
Describe the issue that you are addressing in the opening paragraph. Summarize the implications for the nursing profession and/or patients.


A position paper is a document you could present to a legislator to seek support for an issue you endorse. Present your position on a current health-care issue in a one-page paper, following the assignment guidelines below. You can select your issue topic from newspapers, national news magazine articles, professional journals, or professional association literature.

Your position paper should:

Be quickly and easily understood.
Be succinct and clear.
Appear very professional with the legislator’s name and title on top and your name and your credentials at the bottom.
Condense essential information in one, single-spaced page, excluding the title and reference list pages.
Be written using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA format.
Clearly describe the issue that you are addressing in the opening paragraph.
Include 3–4 bullet points regarding why you are seeking the legislator’s vote, support, or opposition. Bullet points should be clear and concise but not repetitive and should reflect current literature that substantiates your position.

Summarize the implications for the nursing profession and/or patients.
Conclude with two recommendations that you wish to see happen related to your issue, such as a vote for or against, a change in policy, or the introduction of new legislation.
Use current APA Style, correct grammar, and references as appropriate.
The literature you cite must be from peer-reviewed journals and primary source information.

Write a 2 page outline for the following essay question. What was the role of the of the Babi Yar genocide in the Nazi “Final Solution”, and how did this event impact the Jewish community of Eastern Europe?

Babi Yar

Write a 2 page outline for the following essay question. What was the role of the of the Babi Yar genocide in the Nazi “Final Solution”, and how did this event impact the Jewish community of Eastern Europe?

Describe your relationship with, and stance toward, the topic you choose to focus your Marketing Manual work on for the duration of the course.

Testimonial Essay

Testimonials are personal stories that highlight the significant reasons why the writer or speaker might support a certain social or political position, or why they might be passionate about a particular subject. You are going to share your story about your relationship with, and interest in, the specific topic you’ve chosen to focus on for your course project; the Marketing Manual. Your essay should narrate one or more anecdotes from your life that illustrate why this topic matters to you.

Your testimonial will describe your relationship with, and stance toward, the topic you choose to focus your Marketing Manual work on for the duration of the course. Why did you choose the topic? What is your personal and/or philosophical connection to it? This essay is essentially a personal narrative, and can be framed around your story. Why and how did you come to care about this topic, environmental studies, and sustainability in general? This sort of reflection is important to recognizing your own stance(s) toward various topics and understanding your positionality, that is, your socio-political identities, and how those identities condition your ethical stances.

Your Testimonial Essay must do the following:

Help you understand and articulate your own ethical and emotional connection – your motivation, in other works – to the particular issue,

Include the stance you will be advocating for regarding that issue, and rhetorical strategies you will be curating regarding the issue to be included in your Marketing Manual.

Provide anecdotal material (testimony) that others can use to strategize ways to connect with potentially receptive audiences.

Depending on how your life has gone so far, you may have several interesting stories to tell. Focus on one or two that you think readers can really connect with. On the other hand, you might not have any story that you think is particularly dramatic or compelling. You can still make this work by exploring your own interest in the subject. Why did you enroll at Unity, for example. What matters is that you spend time thinking strategically about how you decide what to say, how you structure or arrange your story, and how you describe it. You will want to employ vivid descriptions and attract readers to your position on an emotional, gut level.

What, in your own words, is the difference between sympathy and empathy? How does it feel to have someone respond to you with sympathy? With empathy? How do you think empathy is related to perception?

Discussion Board #2

This week, we have learned about the process of Perception. This information, combined with knowledge of the process of Communication and an understanding of our Self Concept, helps us begin to establish a foundation for developing greater awareness of how much our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us impact our experiences. Be sure to read this entire page.

Part One: As you write your initial post, please think about and respond to both of the prompts below and write in a way that encourages your reader to reflect and be motivated to engage with you in a discussion. Be thorough by supporting your assertions with evidence, making direct reference to course concepts, and using course terminology throughout.

Discussion Questions:

Watch the following video:

  1. In 2-3 sentences, reflect on “stories” you were told as a child. We are not talking about literal stories (although those may be part of what makes up the worldview you were handed), we are using Adichie’s metaphorical definition of stories; what you were told and the life experiences you have had. What are some “stories” you grew up with that distorted your worldview? How does Adiche’s message relate to the perceptual tendencies we learned about this week? Thoughts about how you could be more mindful of perceptual tendencies so you can “get out ahead” of them when they are influencing your thinking?

