
Compare and contrast two theories explaining why learners appear to be differently motivated, in each case exploring what the theory implies for supporting learners

Compare and contrast two theories explaining why learners appear to be differently motivated, in each case exploring what the theory implies for supporting learners inside and/or outside schools, and evaluating appropriate psychological research

write about a change you experienced in an organization with which you are familiar.

You will write about a change you experienced in an organization with which you are familiar. Examples of organizations would be an organization where you work or have worked, an organization where you have volunteered, a school you attended, or a local governmental agency or entity.

The paper will address the following:

Vision/mission: will the change impact the vision/mission?
Structure: how will the change impact the organization’s structure?
Communication: how will communication patterns flow following change implementation?
Decision making and problem solving: what decision-making and problem-solving approaches will be used during and after change implementation.
Culture and ethics: how will the organization’s culture and ethics be impacted by the change?
Organizational theory: what organizational change theory or theories will be applied to the change management?
Leadership: what leadership approach or approaches will be most effective in managing the change and why?

Identify and assess best practice research practices in public relations

  • Identify and assess best practice research practices in public relations
  • Apply research methods to social media campaigns
  • Design recommendations for improving the effectiveness of social media campaigns

Explain the effects of Localized Cold Therapy on Pain in Postoperative Spinal Fusion Patients.

Explain the effects of Localized Cold Therapy on Pain in Postoperative Spinal Fusion Patients.

Does qualitative analysis improve a company’s social media strategy?

How can qualitative KPIs be used/assessed in social media research? Does qualitative analysis improve a company’s social media strategy?

Discuss how global research can be improved through the application of ethical best practices.

Discuss how global research can be improved through the application of ethical best practices.

Compose a persuasive essay in the profile essay genre.

For this Portfolio Project, you must compose a persuasive essay in the profile essay genre. Your profile must cover the following:-consist of body paragraphs that include a topic sentence and clear details that support your description
-address your topic using critical thinking skills
-include one quotation, paraphrase, and use of a summary in your paper
-include a concluding paragraph that synthesizes your main points
-incorporate instructor and peer feedback

Discuss how the topic relates to the 10 NASP domains.

Summarize at least 15 articles from scholarly or peer-reviewed journals and publications. ( already done see attachements) Articles must be no older than seven years old. You will find full text articles in the many journal databases in the Capella University library, such as PsycINFO, which has APA journals. The articles must be directly related to your chosen topic. Note: You may not use websites or books for this project.

In the literature review, you will survey the existing research on a specific topic related to the practice of school psychology. A literature review serves to identify strengths and weaknesses in the research, as well as areas or gaps that need further examination. You will then incorporate the literature review into your specialty topic paper. In addition, the specialty topic is discussed in terms of how it relates to the 10 NASP domains. This paper will be the basis for the presentations that you will be giving in this course.

A literature review must:

Be organized around and related directly to the topic that is being developed.

Synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known about the topic.

Identify areas of controversy in the literature.

Discuss how the topic relates to the 10 NASP domains.

Formulate questions that would inform the need for further research.

There are three goals for the critical literature review:

The first goal is to gain in-depth knowledge of the chosen topic as it relates to school psychology.

The second goal is to learn how to critically evaluate what is known and not known about the topic as well as how it applies to the practice of applied school psychology.

The third goal is to specify how the topic relates to the 10 NASP domains.

Specialty Topic Paper Requirements

To successfully complete this part of the course requirement, you will be expected to:

Synthesize knowledge of principles, research, and evidence-based strategies to develop a relevant and focused specialty topic paper.

Evaluate current research and its applicability to the practice of school psychology.

Examine the implications of the specialty topic as it relates to family systems and culture.

Identify diversity issues as related to the specialty topic.

Analyze existing research related to the specialty topic as it relates to social development and learning environments.

Analyze existing research related to the specialty topic as it relates to mental health services.

Analyze assessment and data-collection methods that evaluate programs to support cognitive and academic skills.

Analyze the application of legal, ethical, and professional standards as related to the specialty topic.

Evaluate the content and design of the specialty topic paper and presentation, by engaging in peer review or communication with a mentor.

Use academic language appropriate for the field, expected of scholar-practitioners.

Use grammar, punctuation, current APA style and formatting, and mechanics appropriate for professional communications.

