
Describe how you will evaluate your plan when it is finished to see if it succeeded or failed.

The final project for PR 3311 is to assemble a short strategic plan document for your client company or organization.

-A detailed description of your client and their mission.

-Define the public relations situation or problem your client is facing.

-A detailed description of your client’s public’s — who you are targeting with your strategic plan. Use demographics. Describe what they think and how they feel about your client.

-Establish your goals and objectives. Try to have 1 goal and about 2-3 objectives. (Remember that your goal is big and broad, while your objectives are narrow, specific, and measurable. For example, a goal might be to improve awareness of the YWCA, and an objective might be to improve name recognition by 30% among Lubbock citizens by September 1, 2021).

-An outline of what strategy or strategies you will use. Describe each and how you’ll use them. (There are proactive strategies and reactive strategies. Look at Step 5 and 6 in your book for this.)

-Describe what tactics you will use. You must have 3-5 tactics that will help you execute your strategies. It’s ok to re-use what you used in Activity 2.

-Create a timeline of how you will execute your plan.

-Describe how you will evaluate your plan when it is finished to see if it succeeded or failed.

What is it about? Why did you choose this one? What situation will you be talking about? State the 3 terms/studies you will be using.

Written Exams: Exams will be submitted through blackboard on the day and time it is due.

Introduction (3-5 sentences): Introduce me to the chapter. What is it about? Why did you choose this one? What situation will you be talking about? State the 3 terms/studies you will be using.

Paragraph 1 (5-7 sentences): Define and describe term 1. You will then apply this term to the situation you will refer to. Do not copy and paste from the textbook or slides, use your own words!

Paragraph 2 (5-7 sentences): Define and describe term 2.. You will then apply this term to the situation you will refer to. Do not copy and paste from the textbook or slides, use your own words!

Paragraph 1 (5-7 sentences): Define and describe term 3. You will then apply this term to the situation you will refer to. Do not copy and paste from the textbook or slides, use your own words!

Conclusion (3-5 sentences). Where would you like this topic to go (e..g, what studies or research should be done on this?) Would you like to dive deeper into this area of research? Did you like this chapter? Why or why not? What would you improve?

Describe your lab experiences related to access controls and authentication systems available for use in organizations to protect information assets.

Use the study materials and engage in any additional research needed to fill in knowledge gaps.

Write a 4–6page paper that covers the following topics:

Describe your lab experiences related to access controls and authentication systems available for use in organizations to protect information assets.

Analyze the security characteristics of commonly used file systems.

Explain how access control lists play a role in a layered network security strategy.

Explain the security benefits available through domain separation, process isolation, resource encapsulation, and least privilege

Do you think self-reported health status is a good indicator of health? discuss.

Do you think self-reported health status is a good indicator of health? discuss.

Cite your source(s)  write as the professor is asking, add references.

What steps does it follow as it is applied? Are there unintended consequences of the policy? Who is directly affected?

Analyzing and Researching Social Welfare Policies

Identify a policy or rule in your school, job, or personal situation.  Where did it originate, and on what or whose authority?

What steps does it follow as it is applied? Are there unintended consequences of the policy? Who is directly affected?

Who is indirectly affected? Does the actual impact reflect the original goal?


Do you think hedonism presents a good moral foundation from which to make good ethical decisions in society? Why or why not?

Compare and contrast the foundational principles of egoism and hedonism.

2a. How are the similar and how are they different?

2b. Do you think hedonism presents a good moral foundation from which to make good ethical decisions in society? Why or why not?

Determine the characteristics that make this an evolutionary step in our study of virtue ethics, rather than a complete departure from the original ethical theories of the founders.

Many people misconstrue Epicurus’ theory of egoism as a glutinous bacchanalian departure from its virtue ethics predecessors.

1a. Explain why Epicurus argued that virtues were still necessary to control one’s pleasure and desires under his theories.

1b. Determine the characteristics that make this an evolutionary step in our study of virtue ethics, rather than a complete departure from the original ethical theories of the founders.

How does the concept of being active in your own development apply to any of the  following programmatic themes?

 Answer the following questions:

What is one direct way in which children impact their own acculturation?

How does the example you chose show the child’s impact?

What is one indirect way in which children impact their own acculturation?

How does the example you chose show the child’s impact?

How does the concept of being active in your own development apply to any of the  following programmatic themes?

You may want to review the Programmatic Themes document.Self-care Social justice Emotional intelligence Career connections Ethics

What was their agenda or stance on the subject?

Find a song from this era (1960’s) and write about it. Who wrote/sang it? What was their agenda or stance on the subject?

Discuss the lyrics and what it is protesting. Include how whatever they were protesting fit into that time period.

How does a public sector organisation which produces different types of (related) products (such as different types of trips with different priced tickets), set prices in order to break even and cover its fixed and operating costs?

Question 2C – Question 5.

How does a public sector organization which produces different types of (related) products (such as different types of trips with different priced tickets), set prices in order to break even and cover its fixed and operating costs?

• Convert everything on the revenue and cost sides to single ticket equivalents.

• Constraints: a single visit ticket cannot be lower than R20 which will be the lowest price and attract the greatest number of commuters.

• As prices increase, the quantities of tickets sold will decrease (relative to the maximum ticket sales) but the variable costs will decrease.

• As prices increase, and commuter numbers decline, fewer ferries will need to be commissioned.