
Write a 1000 word essay on the book things fall apart.

Write a 1000 word essay on the book Things fall apart.

Does life in Australia currently offer its citizens the opportunity to have a ‘fair go’?

Does life in Australia currently offer its citizens the opportunity to have a ‘fair go’?

What challenges Nadella faced as a leader, what steps he took to overcome those challenges, and whether he succeeded or not.

Download, read, and reread the case Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset. Allow yourself plenty of time for this. While this case is not long, you will get more out of it if you read it more than once.

Write a 4-5 page paper answering the following prompts. Your paper will essentially summarize the case, specifically focusing on what challenges Nadella faced as a leader, what steps he took to overcome those challenges, and whether he succeeded or not. Your responses must be supported by the facts of the case, and make appropriate reference to course materials.
1. What was Nadella’s diagnosis of the problems at Microsoft?
a. What were the biggest challenges he faced when he took charge?
b. Which of Lencioni’s 5 areas of dysfunction in teams were most present at Microsoft?
c. What goals did Nadella set for transforming the organization?

2. In thinking about Nadella’s style and the steps he took as a change leader, address the following:
a. Drawing on Daniel Goleman’s “Leadership that Gets Results” (from Week 3), which styles of leadership most closely match Nadella’s demonstrated behaviors? Explain.
b. Which of Jack Welch’s “8 Rules of Leadership” are most evident in Nadella’s initiatives? Explainusing specific examples from the case to support your response.
c. In terms of company culture, how did Nadella change specific systems and processes to improve teamwork?
d. Nadella frequently uses the term “growth mindset.” What does this mean, and how did he foster it?

3. How effective have Nadella’s efforts been? In particular:
a. What metrics should be used to evaluate the success of his efforts? Why?
b. What else could Nadella and his team do to sustain the wins they have achieved so far?
c. What additional challenges do you expect he will face?

Discuss the relationship between psychology and Christian faith.

The reflection should touch on what you already know of integration regarding psychology and Christian faith, where your position is currently, and how you want to grow within your future understanding of integration

an you provide an example from your own experience? How will you become an interdependent person?

Covey says that “Independence is an achievement. Interdependence is a choice only independent people can make.” What does he mean by this? Can you provide an example from your own experience? How will you become an interdependent person?

What was happening in North American between these two events? Identify all of the players and where they were having an impact.

Columbus sailed in 1492. Jamestown was settled in 1607.

What was happening in North American between these two events? Identify all of the players and where they were having an impact.

Use the information from your reading and any individual research you may have done. Remember to cite any references used.

Read and critique the “hate” chapter in the book “Jesus and the Disinherited” by Howard Thurman.

Read and critique the “hate” chapter in the book “Jesus and the Disinherited” by Howard Thurman.

Conduct research on the different types of treatment for adolescents.

Pick one evidenced-based type of treatment to describe, what type of adolescent may benefit and what you found most compelling about this type of treatment approach. Your research report must be a minimum of 3 pages and include at least 3 scientifically based and/or academic sources.

Write 2-3 pages comparing Perelman and Olbrects-Tyteka’s notion of starting points with Burke’s idea of consubstantiality.

Write 2-3 pages comparing Perelman and Olbrects-Tyteka’s notion of starting points with Burke’s idea of consubstantiality. What is the common purpose of these concepts. Provide examples of how these concepts can be operationalized in speeches.