
What is Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorders and what causes it?

What is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (ADD, ADHD) and what causes it?

What are CASE tool used for? What is the difference between upper and lower CASE tools?

What are CASE tool used for? What is the difference between upper and lower CASE tools? Be sure to provide examples.


* Your discussion should be approximately 200 words.
* Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation are expected.
* Provide your sources of information (references).

What type of built-in Python collection would be a good choice for representing a queue in which the first item in the queue is the first item out of the queue? What are the limitations or problems with using a list for a queue?

What type of built-in Python collection would be a good choice for representing a queue in which the first item in the queue is the first item out of the queue? What are the limitations or problems with using a list for a queue?
Your discussion should be approximately 200 words.
Use a minimum of 2 sources to support your viewpoint

What is the relevance of play to adult intelligence?

What is the relevance of play to adult intelligence?

Code to asses material/ readings: June#21PE1

•Use ideas and facts from the reading set while also relying upon your own logic. For example, you might agree with or disagree with an author’s logic or conclusions and give your reasoning. Or, you might choose to emphasize the importance of one idea while diminishing the importance of another, with an explanation of why you are valuing the ideas in this way.

• Make connections between the readings. Although the authors’ approaches are different, you will find parallels between them. For example, you could identify points of agreement and disagreement, or you could point out that they are reaching similar

• The length of your essay must be 1,500 words or longer. This word count does NOT include the following (which are not required): title page; abstract; bibliography/references/works cited.

• Quote and/or paraphrase and work directly with material from all three essays in this reading set.

• Attribute any material that you summarize, quote, or paraphrase to its source (using the page numbers of the reading set). This page and the previous page provide examples of what proper attribution looks like. (We are using MLA style, but you may also use APA style or any other style you’re comfortable with.)

• Your own ideas and thinking are necessary and important, and you cannot pass this evaluation without them. However, you must base your essay on the information contained in this set of readings, and engage with the arguments contained in the set of readings. Do not give an account of your own life experience; do not use any outside readings (including from the internet); and do not rely on information from courses you have taken.

Describe the term “social capital” and how this term is especially relevant in community psychology.

Answer the question in the module 4 template doc file. No need to write in essay form just short answer but thoroughly.
1. Discuss the term “social exchange theory” (i.e., provide examples) and how this theory relates to the concepts of community psychology. How is the concept of sharing skills with other persons in the community central to promoting positive behaviors?
2. Roger Barker (1964) has conducted extensive research addressing environmental influences on human behavior and interaction. Discuss the terms “Behavior Settings” and “genotype” – (page 95):
3. Discuss Moo’s (1973a) concept of “social climate” (page 99) and how this idea relates to a “person-environment” fit. Provide one example of providing an environment that “fits” with an individual who has particular skills or needs within the community:
4. Identify and describe James Kelly’s (1966) theory of the “ecological fit” (page 104) – what are the four principles that are associated with this theory?
5. Describe the term “social capital” (page 103) and how this term is especially relevant in community psychology:

rom a financial viewpoint, should the company continue to make the packaging boxes internally or outsource it? Why?

The Funky Fruit Company is one of the leading suppliers in Spain of fresh fruit to large domestic and foreign suppliers. Apart from the high quality products, the company has distinguished itself by using perfect packaging for fresh fruits, which is a crucial feature for the export market. Products that are exported require the packaging to be extra sturdy. The fibreboard boxes used by the company have a special inner lining made from synthetic materials nicknamed LIQ, that was engineered to slow the loss of water from the product, insulate the materials to keep out the heat and to try and increase the shelf life. The unique packaging is one of the reasons for the company’s popularity with their export customers. In order to boost the sales appeal, the carton covers included multi coloured printing and the company logo. The company required 30,000 standard size boxes per month or 360,000 each year. The Funky Fruit Company operates a separate packaging department, which is entirely devoted to manufacturing and printing the boxes. Roisin, the general manager had thought about the possibility of outsourcing this activity. She reckons that if a good supplier could be identified the company could save on the packaging costs, while also getting satisfactory service. With this objective in mind, she contacted Perfect Packaging Company (PPC), which specialised in the manufacturing of customised packaging boxes. PPC submitted their quotation with and without the printing work. PPC would be willing to supply the 360,000 boxes per annum for a price of €851,680 and this agreement would be valid for 3 years. Additionally they would also take on the printing work for €83,500 per annum, based on a volume of 360,000 boxes. They would charge €2.50 per printed box for any quantity above 360,000 boxes per annum. 3 Robin compared this PPC quote with the annual cost of operating the department as shown below. Based on these costs, Roisin thought that they should close the department and outsource. She arranged a meeting with the accountant Charlie and the Printing Department Manager Simon to discuss this further. Roisin discussed the proposal and mentioned that they needed to manage costs to remain competitive in this market. Simon agreed with the overall objective in relation to minimising costs, but had doubts if the outsourcing would be cost effective. “I think you may end up paying a higher cost then at present. You are overlooking some important issues. We recently purchased a fresh consignment of LIQ. We have 15 tonnes costing €19,500, which would be enough for our production for the next 3 years. We had to buy in bulk due to the lack of reliability of supply in the market. We paid €1,200 per ton and the supplier has subsequently raised their prices to €1,440 for future supplies. If we want to resell this stock of LIQ, because no other firm nearby uses it, we would only realize a fraction of the cost incurred, and after transportation etc., we would only recover €840 a tonne. The accountant Charlie agreed. He also mentioned an issue with machinery. They had machinery of €24,000, which they purchased 2 years ago and they depreciated this over 5 years, when it would it have no residual value. If they were to sell the machine now they would only recover €7,200. Charlie also discussed the possibility of saving rent if they were to close the department. The company currently rents warehouse space outside the factory, at a cost of €7,700 per annum. They could vacate this rented warehouse space and shift the facilities into the area currently occupied by the packaging department, if the packaging department was closed. Simon wanted Charlie to clarify what was included in the administration costs that they had allocated to his department. Charlie replied, “Look we have gone through this before, they are the company’s central administration costs including expenses relating to the director’s office, legal costs, accounting activities. These costs must be apportioned among all operating departments.” EUR EUR Material Cost 324,000 Direct Labour Cost 237,600 Departmental Overhead – Managers salary 216,000 – Rent 57,600 – Machinery Depreciation 48,000 – Repairs and Maintenance 28,800 – Other departmental costs 33,600 384,000 Administration Costs 129,600 Total Annual Cost 1,075,2004 The final item they discussed was in relation to the current staff working in the department. Robin clarified that if they terminated their service they would pay them a redundancy payment. This would be a one off cost of €3,000 for the two workers employed. As nobody had any other points to discuss at this time, they agreed that they would not separate the making and printing of the boxes. They will either make and print the boxes internally or outsource both. They agreed that Charlie would have another look at the numbers and they would discuss this again later. Requirements a)

