
Explain how your articles are consistent with your own findings.

Macroeconomics on The Philippians

Your project needs to consists of finding at least two different current-news articles related to the country you selected (My country is the Philippians). The articles have to be no older than three months and must be related to the economy of the country.

Explain how your articles are consistent with your own findings. You need to relate the articles to any of the concepts discussed during the previous weeks: GDP, inflation rates, unemployment, government monetary policies (money supply, exchange rates) or fiscal policies (taxes, government spending), international trade (trade balance, exchange rates), production, economic growth, etc.

Your articles MUST be from a news source. They cannot be from a blog, professional journal, dictionary, data site, or encyclopedia (that includes Wikipedia).


What economic or ethical pressures has each side attempted to use to prevail in the dispute?

Assignment 1

Identify your main article:

Using APA guidelines state the proper citation for the article.

2. Respond to these questions:

What is the nature of the collective bargaining dispute?

What are the underlying causes of the dispute?

What economic or ethical pressures has each side attempted to use to prevail in the dispute?

If there is any evidence of any illegal or unethical conduct on either side, describe it in detail.

Was the dispute resolved? If so, how? If not, what are the possible resolutions?

What, if any, role was played by third parties in resolving this bargaining dispute?

What was the identity of the third party?

In retrospect, could this dispute have been resolved in a more constructive fashion? If so, how?

Discuss your current leadership roles (formal and informal), and describe the formal and informal leadership roles that you will have in your area of advanced nursing practice.

Select one leadership theory or style that aligns with your personal philosophy and leadership stance.

Explain the selected theory or style, and discuss how it can be applied in your future MSN role.

Discuss your current leadership roles (formal and informal), and describe the formal and informal leadership roles that you will have in your area of advanced nursing practice.

In your future MSN role, what are the implications of your leadership for individuals, teams, organizations, and communities?

Include current, peer-reviewed scholarly support (outside of class resources) to validate your work.

what can be done about stopping mis- or disinformation from spreading in communities, and how do we “fix” the damage already done by it?

As discussed these past few weeks, false or misleading information has a way of getting into people’s heads and having an effect on our lives. In this essay, explore–based on substantiated evidence–“bad” ideas or information that have had a detrimental impact on a community.

Consider how this idea/information is spread, who spreads it, and what the result has been in a community.

Discuss also how you have come to understand that these ideas or this information is faulty: what is your source and how do you know it is reliable?

Finally, consider this important question by way of a conclusion: what can be done about stopping mis- or disinformation from spreading in communities, and how do we “fix” the damage already done by it?

How will you identifying the services to be listed as rows on your planned directory, how will you collect the needed information for the services you have identified, and how will you validated the plan you have created here with your business-unit partners.

Prepared using the template that has been provided in the following pages of this document following all embedded instructions.
Uses the proper language and construction to communicate to an executive-level audience that for which this report is prepared.
Just as you are expected to do for all business communications, you must prepare a cover memorandum that serves to convey this report and serves as a very high-level executive summary of your findings.
Report Structure:

• Includes a complete plan of precisely how you would work within the case company to create a directory of security services. Your plan must include:

How will you identifying the services to be listed as rows on your planned directory, how will you collect the needed information for the services you have identified, and how will you validated the plan you have created here with your business-unit partners.
o The purpose of a directory is to identify what is performed, how much or how often it is performed, what the costs (and perhaps revenues) are for the activity, and a business-based justification for the activity.
• Prepare a security services table making the assumptions necessary as if the plan you have developed were executed completely. The table will:
o Include a row for each identified planned service for the case company complete or estimated values for each column of each row provide placeholder values for the columns of information for every one of the services you identify using the method of describing less critical information by placing it in angle brackets “<>” if the information cannot be readily determined with the time and resources available.

