
Critically evaluate any international financial reporting issues that the company may have and explain why.

In this assessment, you act as an analyst in a boutique Strategic Management Consultancy. As a part of an internal high-profile project, you are tasked to provide a critical analysis with a strategic insight for the Colgate Palmolive company, assessing how the company develops strategies to mitigate risks and explore how they can enhance an effectiveness in strategic, analysis, planning and control in both long and short term. The aim of your analysis is to assess the financial dimension of Colgate-Palmolive’s strategy in the last 2 years.
1) Obtain Financial information from Colgate-Palmolive and provide a map with the key internal and external users of its financial information.
2) Critically evaluate the difference between the two groups and explain how these groups use the company’s financial information.
3) Critically evaluate any international financial reporting issues that the company may have and explain why.
4) Select any 4 financial ratios, explain why you chose them and assess the company’s financial performance.
5) Choose 1 of: Horizontal, Vertical, trend analysis to assess the company’s position and explain why you chose the particular analysis.
6) Critically evaluate the financial risks of the company at an international context and comment on its corporate governance structure.
7) Put forward recommendation of actions/strategic insight, following the assessment of the financial dimension of C&P’s strategy

Write an overview summarizing and evaluating the enrollment management (including public relations and marketing) and fundraising program of your school (or a school you have researched for purposes of this project).

School Evaluation

Write an overview summarizing and evaluating the enrollment management (including public relations and marketing) and fundraising program of your school (or a school you have researched for purposes of this project). Address the perennial question facing all school leaders. How do this school’s leaders address the tensions between excellence, tuition (including enrollment management, public relations and marketing strategies) and care for employees? Specifically discuss the school’s budget including tuition strategies and financial aid, and sources of revenue including all fundraising initiatives. What is the school doing well? What areas are in need of improvement? How would you suggest the school address the areas in need of improvement? These papers will be the basis of online discussion in week four.


Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems-How these processes interact to affect the patient.

Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

11-year-old boy complains of wheezing and difficulty “getting enough air.” Notices it more when he is playing baseball and symptoms improve when exercise activity stops. He says that the symptoms are getting worse and the symptoms are even occurring at rest. Mother says the child is allergic to cat dander and his next-door neighbor in their apartment building recently began sheltering cats for the local humane society. Auscultation demonstrates wheezes on forced expiration throughout all lung fields.

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following

• The cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.

• Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.

• How these processes interact to affect the patient.

Keep in mind that APA formatting is required. References should be no older than five years from publication. Let me know if you have any questions.

Explain the key foundational principles, theories and/or rules underpinning UK constitutional law and the contextual factors which shape the operation of the UK’s constitution  

The Assessment Task

This assignment requires you to apply your knowledge and understanding of constitutional conventions to a current constitutional event, ie a situation where a Minister may have breached a constitutional convention. The assignment requires you to identify and apply the relevant convention, as well as the potential consequences for the Minister of any breach.

Your briefing is 1,000 words, which should be written in bullet point format. Communicating your points as clearly and succinctly as possible is key to covering what you need to address within the word allowance.

Choose ONE of the Ministerial situations below and see the Instructions which follow:

Ministerial situations

1.Dominic Cummings, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister: If Dominic Cummings had been a government Minister when he allegedly broke the national Lockdown rules, should he have resigned according to constitutional conventions?


2.Gavin Williamson, Minister for Education: According to constitutional conventions, should Mr. Williamson have resigned because of the Department of Education’s handling of the A level grading and results process in August 2020?


3. Priti Patel, Home Secretary: Due to her treatment of civil servants within her department, should she have resigned according to constitutional conventions?

Your briefing is to be addressed to the Minister who seeks advice on whether, in the light of their situation, they have broken a constitutional convention and if so, what the consequence could be.

Your briefing is to
Identify and briefly explain the factual situation involved (ie what has happened to raise the issue)
Identify and explain the constitutional convention relevant to the situation
Using appropriate authority, identify and explain examples relating to the constitutional convention in question in order to illustrate its operation
Apply these authorities and examples to the facts established in order to advise the Minister on whether or not (s)he has broken the constitutional convention
Identify and explain the consequence(s) for the Minister of a breach of constitutional convention

Your briefing must be properly referenced using OSCOLA.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
a) Explain the key foundational principles, theories and/or rules underpinning UK constitutional law and the contextual factors which shape the operation of the UK’s constitution

d) Sort, order and reference material and ideas drawn from a range of sources into logical lines of argument to propose solutions to questions set

e) Effectively communicate and argue ideas in structured, well written English

f) Identify, select and justify chosen solutions to factual situations (real and hypothetical)

Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assessment. Please see the grading rubric on NILE for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed.

