
Analyze how the economic concentration in the area you chose was influenced by competition and pricing.

Economic Concentration Evaluation

Write paper evaluating economists’ assessments of the role the 4 factors of production played in determining how the economic concentration you selected has evolved. Complete the following in your paper:

*Analyze how the economic concentration in the area you chose was influenced by competition and pricing.

*Analyze how the economic concentration in the area you chose influenced the supply chain.

*Analyze which of the 4 factors of production were the most and least important in determining the economic concentration of the area you chose.

Summary, Without Quotations: In the summary of the essay you disagree with, or find less persuasive, do not use quotes, or cite any other sources beyond what is considered common knowledge. Instead, use only summary.

You must give the name of the author, but then restate the main points in your own words. To do this, read a part of the essay (at least a paragraph) until you have a good understanding of the content, and then write your summary of that passage without looking back at the text. This is the best way to avoid using the original wording of the essay and thereby committing the “sin” of plagiarism!

Your summary should include:

1.  What does the way the claim is stated tell you about the strategy of the argument, and the audience?

2. The major reasons given which support the claim. Do the reasons appeal mostly to logic, values, or emotion?

3. A general indication of the type of supporting evidence given. The underlined words in blue are links to additional evidence. Is it “hard,” objective evidence, or relatively “soft” and subjective? Why do you think the author chose that kind of evidence?

4. Overall, do you think the argument is effective or not? Why?

Analysis, With Quotations: In the analysis of the essay you tend to agree with more, or find most effective, use summary again, but also short quotations from the essay integrated with your writing to support your claims.

Do not quote from any other sources besides the essay you are analyzing.  Identify, analyze, and evaluate the evidence presented, as well as the writer’s purpose and use of rhetorical strategies, as described in the Rhetorical Analysis lecture notes in the module. There should be some summary of the content (what is said), but most of the emphasis should be on analysis (how it is said) and why the argument is effective (not just because you agree with it).

Answer the following questions about the article to help write your analysis:

1. Who is the source? Assess the credibility and qualifications of the author.

2. What is the major claim in the article? Where is it most clearly stated or implied? What is the author’s purpose?

3. How effective is the evidence presented, according to the STAR criteria? Explain. Does anything stand out as a strength in the evidence?

4. What are the predominant rhetorical strategies or appeals you see in the article? What they reveal about the intended audience – is the author trying to persuade a sympathetic audience or a more skeptical one?

Describe the problem in the PICOT question as it relates to the following: Evidence-based solution and Nursing intervention

PICOT question

The PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project change proposal.

In a paper of 775 words (title page and references not to be included in word count), clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.
Describe the problem in the PICOT question as it relates to the following:
1) Evidence-based solution

2) Nursing intervention (include encourage fluids, monitor lab levels, be aware of signs and symptoms of infection, collaborative teamwork with all staff + you can add anything you feel that is necessary)

3) Patient care (include ADL assistance, frequent checks on patients, providing perineal care, HCG wipes around catheter insertion site going downward + you can add anything you feel that is necessary)

4) Health care agency

5) Nursing practice

How is alirocumab more effective in reducing high cholesterol in adults with high levels of HDL and LDL compared to statins?

Alirocumab vs Statins in reducing high cholesterol

Your Evidence Based Project is where YOU are doing “research” based on clinical question.

You are not conducting an Actual Research Study but you are constructing a research project as though you intend to conduct the study.

This is a PICO question assignment for Evidence Based Practice. The PICO question developed is as follows:

How is alirocumab more effective in reducing high cholesterol in adults with high levels of HDL and LDL compared to statins?



How are the issues in each of your two countries different? How are they the same?   Are these differences impacted by the type of government existing in each country? 

Country 1  FRANCE
Issue 1 (politics): statement of the issue, background, factors bearing on the problem, possible solutions, your recommendation for solving this issue, and rationale for your decision

Issue 2 (economics): statement of the issue, background, factors bearing on the problem, possible solutions, your recommendation for solving this issue, and rationale for your decision

Country 2  BALERUS

Issue 1 (politics): statement of the issue, background, factors bearing on the problem, possible solutions, your recommendation for solving this issue, and rationale for your decision

Issue 2 (economics): statement of the issue, background, factors bearing on the problem, possible solutions, your recommendation for solving this issue, and rationale for your decision


How are the issues in each of your two countries different? How are they the same?

Are these differences impacted by the type of government existing in each country?

What can you say about the government’s ability to solve these problems?

Are there any other countries you have studied that might serve as a model for the problems of Country1 and Country2?

What general recommendations would you have for Country 1 FRANCE ? For Country 2 BALERUS?



How do you know that the information derived from your assessment is applicable to your client?

Norms and Basic Interpretation of Test Scores

How do you know that the information derived from your assessment is applicable to your client?

This assignment explored the basic concepts of normative samples and interpretation of test scores.

Discuss how validity and reliability relate to the development and interpretation of psychological assessments

Reliability and Validity

Validity and Reliability – What is the difference? Discuss the meaning of these two concepts and how they relate to each. Discuss how validity and reliability relate to the development and interpretation of psychological assessments

Distinguish between reasonable suspicion and probable cause, Be sure to illustrate your distinctions between these two terms with examples.

Law enforcement

Law enforcement officers use two methods to investigate possible criminal activity: reasonable suspicion and probable cause.

Reasonable suspicion means officers have a reasonable belief, sometimes called a hunch, that criminal activity may have occurred. They have no hard evidence to support their belief. Probable cause is more concrete.

Probable cause means officers are not just suspicious that criminal activity has occurred; they think it’s likely, or probable, that criminal activity has taken place. Many times reasonable suspicion may evolve into probable cause. This is not always the case, however. Initial contact between an officer and a subject often involves reasonable suspicion rather than probable cause.

Distinguish between reasonable suspicion and probable cause.

Be sure to illustrate your distinctions between these two terms with examples.


Critically examine the postings of your peers and provide a brief overview of what role religion plays in extremism and terrorism and provide at least one example of each.

Role religion plays in extremism and terrorism

What is the difference between extremism and terrorism?

Critically examine the postings of your peers and provide a brief overview of what role religion plays in extremism and terrorism and provide at least one example of each.

Identify the development team, Evaluate current fundraising.,

Forum Project

The “Forum Project” assignments throughout this class will build upon each other toward the Major Project

Identify a partner non-profit to support. Using the tools from the reading (particularly Weinstein), class presentations, and “Create an Effective Fundraising

1) Identify the development team

2) Evaluate current fundraising

3) Identify organizational fundraising assets

Note: The Forum Projects will be assessed on thoroughness, clarity of insight, and appropriateness to organizational context.