
Identify and discuss fundamental networking elements and layered network architecture. Recognize and discuss Internet, Intranet, and Internet and Transport protocols.

Information Systems Infrastructure

The Individual Final Presentation will entail the development of a detailed presentation that will allow you an opportunity to present a summary of key course concepts. The key course concept summary will be done in one of two ways:

(a) summarize key concepts that you will use in future course work, or

(b) summarize key concepts that you will apply in the work setting.

    • Students are required to complete and submit this presentation. You may use the course resources for some of your resource material, however, it is expected that you will do research outside of the content posted in this course.
    • The Individual Final Presentation must be unique and should not be a restatement of items from the course materials.
    • The use of APA is required for citing any in-text citations and providing full references at the end of the presentation.

Course Description

An introduction to information systems infrastructure. Focus is on data communications and networks. Discussion covers layered network architectures and communication hardware. Emerging technologies such as social media, mobile computing, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things are also examined.

Course Introduction

  • The Information Systems Infrastructure covers fundamentals of networking, Internet and Intranet, systems and applications, emerging technologies and technological advantages related to Big Data, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Internet of Everything (IoE), and Software Defined Networks (SDN), network management, and cyber security

Course Outcomes

    1. Fundamentals of networking – identify and discuss fundamental networking elements and layered network architecture.
    2. Internet and Intranet – recognize and discuss Internet, Intranet, and Internet and Transport protocols.
    3. Systems and Application – discuss Web applications, Software Oriented Architecture (SOA), Voice and Video over Internet (VVoIP), and databases; and to assess client-server and peer-to-peer communications.
    4. Emerging Technologies – evaluate technological advantages related to Big Data, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Internet of Everything (IoE), and SDN.
    5. Network Management – recognize essential functions in network management and operations.
    6. Cyber Security – identify security vulnerability and provide mitigation mechanisms to prevent, detect, and recover from security threats.

Complete the room assignments on the ROOM ASSIGNMENT tab for these patients noting rationale for why you assign each patient to a specific room. “

Nursing of the current generation, priority questions

Step 1:

You are the charge nurse on a new unit that will open today. This unit has 18 rooms and 26 beds. There are 10 private rooms and 8 double rooms. Two of the private rooms have negative pressure (601 & 602). The list below provides important information about the patients who are being transferred to the unit. You need to assign each patient to the appropriate room.

Complete the room assignments on the ROOM ASSIGNMENT tab for these patients noting rationale for why you assign each patient to a specific room.

What is Kant’s definition of Enlightenment? According to Kant, why is it difficult for most people to achieve? Do you agree with Kant? Do all people have a moral duty to think for themselves? Why or why not?

Philosophy question

Answer 3 of the following five questions. Each answer should be a minimum of 300 words.

1. What is Kant’s definition of Enlightenment? According to Kant, why is it difficult for most people to achieve? Do you agree with Kant? Do all people have a moral duty to think for themselves? Why or why not? Please give reasons to support your position.

2. In The Apology, why did Socrates break the law? Do we have an obligation to obey the law? What moral reasons support this obligation? Do we ever have a moral obligation to break the law? If so, what moral reasons support this obligation?

3. According to Russell, what does philosophy aim at? What type of questions does philosophy ask? According to Russell, what are practical and instinctive types of persons? Do you agree with his critique of the practical and instinctive types of persons? Why or why not? Please give reasons to support your claim.

4. Epicurus claims that if we live according to the wisdom of hedonism we will live as gods among men. What does this mean? Do you agree with Epicurus? Why or why not? Please give reasons to support your position.

5. Philosophy is translated as the love of wisdom. In your own words, what is the difference between intelligence and wisdom? Do you know anyone that is intelligent but not wise? What are some characteristics of a wise person? What are some characteristics of an intelligent person? Are there any significant differences between the two concepts?

Discuss how you think globalization influenced the decision-making that formed Saudi Vision 2030. What are some of the benefits and challenges of globalization for different sectors of society (for example, companies, workers, and communities)?

Globalization and Decision-Making

  1. Discuss how you think globalization influenced the decision-making that formed Saudi Vision 2030.
  2. What are some of the benefits and challenges of globalization for different sectors of society (for example, companies, workers, and communities)?

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.

  • Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.
  • Reply to at least two discussion posts with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Socrates claimed the unexamined life was not worth living. What did he mean by that? How does this maxim relate to the topic of philosophy? Do you agree with Socrates? Why or why not? Please give reasons to support your claim.

Philosophy Question


Socrates claimed the unexamined life was not worth living. What did he mean by that? How does this maxim relate to the topic of philosophy? Do you agree with Socrates? Why or why not? Please give reasons to support your claim.