Word Limits
The maximum word limit for this assessment is 1,000 words

In accordance with the Assessment and Feedback Policy, where a submission exceeds the stipulated word limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%. Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the assessment item. Abstracts, bibliographies, reference lists, appendices and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements.

In line with the same Policy, where a submission is notably under the word limit, the full submission will be marked on the extent to which the learning objectives have been met.

Assessment Support
Specific support sessions for this assessment will be provided by the module team and notified through NILE. You can also access individual support and guidance for your assessments from Library and Learning Services. Visit the Skills Hub to access this support and to discover the online support also available for assessments and academic skills.

Academic Integrity and Misconduct
Unless this is a group assessment, the work you produce must be your own, with work taken from any other source properly referenced and attributed. For the avoidance of doubt this means that it is an infringement of academic integrity and, therefore, academic misconduct to ask someone else to carry out all or some of the work for you, whether paid or unpaid, or to use the work of another student whether current or previously submitted.

For further guidance on what constitutes plagiarism, contract cheating or collusion, or any other infringement of academic integrity, please read the University’s Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy. Also useful resources to help with understanding academic integrity are available from UNPAC .

N.B. The penalties for academic misconduct are severe and can include failing the assessment, failing the module and expulsion from the university.
Assessment Submission
To submit your work, please go to the ‘Submit your work’ area on the NILE site and use the relevant submission point to upload your report. The deadline for this is 11.59pm (UK local time) on the date of submission. Please note that essays and text based reports should be submitted as word documents and not PDFs or Mac files.

Written work submitted to TURNITIN will be subject to anti-plagiarism detection software. Turnitin checks student work for possible textual matches against internet available resources and its own proprietary database. Work

When you upload your work correctly to TURNITIN you will receive a receipt which is your record and proof of submission. If your assessment is not submitted to TURNITIN, rather than a receipt, you will see a green banner at the top of the screen that denotes successful submission.

N.B Work emailed directly to your tutor will not be marked.
Late submission of work
For first sits, if an item of assessment is submitted late and an extension has not been granted, the following will apply:

Within one week of the original deadline – work will be marked and returned with full feedback, and awarded a maximum bare pass grade.
More than one week from original deadline – grade achievable LG (L indicating late).

For resits there are no allowances for work submitted late and it will be treated as a non-submission.

Please see the Assessment and Feedback Policy for full information on the processes related to assessment, grading and feedback, including anonymous grading. You will also find the generic grading criteria for achievement at University Grading Criteria. Also explained there are the meanings of the various G grades at the bottom of the grading scale including LG mentioned above.
The University of Northampton’s general policy with regard to extensions is to be supportive of students who have genuine difficulties, but not against pressures of work that could have reasonably been anticipated.

For full details please refer to the Extensions Policy. Extensions are only available for first sits – they are not available for resits.
Mitigating Circumstances
For guidance on Mitigating circumstances please go to Mitigating Circumstances where you will find detailed guidance on the policy as well as guidance and the form for making an application.

Please note, however, that an application to defer an assessment on the grounds of mitigating circumstances should normally be made in advance of the submission deadline or examination date.

Feedback and Grades
These can be accessed through clicking on the Feedback and Grades tab on NILE. Feedback will be provided by a rubric with summary comments.

Describe the practical elements of your group (closed or open, homogeneous or heterogeneous, size, meeting place, frequency and length, short term or long term, and so on).

1. Type of group: Describe the practical elements of your group (closed or open, homogeneous or heterogeneous, size, meeting place, frequency and length, short term or long term, and so on). Explain why your selections are appropriate to your specific group.

2. Topic or theme of the group

3. Target population and age of participants

4. How and why this group is relevant to your identified population

5. Dates and times of group meetings for eight sessions

6. Qualifications for the group leader, including educational level, license, certification, and so on

7. How and where the group will be advertised/announced.Indicate how you will identify, attract,and get members for your group.

How is your means of announcing the group key to identifying and recruiting group members?

8. How participants will be selected and interviewed. Identify criteria to screen participants, including drafting a screening sheet to be used by the group leader. Why is this type of screening appropriate for your group? (Include the final screening sheet as an appendix in the final group manual.)

