
Design a trading algo of your choice. Explain in plain words why you believe your algo should be effective. You may do historic data analysis to test/support your strategy. If possible, create an ADL diagram in the TT platform.

MGT 4067: Trading and Structure

Submission 3

You are allowed and encouraged to discuss the subject matter amongst yourselves. Each group submits only one writeup. Writeup for each group should be their original work.
Submissions will be electronic on canvas. You may use excel, word, power-point or combinations of all. There are no limits or constraints on single or double spacing or font sizes or number of pages for your submission. The write up should address the questions in a clear manner in a way that the reader understands your presentation.

1. Consider buying December S&P e-mini futures. The condition is that moving average crossover should signal a buy. Use 10 days for fast moving average and 20 days for slow moving averages. Once bought, create a stoploss exit strategy. Use a profit taking price of 30 ticks above the buying price. The stop loss price should be calculated using the stop loss model we built in class with a probability of 0.55 for an up move of one tick. Submit your ADL diagram.

2. Consider selling December S&P e-mini futures. The condition is that the Bollinger bands (2 standard deviation) should signal a sell and that the RSI should signal a sell (overbought RSI above 80). Once sold create a buy back exit strategy. The buy back should be triggered when the stock price is in the middle of the Bollinger band. Then create a loop so that this algo is repeated indefinitely. Submit your ADL diagram.

3. Design a trading algo of your choice. Explain in plain words why you believe your algo should be effective. You may do historic data analysis to test/support your strategy. If possible, create an ADL diagram in the TT platform.

4. A pension fund has the following liability schedule: Also the following bonds are available: Assume that the excess funds can be invested in a vehicle earning 2% every year. Find the least cost portfolio of bonds to purchase today to meet the obligations of the company over the next 4 years.
5. You have $1,000 to invest. The following four investment vehicles are available.
Investment 1: Every dollar invested now yields $0.20 a year
from now, and $1.20 three years from now.

Investment 2: Every dollar invested now yields $0.20 a year
from now and $0.90 two years from now.

Investment 3: Every dollar invested one year from now yields
$1.10 three years from now.

Investment 4: Every dollar invested two years from now
yields $1.10 three years from now.

Year 1
Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
20000 15000 20000
102 99 101 98 98
3 3 4.5 3 4.5
Maturity (yrs)
1 2 2 3 4

During each year leftover cash yields 5% annually. The most in each investment should be $400 How should you invest to maximize the cash three years from now? (See pension funds video).

6. The following is a matrix of foreign exchange rates:

0.8725 1.1379 1.145 1.5745 1.5052 8.9846 81.2662 124.5984
1.3041 1.3122 1.8044 1.725 10.2969 93.1355 142.7965
1.0063 1.3837 1.3228 7.896 71.4194 109.5011
1.3751 1.3146 7.8469 70.975 108.8198
0.956 5.7064 51.615 79.1367
5.9691 53.9906 82.7791
9.045 13.868

So for example, 1 Euro = 1.145 USD. And hence 1 USD = 1/1.145 EUR. Use network theory and determine if there is arbitrage opportunity in the currency market.

What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? Designate each class. What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific.

English Question

Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.”

You are required to exercise 3 times per week.

Each week you will be provided with 3 recorded yoga classes so you can exercise at home at your convenience.

Each class is approximately 35-50 minutes long.

When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.

  1. What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? Designate each class.
  2. What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific.

During 1963, in Washington DC, Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech on the steps of which famous landmark?

The Rock massive

During 1963, in Washington DC, Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech on the steps of which famous landmark?

Provide a comprehensive explanation of the selected subject. Address the societal and/or cultural implications of the chosen subject. Discuss how the subject is related to one or more models of abnormality as discussed in Chapter 3 of the textbook.

Psychology Question

In 1,200-1,500 words, address the following:

  1. Provide a comprehensive explanation of the selected subject (e.g., clinical definition, background information).
  2. Address the societal and/or cultural implications of the chosen subject.
  3. Discuss how the subject is related to one or more models of abnormality as discussed in Chapter 3 of the textbook.

Choose EITHER American Born Chinese OR Gospel of César Chávez and write an essay 750-1250 words long (3-5 double spaced pages) answering the following prompt: What does this book reveal about religious experiences in the United States?

Book summry

Choose EITHER American Born Chinese OR Gospel of César Chávez and write an essay 750-1250 words long (3-5 double spaced pages) answering the following prompt: What does this book reveal about religious experiences in the United States?

Revisit the 3-step perception checking model in the lecture on perception, and write how YOU in this situation would use a perception check. Write a perception check for each of the three situations.

English Question

Below are three short situations. Revisit the 3-step perception checking model in the lecture on perception, and write how YOU in this situation would use a perception check. Write a perception check for each of the three situations. Type your answers into a Word document.

