
What are some of the most and least diverse species in your local area?

Case Assignment
From the Background readings above, address the following questions for your case assignment in the form of an essay.

Include any citations used to support your research. For additional expectations, including how to organize your assignment, see the Assignment Expectations below.

Define biodiversity.
Why is biodiversity important? What are some of the benefits of biodiversity?

How is biodiversity measured?

What is extinction? What is causing it today?

What is the Endangered Species Act? What is it meant to do? (reflect on the economic consequences of the Act as we will be delving into the topic later on)

What are some of the most and least diverse species in your local area?

Select “Locations” from the menu bar at the top right. Once the map pulls up, you can select an area of interest to you. For instance, clicking on the state of Arizona the data should indicate the greatest diversity is found in bird species (394) and the least in palms (1).

Select an area of interest to you to describe in your essay. Copy and paste the chart area showing the most and least diverse species in your area (map of United States does not need to be copied, only the species chart). Were you surprised by the results? Why or why not.
Insects are the largest and most diverse group of organisms on Earth. Select one insect species from your local area (click on the insect species from the Map of Life to learn more) and describe its importance to humans (medicine, research, agriculture, aesthetics, etc). Include an image of your chosen insect within your essay.
What can you do as an individual to help slow the loss of biodiversity?



How can we implement those benefits and advantages it in UAE.


– How much the finding are beneficial + advantages.
– How can we implement those benefits and advantages it in UAE.

Discuss the roles played by the Classical style of Greece and Rome and the formalistic style of the East in the development of Byzantine art.

Discuss the roles played by the Classical style of Greece and Rome and the formalistic style of the East in the development of Byzantine art.

Complete responses should include examples to support statements made in the essay.

How does this change our reading of this space? Using an example of another structure, consider how monuments can be impacted by history?

Let’s consider the re-purposing of the Hagia Sophia since the days of Justinian , see the following video as they discuss this structure’s history.

From Byzantine church to mosque to museum, how does this change our reading of this space? Using an example of another structure, consider how monuments can be impacted by history?

What are examples of objects that were originally housed in the Hagia Sophia? Video:

Discuss how zoos have evolved over the past 50 years to become conservation centers. Incorporate the role of zoos in educating the public into your response.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences using an essay format. See the SLP Assignment Expectations for further directions on formatting and organization.

Assignment Directions:

Discuss how zoos have evolved over the past 50 years to become conservation centers. Incorporate the role of zoos in educating the public into your response.

Discuss some of the economic pressures faced by zoos—namely space, capacity, and resources—that can affect their conservation efforts.

How does a species get on the Endangered Species List?
Take a virtual trip to the zoo using one of the links below and observe at least one of the endangered species.
You can take a virtual visit to the zoo any day of the week by tuning into any of the following live webcams, which feature many endangered animals. The World Wildlife Fund lists many of these animals as priority species.

The Houston Zoo has some of the best webcams of gorillas, rhinos, elephants, flamingos, and giraffes here:

Describe how well this project complies with the intent of the comprehensive plan. Or has there been a change in the comprehensive plan to accommodate this project?

Why is this development being proposed?

What are the patterns of growth and development in the community which prompted this project?

Discuss the factors causing this growth. (i.e. commercial development in the area, new schools or colleges being built or planned, efforts to attract retirees, manufacturing facilities being built or planned, a migration to newer housing and less congested living conditions, etc.)

Discuss the development history of the community and whether or not this project (1) is consistent with the development trends or (2) is a new trend in community development?

What areas are prone to development? What have been the trends of past developments, both in physical location and types of development (i.e.
single-family, ownership multi-family, rental, mixed use commercial, professional, low and moderate income residential).

Does this project tract trend or set another trend? If so, what is that new trend?

Discuss whether or not this project enhances the community development
or enhances further deterioration of certain areas of the community.

Address whether or not there are problems in the community such as housing/building deterioration, need for redevelopment, need for different types of development, a deteriorating tax base, and similar issues. Are out-migration and declining property values occurring in the community?
If so, please describe. How does this project impact these community problems?

Are or were there legal issues regarding this project?

Describe court intervention, if any. Did the jurisdiction require any transfer of property to a governmental unit? If so, describe. Was there any mitigation regarding environmental issues. If so, what are they? Did the developer object to these requirements?

Describe how well this project complies with the intent of the comprehensive
plan. Or has there been a change in the comprehensive plan to accommodate
this project?

Was the use proposed by this development project consistent with the intention of the comprehensive plan? Describe.

Describe the role the governmental planner maintained regarding this

Neutral public servant, building of community consensus, an entrepreneur,
advocate, or an agent of radical change?

Describe the social issues of the project Private community? Affordable housing? Deed covenants restricting certain uses and conduct?

Describe the development’s impact on transportation, economic impact,
environmental and energy issues.

Will transportation improvement needs to be made? Increased size of roadways,
additional or improved signalization, additional buses or routes? Will commercial
development provide jobs and increased sales tax revenues? What the environmental and energy issues. What endangered species are located on the
development site.

Identify strengths and weaknesses, and articulate your goals and expectations.

Personal Reflection Essay
Congratulations again on taking this academic step into your graduate program.

This personal reflection essay gives you an opportunity to reflect upon your choice, identify strengths and weaknesses, and articulate your goals and expectations.

Using Microsoft Word (which you downloaded in Unit 1), write and upload a personal reflection essay that addresses the following items:

A brief introduction and reasons for program selection

Personal and professional strengths and weaknesses you believe you bring to the graduate experience

Your expectations for program performance

Anticipated goals for use of the degree upon completion

Analyze the short term liquidity of the firm, Analyze the operating efficiency of the firm.

Prepare an eight page or more fundamental financial analysis (excluding appendices, title page, abstract, and references page) that will cover each of the following broad areas based on the financial statements of your chosen company:

1. Provide a background of the firm, industry, economy, and outlook for the future.

2. Analyze the short term liquidity of the firm.

3. Analyze the operating efficiency of the firm.

4. Analyze the capital structure of the firm.

5. Analyze the profitability of the firm.

6. Conclude with recommendations for the future analysis of the company (trend analysis).


Describe the main components of your strategy and back those recommendations up with sound logic and/or evidence of effectiveness

In 2020, drug overdoses reached a new peak in the United States. Let’s assume you were appointed to draft a series of recommendations for the next 3-5 years in the effort to stem the tide against the opioid epidemic.

What would be your main recommendations for the next few years?

Describe the main components of your strategy and back those recommendations up with sound logic and/or evidence of effectiveness

Identify their e-business models and revenue generation methods.

Open a new Word document, and complete the following assignment. When you are finished, submit your document in the location provided.

Based on the following scenarios, and using your favorite web browser, find businesses needed , Identify their e-business models and revenue generation methods.