• Prepare a complete deployment project plan for security service development in the case company with:

o appropriate project stages needed to build out the services identified in the table you have prepared,

o a timeline showing the relative sequencing of the stages showing expected durations and identifying precursors

o For each stage: identify which services will be included in the stage enumerate estimates for the resources will be required to complete the service development to include capital expense, labor inputs (number of hours and expected level of individual resources), and other expenses such as subscriptions and operating costs.


Which of the listed theories, or any ethical theory you choose to research, provides the best “model” for ethical behavior in criminal justice?

Throughout this course, you have examined multiple ethical theories, among them: utilitarianism, deontological, normative ethics, ethical relativism, natural law, virtue theory, and so forth.

Chapter 15 in your textbook presents three additional ethical theories: ethical egoism, hedonism, and Stoicism. Explore the normative and analytical philosophies of morality and criminal justice in Duff’s Theories of Criminal Law .

Which of the listed theories, or any ethical theory you choose to research, provides the best “model” for ethical behavior in criminal justice?Throughout this course, you have examined multiple ethical theories, among them: utilitarianism, deontological, normative ethics, ethical relativism, natural law, virtue theory, and so forth. Chapter 15 in your textbook presents three additional ethical theories: ethical egoism, hedonism, and Stoicism. Explore the normative and analytical philosophies of morality and criminal justice in Duff’s Theories of Criminal Law .

Which of the listed theories, or any ethical theory you choose to research, provides the best “model” for ethical behavior in criminal justice?

Explain the major premises of the ethical theory and provide both the positives and negatives of the application of this theory to the field of criminal justice.

Explain the major premises of the ethical theory and provide both the positives and negatives of the application of this theory to the field of criminal justice.

What are the most important protections from the Bill of Rights to be afforded to modern technological communications?

Each advance in technology brings with it moral questions about its application in the modern world. The ability of police and other agencies to monitor what were once private conversations and communications raises serious ethical questions about the right to privacy and the government’s “need to know.”

Information Technology and Moral Values ( explores the relationship between morality and modern technologies (Sullins, 2012).

In this discussion, provide the framework for an ethical policy that protects privacy while ensuring security. What are the most important protections from the Bill of Rights to be afforded to modern technological communications?

Guided Response:

Whenever examining technology issues in criminal justice, always consider how to improve the system.

When there are technological advances, security concerns are often paramount. How much of a role can/should the government play in new technology, and ethically, what are the rights of people to privacy when choosing new technology?

How would ancient Babylonian concepts of law compare to modern situations (i.e. drugs, gangs, sexual assaults, internet fraud, money laundering, etc.)? How was the enforcement of the code a means of unifying Hammurabi’s empire?

After studying Hammurabi’s Code, we can identify many similarities and differences with our own set of laws that govern this country. Your assignment is to analyze and compare the laws of American society with Hammurabi’s code.

This should not be, however, just a listing of points. You should point out similarities that might contradict our “democratic” society, or define our freedom as Americans in vast contrast to restrictions of ancient Babylonian culture.

Here are some questions you may want to consider:

Who or what determines the criteria of fair penalties for crimes? Why is there a need to create laws in society?

How would ancient Babylonian concepts of law compare to modern situations (i.e. drugs, gangs, sexual assaults, internet fraud, money laundering, etc.)? How was the enforcement of the code a means of unifying Hammurabi’s empire?

How is our justice system compared in fairness with Hammurabi’s code? This should be a very through and detailed response.

Describe the impact of the pandemic on the poor/underdeveloped  countries in the world, –  how do they suffer in comparison with the rich countries, such as the US

Reaction Global Health Prospective: Covid -19

What is the most devastating effect of this pandemic on the world, from your perspective and why

Provide an example related to Covid-19  experience from your/colleagues/hospital nursing practice to illustrate your point

Describe the impact of the pandemic on the poor/underdeveloped  countries in the world, –  how do they suffer in comparison with the rich countries, such as the US

Discuss the life, work, and beliefs of Anaximenes, focusing on his contributions in the era of the Pre-Socratics?

Discuss the life, work, and beliefs of Anaximenes, focusing on his contributions in the era of the Pre-Socratics?