9. Informed consent procedures for your group members. Draft an informed consent form. If your group is for children, include forms for both children (age-appropriate) and their parents/guardians. (Include the final informed consent form as an appendix in the final group manual.)

10. Ground rules that will be established for the group

What are the steps used to perform acceptance testing, integration testing of new systems, and testing of system enhancements?

The purpose of this assignment is to apply user testing to the created workflow for the identified case study need.

Read the “Integrated Case Study” resource prior to beginning the assignment.

Write a 750-1,000 word test script that answers the following questions:

Who would be part of the user testing?
What are the elements to test?
What are the steps used to perform acceptance testing, integration testing of new systems, and testing of system enhancements?
Are there any rules involved?
What is the action/outcome expected?
What would the action plan be if testing does not work?

identify and explain the major responsibilities of police officers at the local, state and federal level.

In 1-2 pages, summarize, identify and explain the major responsibilities of police officers at the local, state and federal level. All three levels must be addressed.

Explain one main objection developed or an overview of several objections.

Include background information on your person from your research. Include various types of support (quotations, hard evidence, explanation).

Section 2 (1–2 paragraphs.)

Are there reviews against this person’s accomplishment? What does the opposition say? Explain one main objection developed or an overview of several objections. Include various types of support (quotation, hard evidence, explanation, and example).

Section 3 (1 paragraph)
Your rebuttal (refutation) to the counter argument: Why might they be wrong or misguided? Include various types of support (quotation, hard evidence, explanation, and example).

Explain the ways in which Santiago’s heroism relates to his belief that “a man can be destroyed but not defeated.”

Answer the following question in the form of a short essay.

Your essay should consist of at least five paragraphs (1200 words)
Examine Hemingway’s notion of heroism as it pertains to the character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea

How is Santiago a conventionally heroic figure? How is Santiago’s heroism unique or unusual?

Explain the ways in which Santiago’s heroism relates to his belief that “a man can be destroyed but not defeated.”
Cite specific examples from the text in your response.

Have you ever thought about the socially-based labels we assign to people of different genders?

Remember how the discussion assignments work. You need to respond to one discussion question with an essay of 400-600 words with at least two references. This is due by 11:59 pm (Central Time) on Thursday. By Sunday, you need to submit two video responses to people who, ideally, answered questions other than the one you answered. Video responses should be meaningful and be between 1:30 and 2:00 minutes in length.

Please include the question you are answering at the beginning of the posting. If you notice that several people have answered a particular question, try to answer a different one. The more different discussion topics we have, the better.

Here are the questions for Week Three:
1. Myers indicates that the underlying assumption of evolutionary psychology is that humans are gene-producing machines with the basic motivation of perpetuating their own genetic pool. Our genes predispose us to act in ways that enhance our chances of surviving and spreading. This fundamental motive underlies all behavior. What are your thoughts on that premise? Cite research both for and against your view of this evolutionary psychology belief.
2. What do you find most important when selecting a mate? What characteristics are most important to you? An exciting personality, industriousness, physical attractiveness, or good financial prospects? How about the age of a potential partner? Could they be older, same age, or younger? How about a significant age difference? Be truthful to yourself and do not select criteria based on what you think is most socially appropriate. Now, talk about your mate selection based on evolutionary psychology and how biology may play a role in what you find most attractive.
3. Have you ever thought about the socially-based labels we assign to people of different genders? In the text, there was a reference to males being assigned more positive terms than females. For example, research investigating the rate my site found certain language used to describe female professors far more than male professors, and vice versa. Follow the link in the following article to the interactive chart to see which words students use for male professors and which words they more commonly used for female professors ( Discuss this topic and cite at least one additional study on the topic.
4. Most countries have a degree of diversity, that is becoming more prominent in our interconnected world. Two terms used to describe a person’s integration into another society are assimilation and acculturation. What are the similarities and differences between these terms?
5. Pick a classic conformity and obedience study from the text and discuss it. How was the study set up and what were the researchers trying to measure? What were the results of the study? Was this a true experimental design or another form or research? What are the limitations of the study? Any ethical concerns about the study that may have existed when it was completed or now?
6. Is disorder contagious? According to the research (, people are more likely to litter, violate rules, and steal when in a disorderly environment, such as one strewn with graffiti or litter. As in many of the examples of contagion Myers and Twenge note in Chapter 6, often the “infected” person is unaware of the source of the influence. Of course, we often are aware when there are incivilities in our environment. What uncivil behaviors bother you the most? Why? How does your view of uncivil behavior compare to that of the general society?