
Do you think the warehouse manager was justified in telling you that if the men walked off the job, you would be fired? Explain your answer.

Human Resources Assignment

The Company Gloves Case

Was the company glove policy a good policy? Answer this from the perspective of whether it is legal (remember what you learned about union contracts), the way it was communicated, and if the business had a “need” or “requirement” to fulfill.

Did you handle the supervision of Johnson properly? Explain your answer and address it from the perspective of handling these matters in a union environment.
Was the warehouse manager right in reinstating Otto? Explain your answer and, again, address it from the perspective of handling the matter in a union environment.

Do you think the warehouse manager was justified in telling you that if the men walked off the job, you would be fired? Explain your answer. Remember what you learned about ULPs. Give detail and cite a source to back up your opinion.

Was the personnel manager justified in asking you to return Otto Johnson to the job with full back pay? Explain. What role does HR play in a union environment? Go beyond stating what you think/feel/believe is the “right thing to do”. You can include your perspective but also address the legal and political ramifications. (HINT: the parties are in the process of negotiating the contract).

What do YOU Believe is the connection Mindfulness and Happiness? How does/can mindfulness impact your overall well-being?

Mindfulness-Happiness Connection

1. Define: Mindfulness, Flow, Peak Experience, and Leisure.

2. Using good Internet search engines, please research Websites that contain information about: Mindfulness, Peak Experiences, Flow, and Leisure.

3. Be sure your websites have the most up-to-date information and consider this: What do YOU Believe is the connection Mindfulness and Happiness? How does/can mindfulness impact your overall well-being?

What is the nurse educator’s role in helping academic organizations achieve and maintain accreditation status? Give examples.

Accreditations discussion post

What is the nurse educator’s role in helping academic organizations achieve and maintain accreditation status? Give examples.

Identify the sites visited and who you interviewed along with the locations within the site they you were allowed to see.

Hypothetical Community Services for Seniors

Hypothetically visit as many different community services for seniors as are available in your area (2 or more).

Develop a set of appropriate questions to ask the administrator or designee. Submit a list of the questions and a summary of what you discovered.

Identify the sites visited and who you interviewed along with the locations within the site they you were allowed to see.

You will want to find out how and if Medicare and/or Medicaid covers any of the expense. Also find out what services are provided and the medical personnel

Discuss its affected (a) population, (b) health issues caused by the conflict, (c) infrastructure, (d) barriers for global assistance, and (e) current needs to improve health

Select one country that has been affected by civil conflict in the last 5-7 years.

Describe the country and the cause of the civil conflict

Discuss its affected (a) population, (b) health issues caused by the conflict, (c) infrastructure, (d) barriers for global assistance, and (e) current needs to improve health.

Create an MS PowerPoint presentation, You can use the speaker notes under each slide to add more details for each slide, and include appropriate references, images and charts using APA style in the speaker notes.


What are your plans/ideas to maintain your clinical practice role as you begin your role as nursing faculty (undergraduate or graduate faculty)? Include pragmatic plans/ideas.

What are your plans/ideas to maintain your clinical practice role as you begin your role as nursing faculty (undergraduate or graduate faculty)? Include pragmatic plans/ideas.

You may want to interview another nurse faculty who works in both roles as this week’s citation.

What is an area of human development that particularly interests you?

Thus far this term we have read about numerous research studies that have been completed with the goal of understanding some aspect of human development. It is now your turn to try your hand a designing a research study.

What is an area of human development that particularly interests you? Is there a theory that we have studied this far that you think needs more research? Pick an area that is interesting to you.

You can do this in paragraph form, outline form, or a combination thereof; whichever allows you to best communicate your research proposal.

Discuss the UK’s existing constitutional setup and arguments for and against a written codified constitution in the UK.

“The idea that a court is entitled to disregard a[n] … Act of Parliament … must seem strange and startling to anyone with knowledge of the history and law of our constitution.”

British Railways Board v Pickin [1974] AC 765 (Lord Reid).

Discuss the UK’s existing constitutional setup and arguments for and against a written codified constitution in the UK.

No bibliography is needed and referencing must be done in the style of Oscola. Any amount of sources can be used. Reference to authority, such as case names, textbooks and articles should be provided if required.

What developmental information is presented on the website? Is it consistent with research presented in the text?

Baby and Toddler Toys

Once you access the website, select one age range and answer the following questions for each:

(1) What developmental information is presented on the website? Is it consistent with research presented in the text?

(2) How do the recommended toys appeal to infants’ and toddlers’ developing learning capacities?

(3) Do the featured toys promote perceptual development?

(4) Based on what you have learned about stimulation, are the toys appropriate for the specified age range? Why or why not?

Identify how your organization or an organization you are familiar with, can improve in the following best practice areas represented in the article.

Review the following article from ProQuest: Avery, S. (2009, February). MRO sourcing goes global. Purchasing, 138(2), 48-52. Retrieved from ProQuest Database.

In a two to three page paper (not including the title and reference pages), identify how your organization or an organization you are familiar with, can improve in the following best practice areas represented in the article:

Identification of spend types in your purchasing.
Identify suppliers with capabilities for global business.
Strategy of integrated supply approach with distributors.
Processes to track performance of suppliers including cost of ownership and outsourcing.
Your paper should be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide, and should cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.