
How do the academic institutions  fit within larger social and political forces operating in society?

Social Theories

One goal of social theory is to illuminate connections between our individual experience and social processes.

In the spirit of multi-perspectival theorizing, use three different sociological theorists to illuminate potential connections between your experiences seeking a college degree and the larger social processes that have been unfolding around you (in the past and/or the present).

What social processes would each theorist highlight? Be sure to pay attention to what the theorist would have to say about social influences unfolding at the micro- and macro-level.

Choose one theorist from each of the three groups listed below and present how she or he would tend to view social influences affecting and affected by your pursuit of a college degree. Some questions that might be relevant to your thinking about this are:

What social forces shape the content of my studies?

How do the academic institutions  fit within larger social and political forces operating in society?

How might what  studied affect  psychological processes and/or relationships with others?

Who benefits from the the way higher education is organized? Who is hurt by this organization?


Which strategy or strategies (passive, active, interactive) were employed to reduce uncertainty?

Advanced Interpersonal Communication w/ Biblical

We have all had experiences where we have had to reduce our uncertainty about strangers. Or, in many cases we were the stranger.

What specific uncertainties and anxieties characterized your first days?

What incentive did you have to reduce your uncertainty about others? (future interaction, goal, or unique behavior)

Which strategy or strategies (passive, active, interactive) were employed to reduce uncertainty?

What elements about the individual and the context of your meeting motivated your quest to reduce uncertainty? Be specific.

Which axioms might you have used to help, if you were to do it all over again? Explain and be specific.

Explain your position with reference to both Utilitarianism and Rights Theory, as well as your own experiences and ethical judgments.


Under what circumstances do you believe the rights of the individual should be prioritized over the general welfare of society?

Under what circumstances should the general welfare of society be prioritized over the rights of the individual?

Explain your position with reference to both Utilitarianism and Rights Theory, as well as your own experiences and ethical judgments.

What do you think Eli wants? Give some evidence for your opinion.

Eli Sisters: Character analysis

1. Eli Sisters is an unsettled man at the beginning of the novel. List three things that are bothering Eli in the first half of the book?

2. What do you think Eli wants? Give some evidence for your opinion.

Why is labour market access different for men and women?

2: Essay on Paid and Unpaid Work

For this assignment, you need to write an essay (1,000 words) on paid and unpaid work. The purpose of this essay is to present facts and arguments from the course readings in a succinct way.

This includes providing precise definitions of the key concepts that you use in your essay.
The essay should answer the following questions:

Why is labour market access different for men and women?

What are the relations between paid and unpaid work?

What are the peculiarities of caring work?

How has the ability to read and write help ended slavery during the Reconstruction era?

The Impact of Literacy on Slaves

How has the ability to read and write help ended slavery during the Reconstruction era?


Discuss the proper role of defense attorneys regarding their clients. Should defense attorneys pursue the wishes of their clients even if they think it is not in the client’s best interests?

Judicial Ethics

Defense attorneys encounter ethical issues that arise in the areas of responsibility to the client (they must defend clients even if they believe they might be guilty), conflicts of interest (balancing an individual client against overall effectiveness as an attorney with a caseload of many), zealous defense (determining the limits of what should be done to defend clients), and confidentiality (keeping clients’ confidences even if it harms third parties).

Discuss the proper role of defense attorneys regarding their clients. Should defense attorneys pursue the wishes of their clients even if they think it is not in the client’s best interests?

What if it would hurt a third party (but not be illegal)? Do you think defense attorneys should maintain confidentiality if their clients are involved in ongoing criminal activity that is not inherently dangerous?

How do American child rearing practices reflect anthropological theories regarding the cultural construction of person hood?

Cultural Construction of Person hood

What can an anthropological study of child rearing tell us about American culture?

How do American child rearing practices reflect anthropological theories regarding the cultural construction of person hood? Are these practices consistently individualistic or holistic? Or both? Are there any contradictions within these practices?



Discuss how leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their personal leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and health care. Provide two examples that illustrate your main ideas.

Leadership Styles and Nursing 

Using what you have learned about the tenets of servant leadership and traits and practices of successful leaders, create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes.

Add an additional slide for references at the end of your presentation.
Include the following in your presentation:
Each group member:

Create a slide that summarizes your leadership style, traits, and practices.

Compare the personal leadership styles of your group members, including commonalities between group members’ strengths and weaknesses.

Explain why it is important for nursing professionals to be aware of their personal leadership style, traits, and practices.

Discuss what leadership traits and styles are necessary to be an effective communicator. Explain the importance of leaders adapting communication approaches when working inter-professionally (across ancillary departments, vendors, community members).

Discuss how nursing professionals can benefit from integrating the tenets of servant leadership to empower and influence others as they lead.

Discuss how leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their personal leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and health care. Provide two examples that illustrate your main ideas.

What niche does your business serve: (example, busy parents who need to have their children’s annual screening submitted for school and sports but can’t make it into the clinic)

Health Economics and Financing

Objective: The purpose of this assignment is for you to share innovative ideas in the health care industry in the USA using economics and finance tools.

Think about disruption in the healthcare marketplace; think about what is missing and unmet needs. If you were allowed to pitch an idea to a capital investment group, what would you pitch?

So post:

1. Short description of your business idea: (example, in-home/on-line school readiness check-ups)

2. What niche does your business serve: (example, busy parents who need to have their children’s annual screening submitted for school and sports but can’t make it into the clinic)