
Explain what Stevenson shows readers about one cultural aspect of Victorian society through one of his works.

Historical Analysis

Compose a well-developed historical analysis in response to the following prompt:
Explain what Stevenson shows readers about one cultural aspect of Victorian society through one of his works.

For example, you may choose to discuss Stevenson’s portrayal of human nature or Stevenson’s portrait of high class society, sexuality, morality, or any other single cultural subject.

Who is the economic agent generating the externality and who are the agents that are directly and unintentionally affected by the actions of the generating agent?

Step 1.  watch the TED talk by Rob Harmon discussion about markets helping keep streams in Montana flowing (Duration – 8 minutes 47 seconds)
Rob Harmon TED talk (Links to an external site.)

Step 2. Virtually explore your own neighborhood, town, or city and find an example of a negative externality.

Step 3. Tell us about it in a discussion post. Your post must include four (4) things:
Identification of your local environment negative externality.
One (1) point

An assessment of the market failure that allows the externality to occur. Why are existing markets failing?
Two (2) points

Identification of the parties involved. Who is the economic agent generating the externality and who are the agents that are directly and unintentionally affected by the actions of the generating agent?
Two (2) points

Compose a 250 word (max) discussion of if and how you could use a market-based solution (similar to the one in the video) to align incentives to correct the externality in your community.
Three (3) points

Step 4. Peer Review:  respond to one of your classmates posts and provide the following two (2) items:

An assessment of whether their externality is an issue in your community as well
A critique of their chosen market-based solution with one (1) positive aspect and one (1) aspect that needs improvement

What is it, what does it do? What’s the benefit/value of the product?

Branding & Product Development Term Project

For the term project you will come up with a product and over this and the upcoming weeks you will add different sections and the last week the final project is a combination of all the previously submitted elements with incorporated feedback.

This week’s assignment you will write about the product you want to have for the Term Project. You will include details on what you will do in terms of concept testing. Take advantage of the Hubspot article provided in this week’s content folder. Have at least 2 to 3 pages of detail. In this submission include details that cover the following elements

Name of Product. What is it, what does it do? What’s the benefit/value of the product?

What is the target audience (who would most benefit and buy this product)?

Talk about the testing process you will do. Will it be single concept, multi-concept? Why did you choose your approach? Talk about the testing survey you will do. Include sample questions.


What would you need to consider? How would these decisions influence your study?

Pick a theoretical topic you would like to design a research study on..
1. What would you need to consider?

2 How would these decisions influence your study?

Industrial organizational research psychology Wiley global education.

What are the music production contributions made by Phil Spector to the sound of Rock and Roll? How did he shape the role of “producer” in the world of music production?

1.) What are the music production contributions made by Phil Spector to the sound of Rock and Roll? How did he shape the role of “producer” in the world of music production?

2.)Describe how Berry Gordy ran Motown records. How do you think this affected the creativity of individual artists on the label?

3.)Describe how protest influenced the development of folk music and how it contributed to its popularity in the mainstream?

Describe the main components of your strategy and back those recommendations up with sound logic and/or evidence of effectiveness?

In 2020, drug overdoses reached a new peak in the United States. Let’s assume you were appointed to draft a series of recommendations for the next 3-5 years in the effort to stem the tide against the opioid epidemic.

What would be your main recommendations for the next few years?

Describe the main components of your strategy and back those recommendations up with sound logic and/or evidence of effectiveness?

Discuss ways to promote the production of written academic English

Helping English Language Learners Understand Content Area Texts


How educators should prepare when teaching ELL students in:

-Building Background Knowledge

-Pre-teaching vocabulary and concepts

-Discuss Strategies to Increase Comprehension give examples

-Discuss ways to promote the production of oral academic English

-Discuss ways to promote the production of written academic English

Describe several of the negative unintended consequences that are commonly associated with drug policies

Efforts to reduce drug problems come from many directions. Describe several of the negative unintended consequences that are commonly associated with drug policies.

Explain which policies cause which unintended consequences.

If possible, include unintended consequences that may arise across multiple policies.