Watch the following animated video clip:

2a) What, in your own words, is the difference between sympathy and empathy? How does it feel to have someone respond to you with sympathy? With empathy? Don’t just say “it feels good” or “it feels bad,” explore in a meaningful way what happens to you in these circumstances.

2b) How do you think empathy is related to perception?


Part Two: Engage in a discussion with the classmates in your discussion group using the following 3CQ format (Compliment – “I liked that…”, Connect – “Something else I read this week that addresses what you are talking about was…”, or “I experienced something like that when…”, Comment – “what I would add to your post is that…”, “I came to a different conclusion on this because…”, and Question – “I wonder why…”, “what might happen if…”, “I’m curious what you think about…”. Make sure your responses add meaningfully to the discussion and help move it along.

Create a business overview diagram for “Health Network Inc”.

ASSIGNMENT: Business Overview Diagram for “Health Network Inc”

Your Task: Create a business overview diagram for “Health Network Inc”.

To do this:           

  • Read the Scenario
  • Study the list of Diagram components below
  • Create Diagram according to the criteria and rubric below
    • Diagrams must be entirely your own work and created with computer software such as, Visio, or PowerPoint.

Diagram Components

  1. The six primary elements of your diagram are:
  • Headquarters
    • Production Data Center Minneapolis
  • Corporate Facility: Portland
    • Data Center Portland
  • Corporate Facility: Arlington
    • Data Center Arlington
  1. Your diagram should also show the three main products. This can be done with text or with an image. For example, next to the Headquarter element, you could have text that says “Hosts HNet Exchange” or you could place an icon inside your Headquarters element and label it “Hnet Exchange.” It is up to you where (Minneapolis, Portland, Arlington) each product is hosted/supported.
  2. Users

Your diagram should use person images/icons to represent:

  • Doctors
  • Patients
  • Employees

Choose an ethical issue relevant to the topics discussed in our class, use evidence to explore various perspectives in resolving or addressing this issue, and develop an argument for what you think would be the best practice.

Using human cadavers in medical studies/ museums and how its unethical.

This is her response: ‘It looks like you want to cover three topics. You only need one. Please narrow it down and I need to also know what exactly you plan to write about (e.g., cases, examples, approaches, competing perspectives). Please email me your revised topic and a brief description of what you plan to write about soon. Do some initial research, see what sources are out there, and think about what you really want to tackle, deeply.”

These are the instructions again: This is an individual assignment. Everyone needs to submit their own work.

Choose an ethical issue relevant to the topics discussed in our class, use evidence to explore various perspectives in resolving or addressing this issue, and develop an argument for what you think would be the best practice. There are three components in the final paper. Please read the following instructions very carefully before you start to plan out your paper.

Component 1:

In a Word document (12 point font; single-spaced; no length or word count restrictions), include the following information:

  • Topic of your final paper. It can be a working title or a brief description of what you plan to research on.
  • Justification. Why this topic or issue is interesting to you and why it is important to explore beyond what you have presented on or what we have discussed during class.
  • Just specificy on this main topic. Be detailed on it, explained in detail each part. Gimme strong paragraphs with clear ideas.

Describe how productivity increases growth. Explain how government policy affects growth. Identify the major tools of macro policy and how they are used to correct market outcomes.

Macro Economics Question


This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following:

  • Describe how productivity increases growth.
  • Explain how government policy affects growth.
  • Identify the major tools of macro policy and how they are used to correct market outcomes.
  • Summarize the track record of macro outcomes.
  • Describe major impediments to policy success.


Review the section of your text that covers economic theory and policy changes. In addition, find and read two recent articles on this topic. Write a 500-750 word (approximately 2 to 3 page) paper that addresses these questions:

  • What are the differences between the economic theories and the reality of policy implementation?
  • How have market outcomes changed over time as a result of the policies?

Support your conclusions with the findings from the articles and the textbook as well as any other sources you would like to use. Format the paper according to General APA Guidelines. You do not need to include an abstract but you must include a title page and a references page. These pages are not included in your word/page count.

Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes. Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources, citing supporting evidence from the literature.

Assessment 1 Instructions: Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video


For this assessment you will create a 5-10 minute video reflection on an experience in which you collaborated interprofessionally, as well as a brief discussion of an interprofessional collaboration scenario and how it could have been better approached.

Interprofessional collaboration is a critical aspect of a nurse’s work. Through interprofessional collaboration, practitioners and patients share information and consider each other’s perspectives to better understand and address the many factors that contribute to health and well-being (Sullivan et al., 2015). Essentially, by collaborating, health care practitioners and patients can have better health outcomes. Nurses, who are often at the frontlines of interacting with various groups and records, are full partners in this approach to health care.

Reflection is a key part of building interprofessional competence, as it allows you to look critically at experiences and actions through specific lenses. From the standpoint of interprofessional collaboration, reflection can help you consider potential reasons for and causes of people’s actions and behaviors (Saunders et al., 2016). It also can provide opportunities to examine the roles team members adopted in a given situation as well as how the team could have worked more effectively.

As you begin to prepare this assessment you are encouraged to complete the What is Reflective Practice? activity. The activity consists of five questions that will allow you the opportunity to practice self-reflection. The information gained from completing this formative will help with your success on the Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video assessment. Completing formatives is also a way to demonstrate course engagement

Note: The Example Kaltura Reflection demonstrates how to cite sources appropriately in an oral presentation/video. The Example Kaltura Reflection video is not a reflection on the Vila Health activity. Your reflection assessment will focus on both your professional experience and the Vila Health activity as described in the scenario.

Saunders, R., Singer, R., Dugmore, H., Seaman, K., & Lake, F. (2016). Nursing students’ reflections on an interprofessional placement in ambulatory care. Reflective Practice, 17(4), 393–402.

Sullivan, M., Kiovsky, R., Mason, D., Hill, C., Duke, C. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration and education. American Journal of Nursing, 115(3), 47–54.

Demonstration of Proficiency
Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources supported by evidence from the literature.
Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.
Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team to achieve its goals and work more effectively together.
Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature, which would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
Communicate via video with clear sound and light.
The full reference list is from relevant and evidence-based (published within 5 years) sources, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

Professional Context
This assessment will help you to become a reflective practitioner. By considering your own successes and shortcomings in interprofessional collaboration, you will increase awareness of your problem-solving abilities. You will create a video of your reflections, including a discussion of best practices of interprofessional collaboration and leadership strategies, cited in the literature.

As part of an initiative to build effective collaboration at your Vila Health site, where you are a nurse, you have been asked to reflect on a project or experience in which you collaborated interprofessionally and examine what happened during the collaboration, identifying positive aspects and areas for improvement.

You have also been asked to review a series of events that took place at another Vila Health location and research interprofessional collaboration best practices and use the lessons learned from your experiences to make recommendations for improving interprofessional collaboration among their team. Your task is to create a 5–10 minute video reflection with suggestions for the Vila Health team that can be shared with leadership as well as Vila Health colleagues at your site. Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations. If, for some reason, you are unable to record a video, please contact your faculty member as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.

Using Kaltura, record a 5–10 minute video reflection on an interprofessional collaboration experience from your personal practice, proposing suggestions on how to improve the collaboration presented in the Vila Health: Collaboration for Change activity.

Be sure that your assessment addresses the following criteria. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you will know what is needed for a distinguished score:

Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.
Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources, citing supporting evidence from the literature.
Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature that would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals, citing at least one author from the literature.
Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team achieve its goals and work together, citing the work of at least one author.
Communicate in a professional manner, is easily audible, and uses proper grammar. Format reference list in current APA style.

You will need to relate an experience that you have had collaborating on a project. This could be at your current or former place of practice, or another relevant project that will enable you to address the requirements. In addition to describing your experience, you should explain aspects of the collaboration that helped the team make progress toward relevant goals or outcomes, as well as aspects of the collaboration that could have been improved.

A simplified gap-analysis approach may be useful:

What happened?
What went well?
What did not go well?
What should have happened?
After your personal reflection, examine the scenario in the Vila Health activity and discuss the ways in which the interdisciplinary team did not collaborate effectively and the negative implications for the human and financial resources of the interdisciplinary team and the organization as a whole.