  1. One of your company’s regular clients has stopped ordering your products during the past few weeks. (you are a company employee reaching out to the client)
  2. Your friend appears angry yet denies that anything is wrong. You continue to sense that your friend is angry. (you reach out to your friend who is angry)
  3. You have gone on two dates with the same person. After the second date, your partner said that she or he would “call you.” It’s been four days and you haven’t received a phone call. (you contact the date that is unresponsive)

Find an image of an object(s) (ARTIFACT) that relates to the story about the First Emperor, write about this image (WHAT, WHERE, AND WHEN), and write your impression about the First Emperor Qin Shihuangdi.

Answer of history question

  1. Provide your assessment on the different date divisions of the Spring-Autumn and the Warring State periods of the Eastern Zhou.
  2. Find an image of an object(s) (ARTIFACT) that relates to the story about the First Emperor, write about this image (WHAT, WHERE, AND WHEN), and write your impression about the First Emperor Qin Shihuangdi.

Would you agree? What about Maslow’s description of humanness in terms of a hierarchy of needs with self-actualization at the top? Another possibility is that persons are the major focus of nursing. Do you see humans as good or evil?

Chapter 3: Philosophy of Nursing

1. Where do you see yourself and your understanding of truth on the continuum of realism and idealism?

2. How would you define person? Look at the following attributes given to a person:

  • (1) the ability to think and conceptualize,
  • (2) the capacity to interact with others,
  • (3) the need for boundaries, and
  • (4) the use of language (Doheny, Cook, & Stopper, 1997).

Would you agree? What about Maslow’s description of humanness in terms of a hierarchy of needs with self-actualization at the top? Another possibility is that persons are the major focus of nursing. Do you see humans as good or evil?

3. Where do you see yourself and your understanding of truth on the continuum of realism and idealism?

4. What are your beliefs about the major concepts in nursing—person, environment, health, nursing?

5. Do you believe there is more than one right answer to situations? How do you value the whole individual? What barriers prevent us from responding to the contextual needs of our patients?

6. Do you believe in health care for everyone? Does health care for everyone have value to me as a person? Does it have value to me as a nurse? What value does universal health care have to my patients?

7. How does my personal philosophy fit with the context of nursing? Does it fit? What areas, if any, need assessing?

Which empire would you model the daily life in your society from? Would you rather people live like they did under the Roman empire? Or would you want your people to live like Egyptians farming along the banks of the Nile?

Powerpoint of an unique empire that incorporates characteristics from civilizations

In the first two units of this course, you have learned about several historical civilizations and the way that they lived such as the Roman Empire, the Greek city states, the Persians, Babylonians, Sumerians, Egyptians, Empire of Aksum, Olmecs, Zapotecs and many more!

For this project, you will be demonstrating your understanding of these empires by creating your own new unique empire which incorporates characteristics from at least four of the civilizations that you learned about in this unit. You will then create a PowerPoint presentation which provides an overview of your new empire and what it would be like. You can choose from the following lists of characteristics to incorporate into your empire:

Be Creative!

  • Culture: Choose the culture of your empire. Remember you can choose only from one empire.
  • Art, inventions, or Architecture: Which empire will you like yours to imitate for art, inventions, or architecture?
  • Daily Life: Which empire would you model the daily life in your society from? Would you rather people live like they did under the Roman empire? Or would you want your people to live like Egyptians farming along the banks of the Nile?
  • Military: Whose powerful or weak military techniques do you want to imitate for your own?
  • Economics: What type of economy do you want to model yours after? One that is rich in trade like the Greeks or Phoenicians?
  • Law and Code: What empire should your laws or codes follow? Do you prefer more of a separation of government like the Roman Empire or you want absolute rule?
  • Leadership abilities: Whose leadership qualities do you want to imitate? Would it be Alexander’s ability to unite several groups under one empire, or Darius’ system of organizing satraps to govern different regions?
  • Religion: You have a few choices here between Christianity, Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Greek, Roman and Egyptian traditional religions. You should have knowledge of each by now, so which one will you adopt for your own DIY empire?
  • In total, you need to describe six different characteristics that you would borrow from at least four different historical civilizations and incorporate into your own.

Conduct an analysis of a 24-hour period to include macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Information will be organized in a table format to include: food list for 24 hours, total nutritional value of each item, and recommended daily allowance, risks of deficiency, and recommended changes.

Nutritional Analysis Paper | W08


Students are required to complete a Nutritional Analysis exercise. The student will conduct an analysis of a 24-hour period to include macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Information will be organized in a table format to include: food list for 24 hours, total nutritional value of each item, and recommended daily allowance, risks of deficiency, and recommended changes. Students will then need to write a paper reflecting on their intake of foods including cultural influences and plans to improve and or maintain good nutrition.

The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The paper should also include a reference list. The American Psychological Association format must also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be five pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.). The paper must be submitted through Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Turnitin®.