
How did the authors operationalize their research idea(s)? Name the variables and write the operational definition for these variables

Refer to the assigned paper analysis and answer the following questions.
a) Enumerate three ways by which the authors control the validity and reliability of their research.

b) State the main objective(s) of the research.

c) Identify the main finding(s) of the study.

d) How did the authors operationalize their research idea(s)? Name the variables and write the operational definition for these variables

e) What is the significance or contribution of the study to the research discipline

f) Write the bibliographic citation (i.e. list of references) of the paper in APA format.

What are your plans/ideas to maintain your clinical practice role as you begin your role as nursing faculty (undergraduate or graduate faculty)? Include pragmatic plans/ideas.

Got Plans/Ideas to Maintain Clinical Practice?

What are your plans/ideas to maintain your clinical practice role as you begin your role as nursing faculty (undergraduate or graduate faculty)? Include pragmatic plans/ideas.

You may want to interview another nurse faculty who works in both roles as this week’s citation.

Discuss the four noble truths of Buddhism.

Four noble truths of Buddhism

Discuss the four noble truths of Buddhism. No sources needed.

Simple 550 word Essay.

What Probability Distribution ( for example: triangular distribution, discrete distribution, or shewed distribution etc.) could you apply to this working scenario or one that I have not listed?

1. How can a Simulation Model help with your work? For example, In the electrical industry (electrician) a Simulation Model could be use to determine or used for etc

2. What Probability Distribution ( for example: triangular distribution, discrete distribution, or shewed distribution etc.) could you apply to this working scenario or one that I have not listed?

Explain why you would use this particular probability distribution and how would you apply it.

Discuss your reflections on Buddhist Roshi Joan Halifax and share diverse healing practices to grief and loss that you know.

Discuss Your Reflections: Buddhist Roshi Joan Halifax

Understanding cross-cultural rituals and customs related to grief can help us enrich our practice.  watch the attached video on Buddhist Roshi Joan Halifax works with people at the last stage of life (in hospice and on death row).

She shares what she’s learned about compassion in the face of death and dying, and a deep insight into the nature of empathy.

Discuss your reflections on Buddhist Roshi Joan Halifax and share diverse healing practices to grief and loss that you know.

What do you want to happen to your body when you die?

watch this video and discuss your thoughts…Caitlin discusses there is a question we all have to answer sooner or later:

What do you want to happen to your body when you die? Funeral director Caitlin Doughty explores new ways to prepare us for inevitable mortality. In this thoughtful talk, learn more about ideas for burial (like “recomposing” and “conservation burial”) that return our bodies back to the earth in an Eco-friendly, humble, and self-aware way.

link to the video below:

What will you do over the next seven weeks to achieve your vision and mission?

Understanding Scholarly Sources

Describe your vision and goals for successful completion of the course.

What is your vision and mission for long term success?

What will you do over the next seven weeks to achieve your vision and mission?

Integrate your understanding of the lectures and readings from The Longview.

 Explain how motivations, deviance, and abnormal behaviors from the criminal’s past may have led to, or been a warning sign of, the criminal actions they eventually engaged in.

Write a 500-750-word essay in which you select an individual from the list of infamous criminal offenders (in the Topic 7 documents), and then choose a theory discussed in this course that best explains their offending.

Research information about their upbringing, education, family life, or other biological or lifestyle characteristics and construct an argument as to why your selected theory best explains the crimes this individual committed. Provide specific examples.

Explain how motivations, deviance, and abnormal behaviors from the criminal’s past may have led to, or been a warning sign of, the criminal actions they eventually engaged in.

Explain the implications of implementing the new system for the organization and for different employee populations.

Total Rewards Analysis


In this part of the assessment, you will develop a brief presentation to stakeholders that describes your recommended changes and provides both context and rationale for why you believe they should occur. This presentation must be developed in such a way that it is accessible for all stakeholders (leadership, management, employees, and so on).
A. Provide a brief overview of the qualitative input data, quantitative bench  marking data, and the gap analysis that was conducted.

B. Provide a rationale for proposed changes and explain how the proposed changes will achieve targeted organizational goals and address stakeholder concerns.

C. Explain the implications of implementing the new system for the organization and for different employee populations.

Evaluate standards of care and potential liability for health care professionals and organizations.

Health Care Laws and Regulatory Issues

Create a 4- to 5-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that conveys the importance of accountability and liability implications for individuals and organizations in the health care industry and in which you:

Evaluate standards of care and potential liability for health care professionals and organizations.

Evaluate the status of provider rights and responsibilities in the delivery of health care.