate the financial statements of both companies (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement).

Evaluate the potential and actual risks that occurred during the merger and what the companies could have done differently to mitigate these risks.

Discuss the companies’ management of human capital in the merger or acquisition.

Evaluate the soundness of the company’s financial policies after the merger (e.g., capital structure, debt, leverage, dividend policy, enterprise risk management, and others.) based on the material covered during class.


What logical solutions have been proposed in the past? How did these work out? Successes/failures.


Problem Solution Proposal
a. Attention getter: An apt quotation, a striking example, or a brief anecdote may serve to capture your reader’s interest and focus it on the point you plan to make.

b. Background information: Historical background of the problem and its development. Most of the problems we will be researching did not occur overnight. There will be a history of events that led to the current situation. When and how did it start? Who is suffering? How many?
 Causes of the problem:
a. Discussion of contributing and significant causes of this problem. hour research should provide data which may include case histories, examples, statistical evidence or authoritative quotations. Who is causing the suffering? Why?

b. Who is benefiting from the situation?

Solutions to the problem (this section will be longer than any other):
a. What logical solutions have been proposed in the past? How did these work out?

b. What are solutions proposed for the future?

c. It would be acceptable for you to make assumptions and offer an opinion or recommend a course of action in addition to those offered by authoritative sources. you may also analyze, evaluate, and explain the most favorable course of action.

a. Deductions: What deductions can you logically draw from your research?

b. The conclusion that will serve you best is one that briefly pulls together the main points of your essay and reinforces your controlling idea (thesis).

c. The conclusion of a problem-solution essay should include a restatement of the problem and the benefits of the proposed solution.

What approach did they use? How did they mobilize the healthcare system? How did they mobilize the private sector in healthcare during the pandemic?

Healthy scepticism

• This section may blend with the Introduction and Results in literature review reports. In those cases it is typically distributed in thematic subheadings each of which may include

• It may also blend with Results in laboratory data projects

What methods did UK use to combat the covid19 pandemic? What methods did Japan use? Was it effective?

What are the effects of these strategies and what impact they had on the population?

What impact it had on the mental health of the population? What impact it had on the economy of the countries?

What impact it had on the social aspect? Was it positive overall or negative? Was Lockdown worth it? Same for the compared second country.

What approach did they use? How did they mobilize the healthcare system? How did they mobilize the private sector in healthcare during the pandemic? Similarities and differences.

How did they spread awareness about covid? Possible difference in cultures that had an impact on the results. What responses they had on a global, national, regional, local level? Was it efficient? Why?

what are the risks and potential shortcomings in the existing Australian regulatory framework

Crypto curriences, what are the risks and potential shortcomings in the existing Australian regulatory framework

Briefly outline the basis of your analysis i.e. what you have done in part a) and explain the meaning of the terms used such as net cash flow, discount factors, present values and net present values and why you have done this i.e. refer to the brief.


Briefly outline the basis of your analysis i.e. what you have done in part a) and explain the meaning of the terms used such as net cash flow, discount factors, present values and net present values and why you have done this i.e. refer to the brief.

Initial Conclusion

Using the net present value, along with the cash flow, decide whether or not the development is financially worthwhile and explain why/why not.

Sensitivity Analysis

Identify at least four key factors from the cash flow that you think influence your decision above. Make reasonable changes to the values of these factors and determine how these changes affect your decision above.

Determine the value that each key factor would have to take in order to reverse the decision above and comment on its likelihood.





Discuss the importance and impact of the therapist and their and frame of reference on the therapeutic context?

Frame of Reference

Discuss the following, using paragraph format.

Using your textbook and your scholarly sources, discuss the importance and impact of the therapist and their and frame of reference on the therapeutic context? ( The perspective of the counselor and the person of the counselor is bound to impact the therapy setting. What is being is asked for here is how is this relevant to the therapy setting and the therapeutic context)

Explain in depth the differences between individual and family therapy. It is very important that you support your discussion with evidence and do not give your opinion.

Discuss how using a family approach to counseling is beneficial in Human Services practice.

Discuss reasons that in order to be an ethical HUS professional, it is imperative and essential for a counselor to know their values, limitations, biases, and to understand reasons it is important to appreciate the challenges with objectivity related to their own family of origin issues.