Building on this investigation, identify at least one leadership best practice or strategy that you believe would improve the team’s ability to achieve their goals. Be sure to identify the strategy and its source or author and provide a brief rationale for your choice of strategy.

Additionally, identify at least one interdisciplinary collaboration best practice or strategy to help the team achieve its goals and work more effectively together. Again, identify the strategy, its source, and reasons why you think it will be effective.

You are encouraged to integrate lessons learned from your self-reflection to support and enrich your discussion of the Vila Health activity.

You are required to submit an APA-formatted reference list for any sources that you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation. The Example Kaltura Reflection will show you how to cite scholarly sources in the context of an oral presentation.

Refer to the Campus tutorial Using Kaltura [PDF] as needed to record and upload your reflection.

Additional Requirements
References: Cite at least 3 professional or scholarly sources of evidence to support the assertions you make in your video. Include additional properly cited references as necessary to support your statements.

APA Reference Page: Submit a correctly formatted APA reference page that shows all the sources you used to create and deliver your video.
You may wish to refer to the Campus APA Module for more information on applying APA style

Do these articles support or not support the argument you presented in your six sentence argument? How? Why or why not?

Home Syllabus Modules Discussions Assignments Quizzes Grades 0 Zoom Launch VHLCentral

Based on your reading and analyses of the assigned articles (2 minimum), develop a 500-word narrative addressing the following points. Give each answer the number that matches the point you are addressing. The points possible for your first post is 4 points, and due Saturday, March 18, 11:59PM.

1. Introduce the topic of sustainable resource systems, with specific attention to energy or food.

2. Summarize the purpose of at least 2 articles you read.

3. Describe whether and how each of the 3 sustainability pillars (environment, equity, economy) are addressed in the articles (2 minimum).

4. How are ‘strong sustainability’ concepts (see introductory lecture, module 1, to reference key terms) applied or advanced with the work presented in the articles? Provide justification from the articles by paraphrasing, and referenced with an in-text citation using the reference format (Last Name of First author, year of publication).

5. Do these articles support or not support the argument you presented in your six sentence argument? How? Why or why not?

6. Based on the lecture, and supporting evidence provided by the seminar speaker covering this work,

  • What conclusions did the presenter offer in their seminar?
  • Are the conclusions supported by the evidence provided by the seminar speaker, and in science presented in the articles you read? How? Justify your answer.
  • What is the significance of the work presented by the seminar speaker?

7. Based on the articles and critique of the seminar and work presented, and consideration of ‘strong sustainability’ concepts presented, what new insights can you offer to advance ‘strong sustainability’ of sustainable resource systems specific to energy or food?

In a 200 word reply, review a student’s post and comment on: 1) something you learned about another student’s presentation of a ‘strong sustainability’ concept and 2) another student’s insights to advance ‘strong sustainability’ of resource systems specific to energy or food. You can comment on more than one student’s post. The points possible for your reply is 2 points, due Sunday, March 19, 11:59PM.

Discuss the paleogeography of the western Pacific. How is this relevant to our understanding of the earliest settlement of “Greater Australia?” What is the oldest evidence for the occupation of Sunda? What is the oldest evidence for the occupation of Sahul?

The Past in Perspective “An Introduction to Human Prehistory” 8th edition, Kenneth L. Feder

Discuss the paleogeography of the western Pacific. How is this relevant to our understanding of the earliest settlement of “Greater Australia?” What is the oldest evidence for the occupation of Sunda? What is the oldest evidence for the occupation of Sahul? What evidence is there that Australia was occupied by human beings 60,000 years ago? What evidence suggests a more recent date (40,000 years) for this first migration? Discuss the controversy over the dating of the Lake Mungo III skeleton. What does the preponderance of evidence indicate about its age? Compare the morphology of the Mungo I skeleton with the Willandra Lakes 50 cranium. How might the similarities or differences be explained? Discuss the spread of human populations through the interior of Australia. Discuss the earliest settlement of Tasmania. Briefly discuss the range of adaptations reflected in the archaeological record of Greater Australia. Discuss the spread of human populations into the Pacific. How did they do it? When? Why?