
What connections do you see between the goals of Kennedy and King for the American future? Be specific.

This assignment will encourage you to use primary source documents in an analytical essay. This assignment asks you to compare speeches by John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. The paper is to follow the rules of good English grammar and is to be 750-1000 words in length. The instructions will be distributed by the end of the second session and the paper is due at the end of class in Week 4. This assignment is worth 100 points.

**You are to use the MLA Style for citation purposes. No additional sources are needed other than the use of the assigned primary sources.

Here are the instructions:

Please read John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961, which can be accessed at: (Links to an external site.)

Read Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I have a Dream” Speech, August 28, 1963, which can be accessed at: (Links to an external site.)

Once you have read these speeches, please write a well-organized essay in which you address the following questions:

What vision of America and goals for the future did each leader present in his speech?
Which vision of America, that of Kennedy in 1961 or that of King in 1963, do you think was the most realistic image of America in the early 1960s? Be specific.
What connections do you see between the goals of Kennedy and King for the American future? Be specific.
In 2011, 50 years on, are the goals of Kennedy and King a reality for American society? Defend your position.
note: you are to use the primary sources to support your ideas extensively in each essay!

What are the primary tools for global governance on migration?

  • What are the primary tools for global governance on migration? Why have global governance efforts been so ineffective when it comes to migration?
  • What are the primary sources of regional inequalities in health outcomes? What could be done to improve health outcomes for those countries and regions lagging behind?

Identify the people most directly affected by these laws and describe their condition or circumstance;

In making your analysis, identify the people most directly affected by these laws and describe their condition or circumstance; explain how the law (Constitution) changed to create new rights and new conditions, what the real impact of these changes were in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War and beyond. Most importantly – explain how all of these documents are connected.
Use the journal articles to analyze these primary documents. Please find 3 additional sources to support the analysis.

Describe food Microbiology, focusing on both preventative infection methods and the implication of specific microbial taxa in food preparation.

Discuss how we can put microbes to work to facilitate our lives: from keeping our landscape clean to making delicious food and beverages. Review the Learning Activities in Module 9 to assist you with this assignment.

Recognize the importance of microorganisms in water and sewage treatment plants.
Describe food Microbiology, focusing on both preventative infection methods and the implication of specific microbial taxa in food preparation.
Describe the employment of microorganisms in industrial Microbiology.

Search the Online Library for information about harnessing bacteria to help us.
Search Academic OneFile or choose another database. Use the Concorde Online Library Tutorial (Link will open in this tab.) if you need assistance with your search. Use these search strings or try some of your own:

Putting bacteria to work

Microbial fuel cell

Industrial microbiology biotechnology

Microbes in health care

Microbial taxa

Biotechnology and bacteria

Create a five-to-seven page essay summarizing various ways in which we employ microbes to our advantage. Think about their use in the food industry, waste management, health care, and conversion of waste product into fuel. Which of these applied Microbiology fields is of interest to you and has the potential for further development in your opinion?
Support all of your assertions with scholarly resources.
Essay: This project should be in proper APA format. There is a requirement of at least THREE scholarly resources (Wikipedia is not allowed) and those resources must be no older than FIVE years old.
Five-to-Seven pages, not including title page, reference page, or appendix.
Only a Word Doc submission is allowed. Remember, the Office365 account offers free access to Microsoft Office, which includes Word.

How serious is binge drinking with Among young adults.

How serious is binge drinking with Among young adults.

Discuss the benefits and challenges of this approach to financial and non-financial reward for both employers and employees.

This is an individual word processed essay of 2000 words (plus a Reference list set out using the Harvard referencing system) on the following question:

Total Reward is used by employers as a way to motivate their employees. Discuss the benefits and challenges of this approach to financial and non-financial

reward for both employers and employees.

Write a 400-600 word post discussing the effects of storytelling on the actions, attitudes, and relationships of the characters.

Citing specific examples from the story, write a 400-600 word post discussing the effects of storytelling on the actions, attitudes, and/or relationships of the characters. In the process of answering that question, correctly use three of the terms in the page 19 list.

*Warning: Don’t let your post become a discussion of the three terms; instead, use the terms in the process of answering the storytelling question.

*List the three terms and their definitions after your response.

After posting, respond to at least one classmate’s post.

** This activity contributes to student achievement of Course Objectives 1, 3, and 4.

Analysis essay on the novel “The Antelope Wife” by Louise Erdrich

Analysis essay on the novel “The Antelope Wife” by Louise Erdrich

Write a movie review for There Will Be Blood, using it as a lens to explore the concept of greed.

Write a movie review for There Will Be Blood, using it as a lens to explore the concept of greed.

Explain how these underlying aspects affect the theme of the movie.

For this assignment, students will choose one theoretical approach with which to examine a movie of choice. The essay’s thesis should use a theoretical lens to illuminate particular perspectives, biases, and assumptions that underlie the movie’s storytelling. Your essay should explain how these underlying aspects affect the theme of the movie.