
Discuss ethical hyper norms in relation to why these are important in business.

Strategy, marketing&management

Read the lecture note and workshop note and answer following question:

Discuss ethical hyper norms in relation to why these are important in business. Remember to include some referral to ethical relativism in your answer.


What kind words can you share amongst your classmates on the playground?

Student 1: In this story, Abigail creates peace between the King and her husband Nabal, through words and actions of kindness. Let us remember on this day, the importance that our words and actions hold.

Student 2: How will you create peace today at school?
What kind words can you share amongst your classmates on the playground?

Student 3: What can you do at home today to help your family?
How can we create peace in our own world, like Abigail did in hers?

Student 4: Our SRC members will now place candles on the prayer table which will be lit as a symbol of the presence of the peace that is brought by the Holy Spirit. Take this time to reflect on the word of the Lord and how you may bring peace to the world today.


What are the variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization?

What are the variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization?

Describe what cultural reasons existed in each time period that would make Hollywood choose to portray First Nations people in the manner that they did.

Areas to consider: during the early years of cinema, pre-great depression, after the great depression, during the 60s, during the 90s, and into present day.

Describe what cultural reasons existed in each time period that would make Hollywood choose to portray First Nations people in the manner that they did.

Most importantly, think about the summer camp where children “played” at being Indian. What do you think about the camp specifically? What were the children learning about Indigenous culture? What song are they singing?

Support your answer. What do you think of situations where members of one society pretend to be members of another society like this? Please provide an example in our society (past or present) where people pretend to be a different race and how our society views these actions.


What effective measures can military leaders use to increase the safety and health of militants and civilian staff during COVID-19?

The Problem:

The problem is that some military leaders lack effective measures to increase the safety and health of militants and civilian staff during COVID-19.

The purpose of the case study:

The purpose of this case study will be to explore effective measures that military leaders use to increase the safety and health of militants and civilian staff during COVID-19.

Research Question:

What effective measures can military leaders use to increase the safety and health of militants and civilian staff during COVID-19?

The population will consist of peer-reviewed journal articles, public government websites, dissertations (sparingly), etc., personal communications (when appropriate), the findings/results that include effective measures can military leaders use to increase the safety and health of militants and civilian staff during COVID-19

Key search words: comes directly from the research
The most important thing with each section is to keep everything nice and basic. Try not to stray away from your research problem, question or the purpose of the study. Keep the research question right next to you as you work on these sections.

When the Methods section is done correctly, it is like baking a cake. You want to follow a clear and concise proven recipe that one (or anyone) may repeat for many years to come.
Methods Course Template

After careful consideration the research problem choice was chosen along with the research question;

What effective measures can military leaders use to increase the safety and health of militants and civilian staff during COVID-19?

A search of the literature transpired using (Name any academic databases used.) and [Additional records identified through other sources (i.e., public government websites, dissertations, and personal communications)] in accordance with case study guidelines (include an in-text citation, Year).

These Method phases included

(a) searching for relevant information,

(b) screening for inclusion and exclusion criteria,

(c) data extraction based on the screening criteria,

(d) synthesis of the data to identify key themes, and

(e) reporting and dissemination of the findings. Searching the academic databases and other sources utilizing keywords,

(italicize keywords you are utilizing that relates to the RQ,)and provided consistent parameters in choosing the best articles and information to analyze the research problem and answer the research question.
For inclusion of articles and information to review, had to meet all the following criteria

(a) , searches for articles and additional records must be current transpiring between 2016 and 2021,

(b) written in English,

(c), a published peer-reviewed document, public government websites

(d), personal communication and with a focus on (refer back to your research question, seeking effective measures that military leaders can use to increase the safety and health of militants and civilian staff during COVID-19)

. The first academic database resulted in (list the number) articles, and when the applied filters were in place.

What is the difference between traditional criminology research and studies that approach crime from a life course perspective?

Briefly respond to the following questions:

1) What is the difference between traditional criminology research and studies that approach crime from a life course perspective?

2) What are turning points and why are they important for desistance ?

What is the current status of the access granted to the media by the courts in various jurisdictions throughout the country? Identify two cases that have impacted the current status.

Response to Discussion Board

What effect has pretrial publicity had on trials?How has the “CSI Effect” impacted the courtroom?

What is the current status of the access granted to the media by the courts in various jurisdictions throughout the country? Identify two cases that have impacted the current status.

Explain specific ways that information should be used in decision making by providing three examples with supporting details.

As Director of Health Information for a large health system, you have been tasked as a key leader in the selection and implementation of a Decision Support System for the organization. The CEO and Board of Directors has asked that you develop a plan to train staff on the value and purpose of the use of this technology.

Develop a PPT to be used for training new staff in the purpose and value of using informatics for decision support. The training should be specific to the ways that information should be used in decision making. The PPT should include 15–20 slides, and a reference slide at the end with a minimum of 3 resources. Your textbook must be one of the references.

Make sure:

● Develops an educational presentation to train new staff in the purpose and value of
using informatics for decision support.Presentation uses multiple examples with supporting

● Explain specific ways that information should be used in decision making by providing three examples with supporting details.

● Presentation includes 15-20 slides of relevant content.


Why do you think many companies compensate executives with options based on long-term increases in the value of the company’s stock?

Introduction to Financial Management.

Essay 1 Q:

Why do you think many companies compensate executives with options based on long-term increases in the value of the company’s stock?