
To what extent should policies regarding immigrants seeking refuge in the UK be tightened or relaxed?


To what extent should policies regarding immigrants seeking refuge in the UK be tightened or relaxed? What changes to the law do you recommend to support your view?

How do you think this healthcare crisis could have been handled differently if such a disaster of this magnitude would occur again?

Katrina – A Natural Devastating Healthcare Disaster

Students are to view the following videos regarding Hurricane Katrina: links for videos are provided within this text. Watch videos then answer the following questions:

What are you’re feelings about Katrina after viewing the short videos?

How do you feel the healthcare system handled this unexpected disaster: both pros and cons?

How do you think this healthcare crisis could have been handled differently if such a disaster of this magnitude would occur again?

Do you feel that your Katrina –  would have been prepared for this disaster?

Since these disasters, such as Katrina and 911 have occurred, have you seen a change in the way your healthcare facility is preparing?

video links:

Describe your treatment recommendations, including the type of treatment modality and whether or not you would refer the client to a medical provider for psychotropic medications.

Depression, the Secret We Share

View the TED Talk “Depression, the Secret We Share” (TED Conferences, LLC, 2013) and compare the description of Andrew Solomon’s symptoms to the criteria for depressive disorders in the DSM-5. Next review the steps in diagnosis detailed in the Morrison (2014) reading, and then read the case provided by your instructor for this week’s Discussion, considering the client against the various DSM-5 criteria for depressive disorders and bipolar disorders.

Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis for the client. For any diagnosis that you choose, be sure to concisely explain how the client fits that diagnostic criteria.

Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, medical needs, and the Z codes (other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention). Keep in mind a diagnosis covers the most recent 12 months.`

Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis.

Recommend a specific evidence-based measurement instrument to validate the diagnosis and assess outcomes of treatment.

Describe your treatment recommendations, including the type of treatment modality and whether or not you would refer the client to a medical provider for psychotropic medications.

Describe the foundational elements of the U.S. legal system and the relationships among them.

Business Law

Describe the foundational elements of the U.S. legal system and the relationships among them.

Create a PowerPoint presentation that specifically covers the detailed topic outline as follows:
Introduction: Provide an introduction to the law and its purposes, including why there is a need for business law.

Foundation: Briefly explain the foundation of the legal system in the United States, including the branches of the U.S. government and their relationship to each other.

Describe three of the primary sources of U.S. law and provide one example of each primary source of law that is related to the business environment.

Name and briefly summarize the clause of the U.S. Constitution that grants the government the power to regulate business. Provide an example of government regulation of business.

Courts: Differentiate between federal and state courts, including an example of the type of business case that could be heard in each court.

Differences: Explain the difference between criminal law, civil law, and alternative dispute resolution.

Conclusions: Describe why every business owner and leader must have a basic understanding of the U.S. legal system.


Describe how you have already made an impact on your home (or adopted) country or the broader international or scientific community.

Scientific community

[1] Describe how you have already made an impact on your home (or adopted) country or the broader international or scientific community.

(2) How you will continue to do so after your education is completed.

(3) How your education will directly contribute to your ability to effect these goals.

What are chemical compounds? State 20 chemicals used in water treatment along with their chemical formula.

water chemistry

Define the following terms:
a. Chemistry
b. Chemical Substance
c. Matter
d. Atom
e. Element
f. Compound
What are chemical compounds? State 20 chemicals used in water treatment along with their chemical formula.

What is a molecule and its properties ? Explain.

State and explain three theories that explain acid-behavior ?

What is alkalinity of water? When alkalinity measurements are used?

Explain what water hardness is and how a water softener works

How does water hardness occur? state and explain various types of water hardness?

What is water softening? Explain two principle methods of water softening?

What are commonly found water quality problems? Explain

Define the following terms:

a. Disinfection byproducts,

b. Haloacetic acids,

c. Iron bacteria,

d. Volatile organic compounds.

Discuss the application of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF) in water treatment.

Industrial Bioprocess

Choose one of the following two topics and write an essay with a maximum of 2500 words or 20 pages. Word count does not include content and title pages, tables, figures, figure captions, references and appendices.

1- Discuss the application of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF) in water treatment. The structure of this essay should be: abstract – using concise language, include the process and mention the results.

2- Explain the production and uses of dimethyl ether (DME), also discuss its use as a fuel for the future replacing current fuels.

Do you think the mental health system in our country today functions well. or is it broken? Why or why not?

The Homeless Mentally
Do you think the mental health system in our country today functions well. or is it broken? Why or why not?

• Explain why you agree or disagree with at least two other classmates’ responses. Provide at least two examples and one credible resource to support each response

How does the work of Poe and Hawthorne illustrate the main tenets of American Gothic-ism?

Poe and Hawthorne

A. Write a well thought out, but concise essay to answer one of the following prompts. Your essay should be at least two pages.

1. In “Rappaccini’s Daughter” and “The Birth-mark,” Hawthorne seems to be pointing the finger at science. What is he saying about science and how is this illustrated in the stories?

2. Both Poe and Hawthorne focus on the darker side of man’s psyche. Discuss the differences between Poe’s and Hawthorne’s examinations of human psychology. Use examples from the stories you have read to back up your thoughts.

B. How does the work of Poe and Hawthorne illustrate the main tenets of American Gothic-ism?


Discuss the concepts and principles of modern public health that underpin the initiative you have chosen.

Public health

1.Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and principles underpinning modern public health

.2.Examine key elements and evaluate the quality of public health Interventions.

3.Examine and apply tools and evidence to make judicial decisions to address a public health problem.

4.Demonstrate the ability to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of a public health intervention on a topic and make recommendations to address identified problems.

Identify a public health initiative in a country of your choice that addresses obesity.

1.Discuss the concepts and principles of modern public health that underpin the initiative you have chosen.

2.Identify and explain the key elements of this public health intervention and how they would be evaluated

3.Review the evidence that supports this intervention and determine if the intervention could be replicated in the neighbouring country to the one it was carried out