
How does Priestley present the change in Sheila during the course of the play ‘An Inspector calls’? How do you think this change reflects some of Priestley’s ideas?

How does Priestley present the change in Sheila during the course of the play ‘An Inspector calls’? How do you think this change reflects some of Priestley’s ideas?

What is the author’s purpose for writing this article? What is the author’s academic or professional background?

Diplomatic History

The Eisen  hower Administration, Article 14(d), and the Origins of the Refugee Exodus from North Vietnam. By Philip E Catton, Diplomatic History.

First, devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points that the author is trying to convey to the reader. To help to address this issue, consider some of these questions:

Which president is the topic of this article, and what is the time frame for the article? What is the foreign policy topic being discussed?

For example, is the topic about trade or terrorism?

Does the topic correspond to the Cold War?

What is the biggest problem facing the president as he deals with this topic?

What is the author’s purpose for writing this article? What is the author’s academic or professional background?



What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?


Are humans part of the natural world, or do we have dominion over it? Which is “stronger”: Human Nature or our intelligence? Is Nature a calming, peaceful place or one of mystery and danger?

Multi-page essay

Start with how you think about the world in which we all live. Are humans part of the natural world, or do we have dominion over it? Which is “stronger”: Human Nature or our intelligence? Is Nature a calming, peaceful place or one of mystery and danger?


What in your estimation has the United Nations and agencies communicated effectively and well to the global community?

What in your estimation has the United Nations and agencies communicated effectively and well to the global community?

what can be done about stopping mis- or disinformation from spreading in communities, and how do we “fix” the damage already done by it?

MLA format

Consider how this idea/information is spread, who spreads it, and what the result has been in a community.

Discuss also how you have come to understand that these ideas or this information is faulty: what is your source and how do you know it is reliable?

Finally, consider this important question by way of a conclusion: what can be done about stopping mis- or disinformation from spreading in communities, and how do we “fix” the damage already done by it?


What are some of the drawbacks to pet ownership that may detract from potential benefits to health?

The Impact of Pets on Human Health and Psychological Well-Being: Fact, Fiction, or Hypothesis? | Harold Herzog (2011)
Then, answer the following questions;

Participants were RANDOMLY ASSIGNED to one of two conditions. What was the EXPERIMENTAL condition and what was the CONTROL condition?

What was the INDEPENDENT variable?

What was the DEPENDENT variable?

What were the researcher’s basic conclusions?

What are some of the benefits to pet ownership discussed in either of the two articles?

What are some of the drawbacks to pet ownership that may detract from potential benefits to health?

Take some time to name and discuss other activities or relationships that are more effective than pet ownership for managing stress and/or improving health.

what are some strategies to improve care transitions from hospital to home? 

Discharge Planning

As the home health nurse, you recognize that Red Yoder is having difficulty managing his current illness, wound care, and chronic conditions on his own and requires further intervention.

In situations similar to Red’s, what are some strategies to improve care transitions from hospital to home?

What are some barriers to successful transitions of care?

What resources does Medicare provide to promote care transitions?

What options for care giving support should the nurse be prepared to discuss?

What insight regarding the problem was provided to you through the utilization of the selected tool?

Quality issue with a detailed critique based on my chosen quality assessment

What are the significant factors that contribute to the problem?

Provide a detailed critique of the problem based on your selected quality assessment.

What are the key contributors to the problem being discussed?

What insight regarding the problem was provided to you through the utilization of the selected tool?

Analyze your collection to see if your research covers the four questions. Then, write your first draft respecting the traditional format

Students conduct a policy research paper on how the United States Government reacted and dealt with the outbreak of COVID-19 and its devastating effects on human and economic costs.

Your research consists of looking into HOW the President of the federal government and the Federal Reserve Chairman used their institution to help peoples in dire need. Students can evaluate the outgoing government’s works and the hope inspired by the incoming government plan and its implementation.

What do you call the policy each of them conducted?

Indicate if you consider their reaction as an expansionist/contractionary policy.

In which circumstances would they use the opposite policy of your selection?

What do you conclude about how they reacted to COVID-19?

Federal Government Responses to COVID-19 (Links to an external site.)

1-Write your four questions on your scratch paper.  Visit the provided site to collect information for your paper focusing on the four questions.

2- Conduct more research on both administrations (Trump & Biden).

3- Analyze your collection to see if your research covers the four questions. Then, write your first draft respecting the traditional format

4- Review your draft and submit your draft and make necessary corrections before submitting your final draft.