
Explain the purpose of a balance sheet and analyze Ford Motor Company’s balance sheet from its Ford Motor Company 2012 Annual Report (Links to an external site.).

Balance sheet Ford motor company

Explain the purpose of a balance sheet and analyze Ford Motor Company’s balance sheet from its Ford Motor Company 2012 Annual Report (Links to an external site.).

In your analysis, you must determine the financial ratios and compare them to industry standards. Paper must not be 15 Percent or more worth of quotes.

Analyze the legal and ethical implications of using technology in the health care industry.

Health Care Laws and Regulatory Issues

Identify the name of a law that was enacted to protect confidentiality in the health care industry.

Describe the impact the law has on the health care industry .
Statutory law, Regulatory law, Common law

Select one law you identified above that was enacted to protect confidentiality in the health care industry and use it answer the following prompt in 350 to 525 words.

Analyze the legal and ethical implications of using technology in the health care industry.

Consider the increased use of technology in health care settings and the law you selected that was enacted to protect confidentiality.


Describe any modifications you recommend for the policy along with your reasons for the changes.

Ethical Computer Use
All organizations providing access to their computer network and DBMS should have user policy. The guidelines within the policy should be a living document that is updated regularly and followed by all users. Let’s discuss existing policies!

Find the ethical computer use policy for your school or another organization to analyze.

After reviewing the policy, describe any modifications you recommend for the policy along with your reasons for the changes. If you recommend no adjustments to the policy, explain your reasoning.

Explain and analyze the origins and development of American folk and classical music genres in the 19th and early 20th century.

Early American Music

1. What societal factors influenced the development of religious music in the early American colonies?

2. Explain and analyze the origins and development of American folk and classical music genres in the 19th and early 20th century.

3. Summarize the evolution and relevance of musical theater in America.

Summarize the concerns of the supporters of small-scale fisheries (SSF) in respect to current international policies.

Small-Scale Fisheries and The Blue Economy.

a. Conduct a literature review on the schools of thought promoting the Blue Economy. Identify the seminal works on the subject and discuss the role that key authors have played in establishing the Blue Economy as a key goal of sustainable development. (50% of word count).

b. Summarize the concerns of the supporters of small-scale fisheries (SSF) in respect to current international policies. In your view, have SSF received the attention from international stakeholders that they deserve? (40% of word count).



Differentiate between civil law and criminal law, explaining the areas covered by each.

The Essay needs to answer the question:
Differentiate between civil law and criminal law, explaining the areas covered by each.

The information MUST mostly come from the attached document although other sources can be used in addition.


Analyze qualitative and quantitative decision-making techniques that will provide leaders the best possible solutions to a problem involving limited resources.

Discuss the “Core Components” of the ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Learning Outcomes: 3 and 4.

3) Compare and contrast analytical procedures and methods relevant to exploratory research through the utilization of professional and scholarly writing practices.

4)Analyze qualitative and quantitative decision-making techniques that will provide leaders the best possible solutions to a problem involving limited resources.

Please include application examples, and “how” you have applied these concepts to your behavior, performance, etc… (At least 1000 words not including title page and references)


Identify the impact of lifestyle choices on the individual’s mental and physical health and well being and demonstrates the principles of health promotion and preventing ill health.

Describe the episode of care and how you assessed, delivered and evaluate care.

Effective communication and relationship management skills underpin all aspects of care (Annexe A)

Students are required to use appropriate approaches and techniques considering the person’s motivation, capacity and need for reasonable adjustment applying understanding of mental capacity and health legislation as appropriate.
Learning outcomes

Work in partnership with the person receiving care, their families and carers (where appropriate), the student is able to undertake an accurate assessment and provide evidence based, compassionate and safe nursing care.

Demonstrate understanding and can apply the relevant knowledge and skills to meet the individual’s needs relating to dignity, comfort, hygiene and mobility.

Communicate effectively utilising appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills in the delivery of person centred care decisions, taking into consideration the use of personal communication aids as appropriate.

Identify the impact of lifestyle choices on the individual’s mental and physical health and well being and demonstrates the principles of health promotion and preventing ill health.

Demonstrate that they have maintained professional values and demonstrates knowledge of safety and safeguarding for the person receiving care and the carers and/or family.

What would be the obstacles faced by people of color during the Great Depression or the war years?

Thousands and thousands of African Americans wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt for help from 1932 to 1944.

What would be the obstacles faced by people of color during the Great Depression or the war years?

Explain the issues in your letter and ask for specific help on those matters. Also in a separate paragraph below your letter, explain why you chose to write what you did.

What inspired you to write on the topics, situations or events that were discussed in your letter?

Which theoretical approach do you prefer and why? Do you agree or disagree with Ben’s action of signing the card?

Health care professional Ben is employed in the emergency and trauma unit.
Patient Freddie arrives. He is a trauma patient. Freddie is well-known in the city. He has a criminal record for human trafficking, running a prostitution ring and selling contaminated street drugs. Police say he was shot by a rival gang leader. Ben without anyone seeing, signs and dates the organ donor card he found in Joe’s wallet.

Freddie is transferred to the ICU to be on life support system until family can be reached and asked about organ donation.

The transplant coordinator a registered nurse tries to find family to consent to organ donation. No one can be found. The coordinator says he signed his donation card and his organs can be removed. The transplantation team remove several organs and some tissue. Eight lives are saved as a result.

His family is found by the police one week later. They come to take his body from the hospital morgue. They meet the transplant coordinator and transplant surgeon. They explain they removed his organs because he had signed the donor card. They explained that they tried to find family to get consent and when all their efforts failed, they removed the organs.

His family say “We understand why you went ahead without our consent. You did the tight thing. Some good came out of his life which gives us some peace. He harmed many people in life but helped many people when he died.”.

The transplant coordinator gave the family these statistics from Canadian Institute of health information (CIHI) to show the family how important his donations were for individuals and the health care system.

Which theoretical approach do you prefer and why? Do you agree or disagree with Ben’s action of signing the card?