  • Required Sections
  • Cover Page.
  • The title of your paper.
  • Your name.
  • Your specialization or program.
  • The title and number of the course.
  • The current quarter and year at Capella.
  • Your e-mail address.
  • Your instructor’s name.
  • Abstract: A brief summary or synopsis of your proposal. (done, just add it to the paper)
  • Table of Contents: Body of the research paper. The body will present your content, with the following headings and subheadings appropriately placed.
  • Body of the research paper:
  • Includes a review of the existing literature.
  • Conclusions and Directions for Future Research.
  • References: A list of articles summarized and cited in your paper.

As you prepare your final paper, be sure to incorporate the following points noted in Parts 1–3 in your document.

Part 1: Introduction (2–3 pages) ( Use the Outline you already created)

The introduction provides an overview of the material covered in your specialty topic paper. At a minimum, it must:

State your topic.

Explain how the literature review pertains to the practice of applied school psychology.

Part 2: Main Section or Body (15–18 pages) ( Use the draft you already created and elaborate)

The main section or body of the paper will comprise of a review of the existing literature related to the chosen topic. This includes an integration of the literature as it applies to the practice of applied school psychology as well as how the topic relates to the 10 NASP domains.

Part 3: Conclusion (3–5 pages) ( Use the Outline ending  you already created and elaborate)

The conclusion summarizes your findings from the literature review and will include the following:

Write a brief summary that includes an overview of the major points of the literature review.

Summarize how this information has contributed to the practice of school psychology and how it has added to the current or future professional, personal, and academic knowledge base.

Provide a brief discussion of gaps in the existing literature related to the topic and areas of future research.

General Requirements

Length: The paper must be 20–26 pages in length, not including the cover page, abstract, table of contents, and reference pages.

Format: Use current APA style and format.

References: Include a minimum of 15 references. References should be no older than seven years old.

Written Communication: Written communication should successfully convey the message and should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

Part 4

Develop an 18–20 slide presentation, with presenter’s notes and narration for each slide, which explores your selected topic. You will attach the PowerPoint to this assignment and submit the URL in the assignment text box so your presentation can be evaluated. In addition, your will post the URL in this unit’s first discussion and attach your PowerPoint for peer review. Review the assignment Resources and scoring guide to help you with this assignment.


Introduction: 1 slide.

Synthesis of the abstract: 1 slide.

Review of the topic as applied to school psychology, across the NASP domains: 10 slides. (Caution: Do not report each study as a slide; instead focus on the integration of the topics supported by the different research. Example: summary of the research on abstinence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs might have many resources integrated into the notes, whereas you might use many slides reviewing elements of an evidence-based intervention.)

Integrate the findings and how they relate to the practice of school psychology: 4 or 5 slides.

Conclusion: Recommendations for future research of the topic: 2 or 3 slides.

How should society respond to the problem of poverty?

Unit 6 AssignmentThis is like Writing Assignment III on the DiplomaExam.Responding to PovertyYour task is to write a letter to the editor of thenewspaper on the same question:How should society respond to the problem of poverty?
Consider the concepts and ideas you have learned throughoutthe course Units 1 through 6.
Remember to include Social Studies terminology inyour response where itis appropriate.In your response you must
explorethe issue of responding to the problem of poverty
analyzevarious points of view on the issue
explainanddefendyour position on the issue
supportyour point of view using your understandingof social studiesNote the following reminders for writing.
Rememberthat you must answer the question.Organizeyour response.
Proof read your response.Rubriclook at the rubric below to see how this assignment is will be marked andhow it is marked on the diploma exam.Your Assignment will be marked according to the SocialStudies 30-2 Diploma ExaminationScoring Categories and Criteria for Writing AssignmentIII, provided below. Use this rubricto organize and proofread your response.You can be awarded a total of15 marks,broken downas follows:
Exploration & Analysis:5 marks
Defence of Position:5 marks
Communication:5 marks

Identify (define and explain) one major concept from this course and elaborate on how it has helped you to understand world history and by extension, the world around us in more recent times.

1.Identify (define and explain) one major concept from this course and elaborate on how it has helped you to understand world history and /or by extension, the world around us in more recent times. (NO outside sources, attached aswellis the text on the topic)Examples of “major concepts”: humanity, civilization,empire, trade &exchange, patriarchy, migration, globalization, technology,conflict,cooperation, religion, etc…