
How long has the organization been in existence? How did it come to exist?

You are to create an executive summary using a narrated Power Point format of no more than 8 slides (plus a required cover slide and a reference slide, if applicable) in which you explain the following:

-What is the organization? What is their purpose?
-What are the organization’s mission and values?
-With whom did you meet? Include the person’s name, title, and date and time of the interview.
-How did the person you are interviewing come to work at this organization?
-What was his/her career trajectory?
-How long has the organization been in existence? How did it come to exist?
-What do they evaluate? How is it done? If they don’t evaluate anything, why not?
-Who are their stakeholders? How are they supported?
-What are their biggest challenges? How do they plan to stay in existence? -Where will support come from?
-What are the organization’s revenue streams (sources of funding)?
-What types of career opportunities exist in this organization? (Remind the person that you are not asking for a job, but just want to learn more about how you could best position yourself for a future career).
-What would the person you interviewed recommend to others who want a career in this field?

What could be done within your circle of influence to eliminate some of these obstacles?

After reading Covey’s Habit 4, make a list of obstacles that keep you from applying the Win/Win paradigm more frequently. What could be done within your circle of influence to eliminate some of these obstacles?

Using the Covey text as a basis, what will you require of yourself to learn, commit, and do to become a more highly developed person?

Using the Covey text as a basis, what will you require of yourself to learn, commit, and do to become a more highly developed person?

Describe how you would use forex forward markets to HEDGE currency risk for an export or import transaction worth $1,000,000.

1. Select a foreign currency you want to speculate for or against. Do not select a currency that is on fixed exchange rate regime, such as Cuban peso. Use standard end of the trading day market quotes for exchange rates, such as those listed in the Wall Street Journal. Do not use ask-bid type of quotes. NOTE: In selecting a target foreign currency consider a country, where you traveled to or plan to travel. That will give you a better handle and/or motivation to learn about this currency. Submit your chosen currency by the end of Monday, May 24.

2. Based on your preliminary analysis, decide whether this currency is going to appreciate (go up) or depreciate (go down) against the dollar from May 14 to June 4, 2021.

3. If you think it will appreciate, you must take a long position and use your $1,000,000 to buy this currency in order to sell it at the end of the holding period and make a profit.

4. If you think the opposite will happen, you must take a short position, borrowing the foreign currency today against your $1,000,000, selling it immediately and hoping to repay the loan at the end of the period by buying up the foreign currency at a cheaper rate.

5. Follow the fluctuations of your currency exchange rate against the dollar using The Wall Street Journal, or any other official source. Enter these data in a statistical table and draw a graph.

6. At the end of the period, figure out how much you have lost or gained in your speculation. Annualize the returns.

7. Provide a short commentary about the behavior of your currency and list any identifiable reasons for its fluctuations. NOTE: In the speculation part of your currency project (SECTIONS 1-7), you need not take into account any currency exchange fees, interest that would be due on the borrowed foreign currency, or any other transaction cost.

8. Based on what you’ve learned in your speculation steps (1) through (7) describe how you would use forex forward markets to HEDGE currency risk for an export or import transaction worth $1,000,000. For example, how would you hedge currency risk being a US exporter of bourbon or importer of autos? Assume that the time gap between the signing of your trade contract and payment is three months and that during that period a foreign currency in question experiences a major unexpected appreciation or depreciation (say, 10-20%). Assume that the 3-month forward rate for a foreign currency is equal to its spot rate. Describe your choices for hedging and provide estimates of its benefits and costs. Express the costs of hedging as a percentage of the total volume of your export/import transaction and in $$. For a forward contract assume the upfront fee of 1.5%, for an option assume a fee of 3-4%. If you need to use data for interest rates, use the US prime rate vs. the equivalent rate of a foreign country.

The whole project should not be more than 4-5 pages long single-spaced of which one page will be a statistical table and one page a graph (approx. 1000 words of text). Do not worry if you “lose money.” That will not affect the evaluation of your project in any way. What is important is your understanding of currency trading and hedging, your grasp of relevant data, your reasoning and a meaningful commentary.

Provide a written executive summary of the current Florida Law Enforcement Analyst Academy to include the history and current status of the program.

