
Discuss How and why COVID-19 more negatively impacts people living in lower income neighborhoods.

Discuss How and why COVID-19 more negatively impacts people living in lower income neighborhoods.

Compare the temptations Satan offers in Paradise Regained to the temptations Odysseus faces in his return to Ithaca.

Compare the temptations Satan offers in Paradise Regained to the temptations Odysseus faces in his return to Ithaca. In Paradise Regained, the Son calmly resists all of the temptations that Satan offers him and thus triumphs, whereas Odysseus partly succumbs to temptation, but ultimately overcomes them to a degree that he succeeds in his mission. Treat the two figures as exemplifying the classical and the Christian understanding of heroism and contrast those two understandings of heroism.

Why does he say slavery and education are incompatible?

Frederick Douglass’ “Learning to Read and Write” explores the relationship between education
and freedom. Why does he say slavery and education are incompatible? Use examples from the
text to support your answer. Then, in your essay, draw connections between Douglass’
perspectives and at least one other text you have read this semester that deals with issues of
freedom and/or education

Discuss how psychological theories and research contributed to the apprehension, prosecution, understanding and treatment of this criminal.

This assignment is a criminal profiling research paper. The student will pick a high-profile criminal listed on the assignment page and explain the biological, situational, and developmental factors that contributed to this criminal's behavior to include geographic mobility, victimology, and M.O./signature.

Examples of Possible Criminal Profiles

David Berkowitz (son of sam)
Dennis Rader (BTK)
Ted Bundy
Jeffry Dahmer
Albert Fish
John Wayne Gacy
Aileen Wuornos
Make sure you provide the following:
1. Give a thorough description of the criminal's background (life story).
2. Utilize course material to explain the criminal's behavior to include geographical mobility, victimology, modus operandi, and signature
3. Discuss how psychological theories and research contributed to the apprehension, prosecution, understanding and/or treatment of this criminal.

The paper should be of high quality, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and of original work. Plagiarism will not be permitted and occurrences of it will result in the procedures outlined in the "Student Handbook."

What is the title of the cover? Does it accurately capture the topic? If yes, talk about why

The paper will consist of two parts:
I) Explanation of the details of the cover.
II) A brief library research to locate and summarize 3 sources on the topic.
Answer the following questions in writing the first part of the paper:
I) Explanation of the details of the cover. (Write 2 paragraphs)
1) When was the cover published (date on cover) and what contemporary issue it refers to?
2) What is the title of the cover? Does it accurately capture the topic? If yes, talk about why
it works. If no, propose a different title that better suits the topic.
3) What attracted you to the cover in the first place?
4) How would you describe the cover to someone who has not seen it?
5) What questions would you ask the artist about the choices they made in designing the

II) A brief library research to locate and summarize 3 sources on the topic.
1) In this section of the paper I would like you to do a brief library research to find 3 pieces
related to the contemporary issue to which the cover refers.
2) You have complete freedom to choose where these pieces come from as long as they offer
an overarching sociological analysis of the specific issue under study.
3) They could be scholarly articles, chapters in a book, newspaper articles, statistical data on
the topic, or editorial pieces

Once you identify your material I would like you to do the following:
1) Write a paragraph summary of each of the 3 pieces (3 paragraphs total).
2) Write a paragraph tying it all together and offering your own perspective on the topic.
3) Write a concluding paragraph revisiting the issue in the larger context of social
inequalities that permeate our contemporary society

Include a reference page that lists all sources.
Use proper citations for all sources.
Give the paper a title.

Discuss  How Florida is dealing with the Covid vaccines and How important it is for everyone to get the vaccine to decrease the spread of the virus.

Discuss  How Florida is dealing with the Covid vaccines and How important it is for everyone to get the vaccine to decrease the spread of the virus.

In this assignment, you will work in a group to identify a current health care legislative issue and prepare a PowerPoint presentation with slide notes. This health care issue can impact your role, the setting, the scope of practice, or the population in the community you serve. Refer to the website of your state legislature to research current legislative issues and identify appropriate steps.
nclude the following in a 3 slide PowerPoint submission:

1. A description of the health care issue, and how it relates to your role, setting, scope of practice, or community population.
2. A description of the proposed legislation and your group’s stance on whether it should be passed.

Make sure to include slide notes of 100-250 words for each slide.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Identify the key differences in dying and the bereavement process across the life span.

In this assignment you will review concepts related to the bereavement process across the life span, the four-component

Identify the key differences in dying and the bereavement process across the life span.
Discuss the grief process through the lens of the four-component model.
Describe Kübler-Ross’s five stages of dying (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance).

Review the concepts related to dying and bereavement across the life span, the four-component model, and Kübler-Ross’s five stages of dying. Identify the key differences in dying and the bereavement process across the life span. Apply the four-component model to the grieving process at one of the life stages you identified in the first paragraph. Use your imagination or apply your personal experience to describe the grieving process for your chosen life stage in terms of the following: The context of the loss; refer to risk factors, such as whether the death was expected. Continuation of subjective meaning associated with loss, ranging from evaluations of everyday concerns to major questions about the meaning of life. Changing representations of the lost relationship over time. The role of coping and emotion regulation processes that cover all coping strategies used to deal with grief. Describe Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s five stages of dying and provide examples that illustrate each stage.
To complete the assignment address each of the following elements in a 3-5 page paper:

Identify the key differences in dying and the bereavement process across the life span.
Apply the four-component model to the grieving process at one of the life stages you identified in the first paragraph.
Use your imagination or apply your personal experience to describe the grieving process for your chosen life stage in terms of the following:
The context of the loss; refer to risk factors, such as whether the death was expected.
Continuation of subjective meaning associated with loss, ranging from evaluations of everyday concerns to major questions about the meaning of life.
Changing representations of the lost relationship over time.
The role of coping and emotion regulation processes that cover all coping strategies used to deal with grief.
Describe Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s five stages of dying and provide examples that illustrate each stage.

Research one challenge that is effecting two cities within the developing world.

Research one challenge that is effecting two cities within the developing world. These two cities must be apart of developing nation, so excluding any cities in first world countries.

What needs on this hierarchy do you consciously seek or strive for in your current life? Do you see the relevance of this hierarchy to your own life?

This week is all about adulthood. Once thought to be a relatively stable and consistent phase of life, it didn’t take much additional research to understand that adults still grow, change, and evolve in ways which might not be as obvious as a child’s change earlier in life. The adult, as any living organism, especially as complex as a human being, continues to pursue needs, and this is a big part of how they develop. Below is the classic hierarchy of needs by Maslow which the textbook reproduced:

Maslow’s hierarchy

For this week’s discussion post, consider which needs have been most impactful on your life thus far. What needs on this hierarchy do you consciously seek or strive for in your current life? Do you see the relevance of this hierarchy to your own life? Are the higher “needs” like “esteem” and “self-actualization” something you believe you “need” or strive for in your life? Why or why not?

This is a personal discussion, so please do not feel obligated to reveal any personal information which you would prefer to remain private, and when reading or responding to others’ posts, it is incredibly important and absolutely expected that you do so with respect, openness, and patience.

Give at least one example of reading structured data using Python packages

You are working as the script developer for one of the big retail firms. Your company gets both structured and unstructured data. You need to use a Python package to read the structured and unstructured data.

Give at least one example of reading structured data using Python packages
Give at least one example of reading unstructured data using Python packages