
Describe the methods you will use for measuring work outcomes and progress against the project plan.

Scope management

1. Based on the case study information, identify the components of the project scope management plan.

2. Based on your understanding of the requirements, identify three factors which could impact on the project scope. For each factor outline how you could manage the potential impact.

3. The committee has asked you to develop a process for managing and controlling change to the project scope. Outline your process and identify the key stakeholders who should be communicated with and how change will be reported to the steering committee.

4. Describe the methods you will use for measuring work outcomes and progress against the project plan.

5. In preparation of assembling your project team, develop a process for the creation and the maintaining of the projects work breakdown structure.

6. Provide a one page document for approval of the steering committee which outlines your role and responsibilities as a project manager on this project.

 Damian Black, CEO has asked you to draft a project authorisation procedure for John Readings.
8. Create a template issues register for use during the project

Analyze the relationship of your group to its past and to its current role in Prohibition, drug syndicates, political corruption, and other illicit activities.

Organized Crime Group Analysis

Historical Timeline
Analyze the relationship of your group to its past and to its current role in Prohibition, drug syndicates, political corruption, and other illicit activities.

Describe the role the psychologist serves as a consultant in the jury selection process.

Psychologists’ Roles, the Law, and Juries

For this Assignment, you are to write a 1–2-page paper that addresses the following:

Describe the role the psychologist serves as a consultant in the jury selection process. Provide three examples of psychological concepts and describe how they are applied to the selection of juries.

Be sure to support your answers with material from the Reading and outside research (at least two outside sources from scholarly journal articles, Internet sources, the textbook articles from the Library, and other course material.)

The paper should contain a cover page and a list of references in APA style. All internal citation of outside sources plus the listing of all references should also adhere to APA style.

Why is this concept important in the practice of case management? What are some of the factors that make coordinating/collaboration of services complex?

Case Management

Read Bronstein’s article, A Model for Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Explain what is meant by “collaboration of services.”

Why is this concept important in the practice of case management? What are some of the factors that make coordinating/collaboration of services complex?

Describe the authors’ research question(s) and/or purpose(s). What problem are they trying to solve? What important question are they trying to answer?

Begin with an introductory paragraph or two to explain the focus of your critical analysis and why the topic is important and relevant to your interests and/or professional development.

Each critical summary should include:

1. Level 1 Heading comprised of Authors’ last names and year.

2. Introduction.

– Describe the authors’ research question(s) and/or purpose(s). What problem are they trying to solve? What important question are they trying to answer?

3. Methods.

– Describe the units of study, sampling procedures, and sample. Describe the design and/or procedures of the study. Describe the data, data collection, and data analysis strategies.

4. Results of Data Analysis.

– Summarize the results of the analysis. Present the actual results of the analysis here, rather than any interpretations. Be mindful of any efforts to use statistical significance as an indicator of importance or credibility of findings. Be careful to identify any claims made by the author(s) that are not directly supported by the outcomes of the analysis.

5. Conclusions/Interpretations.

– Summarize what you concluded from the results. This should be based on your interpretation of the results. Use a critical lens: is there a difference between the interpretations of the author(s) and what you interpreted?

– Actively evaluate the credibility/adequacy of any conclusions made by the authors (e.g. any biases? misinterpretations?) when you present your own. For quantitative results, refer back to previously assigned materials (from this course and others) as applicable. Focus on, summarize, and make conclusions based on the actual magnitude of the main results of the data analysis. For qualitative results, pay attention to what the authors present as evidence and the generalizations they may make.

– The most important issue is the degree to which the final conclusions of a study are considered to be credible and/or trustworthy and are usable and practical. What is your “take away” from the study? How can it guide practice or policy? The last paragraph of your summary should explain how the findings of the article may or may not contribute to your intended goals or practice.


Evaluate appropriate methods of healthcare data collection and interpretation for informing organizational decision making

This assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Evaluate appropriate methods of healthcare data collection and interpretation for informing organizational decision making

Assess healthcare performance improvement initiatives for addressing gaps in organizational performance

 Evaluate requirements of current quality and safety initiatives for how they promote the culture of safety in health care organizations

Formulate communication and teamwork strategies in quality management that engage diverse stakeholders within health care organizations

Evaluate information management systems and patient care technologies that promote healthcare quality

What is the significance of the federal government’s role in the case? The state government’s role? Explain.

Discussion Questions

1.Who are the stakeholders? What internal and external stakeholder conflicts do you see?

2.What actions would you recommend for the ALJ?

3.What is the significance of the federal government’s role in the case? The state government’s role? Explain.

4.What influence do you think Vince’s threat presents in decision making? Explain.

5.What are Mike’s ethical obligations to Vince? To the SSA?

What career-related questions or concerns do you have as nurses with regard to leadership

Consider your existing convictions about ideal leaders in light of the readings and resources you have explored thus far in this course.

Think of a good leader that you have known, what makes that person an effective leader?

What is the most important characteristic for effective leadership?  (List the five most important characteristics and then make a case for the most important of these five.)

Do you feel that leadership can be learned, or is it an innate skill?

How do/should effective leaders work with and participate in teams?

What career-related questions or concerns do you have as nurses with regard to leadership?

How do you think the following stakeholder groups in the above scenario will be impacted?

A public corporation of 980 employees manufactures a popular brand of garments (mostly jeans) that are primarily made and sold in America nation-wide.

It has a large contingent of employees in several small rural communities in the Eastern US and is the primary employer in all of those communities.

Two of its 5 shops are unionized, but the union and management have a good working relationship. The company has traditionally marketed its clothing line as “Made in the USA” and attracted a bit of a “cult like” following as a result, but an outside consulting firm has suggested that significantly greater profits are possible if a different strategy is employed.

The corporation is subsequently considering whether to off-shore its manufacturing facilities to a poor nation to save money on labor. It would also discretely discontinue its “Made in the USA” marketing ads and hopefully ride the wave of its previous marketing campaigns for a while.

It is estimated that total cost per unit of production will be decreased by one third which equates to tens of millions of dollars.

Provide a paragraph summarizing the concept of stakeholder management based on your readings.
How do you think the following stakeholder groups in the above scenario will be impacted?
What would you recommend the employer described above should do?


Discuss your preference for “incrementalism” or “mixed scanning”.



Answer the following questions in APA format. Two paragraphs per question.

1- Discuss your preference for “incrementalism” or “mixed scanning”.

2- Comment on the legal basis of planning in its relationship to the 4th and 5th Amendments of the Bill of Rights.

3- Comment on the Pruitt-Igo and Caprini Green housing projects.

4- Should strategic planning replace comprehensive planning for the purpose of developing a city development a plan?

5- Comment on your view of New Urbanism compared to traditional suburban or urban residential development.

6- Based upon what you have learned about Affordable Housing failures, document and discuss specific case studies anywhere in the World that show remarkable success in campus style living within Affordable Housing Concept.