
What are the benefits of paid parental leave for society, for the population, and for health?

1. Social policies such as parental leave affect how many women serve in the Government and other jobs? How?
2. What are the benefits of paid parental leave for society, for the population, and for health?

Identify a theory that could have been used to develop the change, and apply that theory to the failed change.

This paper will give you an opportunity to evaluate a failed organizational change, identify a theory that could have been used to develop the change, and apply that theory to the failed change. The paper must follow these standards:
be 6-8 pages of content in length
have at least two outside professional resources
follow APA standards
Review the following resources to assist you in writing your paper:
Organizational Change Management Paper PowerPoint
Change Management Preview the documentPowerPoint
Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail (PDF)
Managing Organizational Change (PDF)
An Improvisational Model of Change Management: The Case of Groupware Technologies (PDF)

Describes the pros and cons of having lifetime appointments for Supreme Court Justices in the United States.

Describes the pros and cons of having lifetime appointments for Supreme Court Justices in the United States.

Describe the demand characteristics of a product for a specific distribution channel

This is an individual assignment that requires you to write a brief report (1,500 words) addressing one of the following:

Option 1
(a) Describe the demand characteristics of a product for a specific distribution channel (e.g. on-line, supermarket, specialist retailer) and a specific country and determine whether the ideal supply chain for that product (in the specific distribution channel and country) should be agile, lean or a combination of both (60% of marks).
(b) Use two real-world company examples to illustrate and justify what you think is ‘good’ and/or ‘bad’ business practice in supply chains of the product you chose in (a), or supply chains of products that are similar to your product in terms of demand characteristics (40% of marks).

Option 2
(a) Draw a diagram that illustrates the flows of materials, components, final products, services and information along at least three tiers of the supply chain of a product of your choice (40% of marks).
(b) Provide a brief explanation for each node and link in the chain (what they do, why they do it and how) and the information needed at each stage for the effective working of the supply chain (40% of marks).
(c) Provide at least one clear and specific recommendation for improvement, by drawing from real-world practice or SCM theory (20% of marks).

Your report can be written in the style of a business report, or as an academic essay. You do not need to include an executive summary, but you MUST reference all the information sources used throughout and provide a detailed list of references at the end.

For option 1, you could choose the same product whose transformation process you analysed last year as part of the Operations Management module. However, you should bear in mind that the level of your analysis is now the product’s supply chain, not the product’s production process within the firm. This means that the research you did on your product last year may be relevant but it will definitely not be enough.
For option 2, there are plenty of Youtube videos, academic papers, news articles and reports discussing the supply chains of companies such as Zara, IKEA, Walmart, Coca Cola etc. However, a single source will not be enough to address the three objectives. You are allowed to choose such a product/supply chain, if you are genuinely interested in studying it. However, this option may be most suitable for someone with deep familiarity with a particular company’s supply chain (e.g. through an internship, previous work experience, family business).

Write a 3 page essay on hills like white elephants.

Write a 3 page essay on hills like white elephants.

Write a persuasive speech paper about why people should consume organic food vs conventional food.

write a persuasive speech paper about why people should consume organic food vs conventional food. Use any of these methods: Direct Appeal method, the refutation method, problem/cause/solution, comparative advantages, and Monroe’s Motivated Sequence.)

Discuss how sleep effects the elderly population?

Discuss how sleep effects the elderly population?

Examine Miller’s statement and, based on your research, identify which model it reflects and the implications for the assessment process.

Review the articles by Volkow and Koob, Nordqvist, and the American Society of Addiction Medicine
Research two articles that support or refute this position.
Examine Miller’s statement and, based on your research, identify which model it reflects and the implications for the assessment process.A brief description of the articles you chose and an explanation of their significance to Miller’s definition
An explanation of the model reflected in Miller’s statement and its implications for the assessment process
An explanation of the controversy that exists between models of addiction and their effects on assessment
An explanation of the relationship between the models of addiction and assessment processes

Analyze the relationship between society and criminal behavior.

The impact of the media on violence is an area of ongoing debate. This media includes, but is not limited to, video games, movies, and news reporting. The debate focuses on the way media influences or promotes the general acceptance of violent behavior in society, including the focus on long-term psychological effects that violent media may have on the development of children. One group may argue that violence in media needs to be censored while another group may argue that censorship is a means to mask other possible causes of violent behavior.
Using the Capella library resources and the Internet, select and read at least two recognized (within the field of psychology or criminal justice) articles to support your position on media violence.
In your main post:
• Analyze the impact of multiple media on violence in society.
• Examine whether violence in media promotes the normalization of aggression, the desensitization to violence, the committing of violent acts, or a lack of empathy in children and perhaps even adults. Why or why not?
• List any psychological or social theories that support your position.
• Discuss how violence in media impacts, involves, and is relevant to the criminal justice system and the determining of dispositions.
Discussion Objectives
The competencies addressed in this discussion are supported by discussion objectives, as follows:
Apply theoretical perspectives to motives for criminal behavior.
o List any psychological or social theories that support your position.
o Discuss how violence in media impacts, involves, and is relevant to the criminal justice system and the determining of dispositions.
Competency 3: Analyze the relationship between society and criminal behavior.
o Analyze the impact of multiple media on violence in society.
o Examine whether violence in media promotes the normalization of aggression, the desensitization to violence, the committing of violent acts, or a lack of empathy in children and perhaps even adults. Why or why not?
Competency 4: Apply scholarly research findings to topics in criminal psychology.
o Select and read at least two recognized (within the field of psychology or criminal justice) articles to support your position on media violence.
Response Guidelines
After completing your main post, respond to at least two other learners’ posts during the discussion week. Please note that to earn full credit for your discussion, you must participate on two separate days and make a minimum of one post on each of those two days. Comment on themes raised in the posts and pose questions to move the discussion forward.