Use relevant costing to analyse the situation for a “Make or Buy” decision for the three-year period. Please include an explanation of why you have or have not included costs. (You can ignore taxes and time value of money). (20 marks)

  1. a) From a financial viewpoint, should the company continue to make the packaging boxes internally or outsource it? Why? (5 marks)
  2. b) Critically discuss other quantitative or qualitative aspects that you believe the Funky Fruit Company should consider before their final decision? (15 marks)
  3. c) Discuss the significance of the company’s decision to outsource or not, in terms of its potential impact on operating leverage. (10 marks) (Total 50 marks

Apply concepts learned in this course and share any similarities in formation, culture and recruitment that you observe.

Read Chapter 1 and 2 of Extremism in America and view associated media.
Question: Rarely labeled gangs, extremist groups (on the left and right) have been at the center of attention for the media and law enforcement this past year. For this assignment apply concepts learned in this course and share any similarities in formation, culture and recruitment that you observe.( cite specific ideas )

Discuss Issues and Role of Nurses in Healthcare System.

Discuss Issues and Role of Nurses in Healthcare System.

What does the negative sign on the “r” tell us?

1.A student is analyzing how two variables are correlated: size of committee and “efficiency” of committee. He reports to his friends that he had a correlation coefficient (r) of -0.85. What does the negative sign on the “r” tell us? (Hint: Don’t just say that the relationship is negative – explain what that means!!)

2. Consider again the r = -0.85. How strong does this appear to be, based on the textbook’s description of how to qualitatively interpret the size of “r”?

3. Think about the two variables and the “r” of -0.85. Why might his friends or colleagues think this researcher is lying about the correlation between group size and efficiency? Hint: think about both the strength AND direction of the correlation!

4. It is discovered that the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) for the correlation of education and income is .5, but for the correlation of education and support for wealth redistribution, it is only .2. Why would it not surprise us to find that the strength of the correlation is stronger in the first scenario than in the second?

5. Thinking back to the scenarios in the previous question, why aren’t either of the correlation coefficients closer to 1?

6. Explain why a person would be wrong to claim, “My correlation coefficient is positive, therefore the two variables are highly correlated.”

7. A student wishes to find the correlation between gender and income. Why is this not going to work, to try to compute “r” for assessing the relationship between these two variables? (HINT: think about what kind of variable each is!)

8. We didn’t cover this in the tutorial, but it’s possible for a “r” to be statistically insignificant even if it appears large (such as .65 or .70). This is impacted by sample size. Why would you trust an “r” based on 50 cases more than you would trust an “r” based on 5 cases?

9. Click on the .jpg file attached to this question. It is a scatterplot.

What does this scatterplot reveal about the relationship of states’ percentage of single parenthood and the violent crime rate? (r = .65)

10. If Mississippi (ms) was removed from the data set, the correlation coefficient would:

Undertake a literature search on the impact of nutrition support on patient outcomes in a clinical condition or area of practice of your choosing

Undertake a literature search on the impact of nutrition support on patient outcomes in a
clinical condition or area of practice of your choosing. This can be either enteral nutrition, parenteral
nutrition or a combination of both.