What could Equifax have done differently to prevent cyberattack?

Mgt 430 mod 1 db

What could Equifax have done differently to prevent cyberattack?




What is it that the organization/group would like from the police? (e.g., this may be things like protection, eradication, more training, etc..) Discuss two ways (for each of your 3 organizations/groups) that a police chief may respond favorably to these organizations/groups but still maintain success in the police management realm?

Discussion Week 1

While we all know the police serve the “community,” it is important to understand that the community is made of an enormous number of individuals, groups, and organizations. Each of these have their own beliefs when it comes to the police.

Select at least three organizations or groups from outside the police agency. Then, address the questions that follow. Remember, some groups will want to eliminate the police, others will want to give the police more latitude and power, while many have a far more neutral view, and only want the police to address their specific issues, as well as those groups that want to restrict the role of the police department.

1. What is the mission of the organization/group? Provide this and a brief description of the organization/group.

2. What is it that the organization/group would like from the police? (e.g., this may be things like protection, eradication, more training, etc..) Discuss two ways (for each of your 3 organizations/groups) that a police chief may respond favorably to these organizations/groups but still maintain success in the police management realm?

3. Discuss two challenges that a Chief may face trying to maintain relationships with community stakeholders (such as the organizations/groups you chose) in their role as a Police Chief and the duties and responsibilities that they have in that role.

On page 21, in lines 1-38, I noticed the scene where King Cladius gives a speech celebrating his new marriage with the dead king’s wife and Hamlet’s mother. Do you think that King Cladius motives to marry the dead king’s widow was simply to take away the attention from the recent death? What is his motivation in marrying Gertrude?

Hamlet questions

1.”Frailty, thy name is woman!” says Hamlet on page 29. What can we learn about Hamlet’s attitudes toward women, and how does this affect his character development throughout the play?

2.On page 67, after Hamlet speaks with the ghost, he says that from now on he “shall think meet To put an antic disposition on”, meaning he will begin to act unreasonably, have an unstable personality, and generally plan on portraying an insane image to seem like less of a threat (I.v.191-192). How might this antic disposition affect his relationships throughout the rest of the play, specifically with Ophelia, Claudius, Laertes, and Gertrude? How might it have a real effect on his mental health?

3.On pages 39-41, Act I, Scene iii, Laertes gives advice to his sister Ophelia about her relationship with Hamlet. How does the advice reflect the cultural/societal expectations of women during the time and how does it compare to now?

4.On page 49, we see Ophelia agree to her fathers demands for her to stop dating Hamlet. Is this obedience to her father honorable or should she have more independence to make a choice like that on her own?

5.In Act I, Scene v, King Hamlet tells Hamlet of his uncle’s betrayal. If Gertrude had a part in King Hamlet’s assassination, how will that discovery affect Hamlet? If Gertrude wasn’t involved, how will she react to learning Claudius killed King Hamlet?

6.On page 61, in lines 93-95. I noticed the quote where the ghost tells Hamlet to not hate or harm his mother, but to leave her with God and her own guilt. Why do you think the ghost doesn’t want to punish Queen Gertrude, despite the fact that she is committing what could be classified as incest and is possibly an adulter?

7.On page 18, and all through Act I, I noticed that Claudius is trying to get close to Hamlet. This may be so that Hamlet will not avenge the death of his father, but I wonder: why doesn’t Claudius just kill Hamlet? Claudius obviously has no problem killing people. Why walk around nervous the rest of his life, always looking over his shoulder, worried that Hamlet will kill him one day?

8.On page 21, in lines 1-38, I noticed the scene where King Cladius gives a speech celebrating his new marriage with the dead king’s wife and Hamlet’s mother. Do you think that King Cladius motives to marry the dead king’s widow was simply to take away the attention from the recent death? What is his motivation in marrying Gertrude?


Provide the source title, a working link to it (the URL), and a brief description of it in your own words. Explain how it relates to your life and how it can make you happier and/or healthier.

Discussion Question Psychology 131

Find a valid and credible source about stress management that you find interesting and that can positively affect your life and health. This will probably be online, but it does not have to be. Valid sources often come from .edu, .org, and .gov websites. Sometimes .com sites are fine, but you must make sure the source is a valid one to use for this assignment. Ask me if you need help with this.

  • 1. Provide the source title, a working link to it (the URL), and a brief description of it in your own words. Make sure the link goes directly to the page you are referencing and not a general website.
  • 2. Then, explain how it relates to your life and how it can make you happier and/or healthier. Do not just repeat back information from the source and/or textbook! Speak from the heart here and tell me how the source can make your life better.

Your answer should be 2-3 paragraphs, or enough to thoroughly answer the question. Be as specific as possible and use your own ideas and examples when necessary.