Provide a written executive summary of the current Florida Law Enforcement Analyst Academy to include the history and current status of the program. In addition, include your suggested changes, adjustments or focus that you would implement if chosen for the position.
The executive summary should be no more than two pages in length and should include your name, current date and written in Arial font size 11.

Write a brief history of how and why the ″Bill of Rights″ was necessary in a well functioning society.

It’s on the first amendment
Write a brief history of how and why the ″Bill of Rights″ was necessary in a well functioning society.
How the first amendment was included in the Bill of Rights
Why the first amendment is still important till this day
Some arguments against the right
What it′s like in some places that don′t have this right

It must have logos, ethos and pathos
2 direct quotes
One block quote
A work cited page
Use 3 of these words: ideology; vernacular; desultory; schismatic; serfdom; fable

What is working memory? Is there any evidence for or against separate components in working memory? 

What is working memory? Is there any evidence for or against separate components in working memory?  Discuss critically based on theoretical models and empirical evidence

Select two gastrointestinal disorders or two genitourinary disorders from the topics in the textbook.

Select two gastrointestinal disorders or two genitourinary disorders from the topics in the textbook.

Indicate which disorders you chose in the Subject Line of your initial post.

In order to make sure a variety of disorders are selected, please check which ones have already been chosen before making your selection.

In your replies to classmates, be sure to read and post a response to at least one person who chose a different system than you did. This helps you expand your learning beyond your own posts.

Choose two GI disorders and discuss the following:
Explain the etiology and pathophysiology of each disorder.
Describe the clinical manifestations and signs/symptoms the nurse assesses for.
Compare and contrast the two disorders.
Discuss the nursing implications for treatment.
Explain the effects of age related to the disease.
List one evidence-based resource the nurse can use to advance his/her knowledge of the disease. Provide a brief summary of something you learned from this resource.
Choose two renal or urinary system disorders and discuss the following:
Explain the etiology and pathophysiology of each disorder.
Describe the clinical manifestations and signs/symptoms the nurse assesses for.
Compare and contrast the two disorders.
Discuss the nursing implications for treatment.
Explain the effects of age related to the disease.
List one evidence-based resource the nurse can use to advance his/her knowledge of the disease. Provide a brief summary of something you learned from this resource.

● Demonstrates an understanding of concepts with supporting statements and rationales.
● Post includes original thoughts, opinions, and ideas for all questions asked.
● Post includes in-text citations and corresponding reference with support from required textbook.

What should we do to solve the social dilemma?

For this assignment, you will use what you learned about media technologies (social media specifically) and their production contexts (social media companies) to answer the following question: What should we do to solve the social dilemma?

Introduction: Should include a definition of social media, introduction to the particular parts of social media your paper will focus on, and the answer to the question above

Body: Should include three parts: a) Definition of the problem, b) Explanation of the causes of the problem, and c) Proposed solution to the problem (and its cause). Be sure the solution section uses ONE of the three types of structural solutions (i.e., economic, legal, or organizational). All three sections should include your own analysis and evidence (in the form of your research and examples) to support your points. All three sections should be used to answer support the answer to the research question.

Conclusion: Review the points you made in the paper and make connections between your analysis and the answer to the research question. Additionally, provide an answer to the following questions: Do you think your solution will work? Why or why not?

Finally, be sure to use appropriate in-text and reference page citations of all sources you use in the paper, including the textbook and readings provided for class. Turn in your typed final paper by the deadline.

How much do people working in this field earn? Is there opportunity to “move up”? What qualities are desired in this field?

This assignment is a reflective paper in which you explain your career goals. Many of you entered this program wanting to achieve or accomplish something—so what is it? Why did you major in this field? What do you want to do? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you have to offer an organization? Provide specific examples.

If you were to go to graduate school, what program would you choose and why? What would be your dream school and where is it located? How long would it take to complete the program? How much would it cost? What would prevent you from going there? If you couldn’t go to your dream school, what would be your second choice and why?

What does the future look like for your dream job or your career field? How much do people working in this field earn? Is there opportunity to “move up”? What qualities are desired in this field? How would you fit into this field? What extra training or education would you be required to take? Is licensure or certification available in this field?