
Evaluate how you might help your learners overcome this obstacle. What teaching strategies can you research to develop technology competences for your learners?

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Many of our learners come to use with a variety of skill levels with technology. You will be working with various ages, ability levels, learning styles, special needs, diversity, and ELLs.

Start thinking about how you will develop technology skills and competencies in all your learners regardless of their skill level.

As an emerging distance education leader, one must be aware of the potential obstacle that may occur.

Barriers and challenges can develop at any time and can affect the success of the distance-learning program.

In a study conducted by Santilli and Beck (2005), graduate faculty were surveyed and asked to pinpoint specific obstacles to effective communication in distance learning courses. The surveyed data by Santilli and Beck (2005) revealed what the educators thought to be student deficiencies in an online delivery format:

65% of faculty consider students’ lack of technology skills to be a major obstacle to effective online communication. The second major finding is that 23% of faculty consider timeliness of student responses to be a problem.

However, 15% of faculty indicated they had encountered no barriers to effective communication with students

Faculty must be trained in effective communication strategies so that student interactions within online structures remain fluid and unhampered.

Based on the research stated above, evaluate how you might overcome your obstacles with technology?

Evaluate how you might help your learners overcome this obstacle. What teaching strategies can you research to develop technology competences for your learners?

What are the advantages and limitations of using data from the following stakeholders to demonstrate that standards have been met?

Members of the evaluation team will collect data from classroom observations and data collected from teachers during mathematics activities or tests.

The evaluation team will review the data and propose solutions on how to improve in the areas that are being measured in regards to mathematics.

What are the advantages and limitations of using data from the following stakeholders to demonstrate that standards have been met? Include a response for each stakeholder:

Explain the role of each macro-nutrient and provide the recommended dietary allowances for each.

Provide a brief description of the three macro-nutrients: carbohydrate, protein, and fat.

Explain the role of each macro-nutrient and provide the recommended dietary allowances for each.

What is the difference or is there a difference to maternal mortality as it pertains to race?

Racial disparities in maternal mortality and maternal care

What is the difference or is there a difference to maternal mortality as it pertains to race?

Is there any social theory that can support or ascertain a reason to the contrast in figures as it pertains to race?

Are there any suggestions that can lead to solutions to tackle the racial disparities in maternal mortality?

Analyze qualitative and quantitative decision-making techniques that will provide leaders the best possible solutions to a problem involving limited resources.


Discuss the “Core Components” of the ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Learning Outcomes: 7 and 8.

7) Compare and contrast analytical procedures and methods relevant to exploratory research through the utilization of professional and scholarly writing practices.

8)Analyze qualitative and quantitative decision-making techniques that will provide leaders the best possible solutions to a problem involving limited resources.

Include application examples, and “how” you have applied these concepts to your behavior, performance, etc… (At least 1000 words not including title page and references)





How do our food choices affect society? How do food policies affect us?

The Closed Research Theme Question is How do our food choices affect society? How do food policies affect us?

The closed research theme articles are “How Junk Food Can End Obesity” by DAVID H. FREEDMAN, and Why Don’t Convenience Stores Sell Better Food? by OLGA KHAZAN.

Are there current conventions in theatre or television to represent men or women that feel less than “true”?

Considering the origins of theater in different regions of the world and its original functions, what do you think the purpose was to the audience? If all “great art” has a responsibility to educate, communicate, and entertain, what values are present in early forms of performance?

What similarities are there? What differences? Do you think these are a coincidence? Can you think of other modern television shows that have a theatrical approach to the way they tell stories? If so, what?

From Chapter 2:

This chapter discusses the exclusion of cis-women from the theatre of the past. How were they represented on stage? What conventions stood out to you most? Are there current conventions in theatre or television to represent men or women that feel less than “true”?
Video Links:

What is the context? How and why theory is relevant to the social issue?

The social injustice of the Windrush Scandal.

essay should examine The Windrush scandal as a real world social issue as an example of social injustice, and engages with one or more theoretical perspectives on social justice. E.g. Rawls’ theory of distributive justice, Relational justice

essay should answer the following questions. What is the problem? Why does it matter? How is it related to social justice? What is the context? How and why theory is relevant to the social issue?

How do you organize and communicate essential information? Use the exact format for the memo in Alred’s Business Writer’s Handbook

In approximately 250 to 300 words (about half of what is below), reorganize, edit, and rewrite the memo below on a sales promotion. As written, the email is sprawling and often confusing. Rewrite it with the store’s sales staff as audience. Edit and cut ruthlessly. Make its central points clearer and more concise. Avoid repetition. Focus on a defined pattern of development. How do you organize and communicate essential information? Use the exact format for the memo in Alred’s Business Writer’s Handbook . Be sure to use block paragraphing; work with single-spaced text.

In your editing, reconsider patterns of “methods of development” here. Don’t simply cut and paste or “repackage” the text. You don’t have to include all of the below information in the email.

What do readers here need to know? Sort essential information from unessential information in terms of the pattern of development you are trying to achieve. Choose one, clear pattern of organization introduced in the “methods of development” presentation under “PAGES” on CANVAS. Examples here include chronological steps within a process, order of importance, or “problem and solution.” Be sure to indicate your choice of pattern somewhere in your submission here.

Again, you don’t have to include all of the information that is here. Don’t simply cut and paste, but also edit for focus, particularly within paragraphing. Cut and rewrite as necessary for clarity. Choose the information that you feel is essential for your audience, then develop that information in a clear pattern of organization. Break the email into shorter paragraphs or bulleted points to facilitate communication. Edit for tone to reinforce key points of instruction.

Identify three key issues and explain why you consider those to be the major issues in the case.

Analysis the the case study, do not rewrite what is obvious.

Identify three key issues and explain why you consider those to be the major issues in the case.

The professor is not interested in you telling the things that are already obvious in the case.