
Examine the neuroanatomy of the topic, the neurotransmitter systems involved, and any other biological system, such as hormones, that may be involved.

 The Biological Basis of Behavior: Final Project
For your research, students are instructed to use the PubMed Central (Links to an external site.) web page.
In your paper,
Analyze of the role of the brain in a disorder. (selected disorder: Strokes)

Examine the neuroanatomy of the topic, the neurotransmitter systems involved, and any other biological system, such as hormones, that may be involved.

Identify any life-span implications, how the topic is studied, and relevant history of the topic.

Describe behavioral processes that are involved in the disorder or brain process.

Disorders and behaviors that have heavy social influences are not suitable topics (i.e. addiction).

Analyze the roles of the Stafford Act, National Response Framework (NRF), and National Incident Management System (NIMS) during times of emergencies.

 Legal Aspects of Emergency Services Management
Explores the basic principles and terms of law in relation to the field of emergency management and various legal actions against people or organizations charged with emergency services management duties.

Contains court cases, statutes, and regulations that have an impact on emergency service organizations.
No physical textbook is required; resources are integrated within the course.

1. Explain how the legal framework of the U.S. Government impacts state and local governments, including citizenry, during times of disaster.

2. Evaluate how public health laws and state laws interact with emergency management personnel.

3. Analyze the roles of the Stafford Act, National Response Framework (NRF), and National Incident Management System (NIMS) during times of emergencies.

4. Assess the separation of powers among the governors, legislature, courts, and local governments during an emergency.

5. Examine the legalities surrounding emergency services management operations for both natural and man-made disasters and emergencies.

– Emergency Management Leadership and Decision Making or equivalent


examine each of the five databases (A to E) and select an image from each that catches your eye or strikes your interest.


1) Create a Microsoft Word document,

2) examine each of the five databases (A to E) and select an image from each that catches your eye or strikes your interest.

3) paste each image in the Word document with a caption stating its source,

A) Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) MRDS is an international database of mineral site records with related geologic, commodity, and deposit information.

B) Common Mineral Database

C) Web Database of 4,714 minerals with properties and characteristics listed:

D) Michael Scott Mineral Database (referred to in the NOVA video Treasures of the Earth: Gems)

E) The world’s largest public mineral and gem database.

What would be the Independent variable and the dependent variable for the study and why?

What is the problem and why?
What would be the treatment/experimental groups and what would be the control group?
What would be the Independent variable and the dependent variable for the study and why?
What would be the null and alternative hypotheses for the study?
What would be the alpha level and why?

Explain the significance of understanding the context in which a film exists. How does contextual knowledge influence our participative experience with film? Give examples to illustrate your point.

Explain the significance of understanding the context in which a film exists. How does contextual knowledge influence our participative experience with film? Give examples to illustrate your point.

Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.. Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.

Write a 650-1300 word response to the following questions: I. Explain multicultural communication and its origins.

Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.

Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.. Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.

List some approaches the health care professional can use to address religious and cultural diversity.
List the types of illiteracy.

Discuss illiteracy as a disability.

Give examples of some myths about illiteracy.

Explain how to assess literacy skills and evaluate written material for readability.

Identify ways a health care professional may establish effective communication.


Discuss the importance of information systems producing expected outputs. Identify real-world examples.

Information Systems

Discuss the importance of information systems producing expected outputs. Identify real-world examples.

Explain the difference between data, information, and knowledge.

In response to your peers, compare your examples to theirs.


Analyze whether the owner formed a contract with the businesses, and apply the five essential elements of an enforceable contract.

ACME Fireworks

It was discussed that most of the cost for a fireworks display is for skilled labor, insurance, and the actual service of setting off the fireworks. No other details were discussed. The owner is anticipating that new employees will need to be hired, but he is worried that if the large orders for fireworks displays do not continue, the company will not have the funds to pay the new employees. The owner is now considering changing the business entity, but he does not know what entity to form or how to form it.

The owner has asked you to do the following:

Determine if the contracts with the businesses will be governed by common law or the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and explain why.

Analyze whether the owner formed a contract with the businesses, and apply the five essential elements of an enforceable contract.

Explain the potential personal liability to Acme Fireworks if a spectator is injured by a stray firework from a fireworks display.

Discuss the different employment types and relationships relevant to agency law, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each type specific to Acme Fireworks.

Explain why Acme Fireworks should not operate as a sole proprietorship. Recommend a new business entity, and provide rationale to support your recommendation.


What value do crime rates have in criminal justice policy development?

Since technology is commonplace in our daily lives, you should also consider how it impacts the issue.

Finally, develop at least one plausible solution to the problem. In your solution, make sure that you discuss the potential costs and benefits, as well as the resources needed to implement your plan.

Should private corporations be allowed to run our prisons?

Are the mergers of City/County criminal justice entities (i.e. law enforcement, crime labs, etc.) a responsible fiscal maneuver?

What value do crime rates have in criminal justice policy development?

Should the current Juvenile Justice system be abolished and replaced?

Discuss how  medieval peasant families had more of a flexible work schedule and worked fewer hours than the Modern Americans, their quality of life lacked certain basic essentials and personal liberties

Discuss how  medieval peasant families had more of a flexible work schedule and worked fewer hours than the Modern Americans, their quality of life lacked certain basic essentials and personal liberties