
Describe how the design or implementation of healthcare programs or policies can assist public health professionals in alleviating these cultural barriers when it comes to mental healh issues and assistance.

Our current healthcare system is ill-equipped to deal with mental health issues, especially among people from various ethnic and racial backgrounds.

Select an ethnicity/race other than your own.

For this assignment:

Define ethnomedicine for the selected ethnicity/race and correlate to cultural values.
Discuss some of the reasons that hinder access to the appropriate mental health care for some cultures/ethnicities as it relates their values and practices.
Specifically discuss any barrier to care for the ethnicity/race you selected. Discuss why you made this selection.
Describe how the design or implementation of healthcare programs or policies can assist public health professionals in alleviating these cultural barriers when it comes to mental healh issues and assistance. Provide specific examples.
Compile your response into an APA-formatted, two- to three-page paper (excluding cover page and reference page) that addresses each item listed above.
Use current APA Style to style your paper and to cite your sources. Integrate your sources into the paragraphs, and use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

Assess the evidence surrounding this suggestion.

Ongoing complaint levels and high-profile incidents reflect a lack of accountability of the British police. Assess the evidence surrounding this suggestion.

Write a Persuasive Essay that should take a stance on whether President Obama had the legal authority to order Operation Geranimo.

Write a Persuasive Essay that should take a stance on whether President Obama had the legal authority to order Operation Geranimo (the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden) or not.

Compose a 10-page research paper, excluding introductory material and references, on communities of practice and constructionist

Compose a 10-page research paper, excluding introductory material (i.e., title page and abstract) and references, on communities of practice and constructivism
1. Adhere to APA submission format (6th edition), including title page, abstract, running header, headings, in-text citations, and references.
2. The research paper should cite at least 15 peer-reviewed journal articles. Any resource that comes from a non-academic venue (e.g., blogs, random websites on the Internet, YouTube, etc.) should not be included in your paper.
Research Paper Structure
Follow the format below when crafting your research paper.
1. Introduction (approximately 1 page)
Tell the reader what your topic is, give us the background, and give us some indication of why this is important…why should we care? At the end of this section, include an advance organizer for the remainder of your paper.
2. Theory (approximately 2-3 pages)
Who has written about this topic before? How have they interpreted your topic? Synthesize this information into a meaningful way for the reader. Don’t just start each paragraph with, “Grant (1999)…Smith (2002)…Thompson (1985).” You should use synthesis here — not summary. You should be combining multiple references together to present. Do not summarize a single reference.
3. Cases (approximately 3 pages)
This section should include an introduction with advance organizer. At the beginning of this section, tell why these cases were chosen. This reason cannot be because you found them. Summarize each of your cases. You should have at least two cases. Where and how is your topic being used/done? What are their successes? What are the challenges these folks have faced and written about? It is okay to summarize here. Do not present answers or recommendations to the challenges yet.
4. Recommendations (approximately 2-3 pages)
Take the opportunity to address the challenges you mentioned within the cases. How would you suggest they overcome their challenges? Who else (in the literature) has also suggested this type of approach to overcoming the challenges?
5. Conclusions/Next Steps (approximately 1 page)
Remind us what you have written about, emphasizing the recommendations for improvement. Where can folks go for more information?

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation based on the topic of your written assignment

A brief outline of the prevalence/countermeasures/risk factors of pilot fatigue in the aviation industry.

Assignment Description

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation based on the topic of your written assignment (Pilot Fatigue).

doesn’t have to have a specific amount of words but similar to the text. The presentation has to be at least 15 minutes long.

In what countries did the middle classes succeed in their economic, social, and political aspirations?

The course of European civilization in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has been driven by the search for order at least since the French and Industrial Revolutions. Based on what you have learned in this course, write an essay highlighting the important turning points in this story. If you disagree with this assessment, explain why.

In order to answer this question, consider the following:Generally, what ideologies best represented the goals and strategies of Europe’s different classes during the 19th century?
How did relations among Europe’s great classes change from the first half to the second half of the 19th century?
What were some of the key events and individuals that brought about those changes?

By the end of the 19th century, in what countries, and to what extent, were Europe’s old elites able to maintain their hold on power?
In what countries did the middle classes succeed in their economic, social, and political aspirations?
What were conditions like for Europe’s working classes?
What were their goals and to what extent did they achieve their goals?

How did World War I represent a crisis of the European order?How did the dictatorships of the 1930s/1940s represent attempts to reconstruct European societies after the Great War?
How were these efforts different from or similar to each other, and to the 19th-century order?
How did the experiments in dictatorship turn out?

Compare and contrast Tacky’s Revolt and the Haitian Revolution.

Compare and contrast Tacky’s Revolt and the Haitian Revolution. What sparked the revolts, how did they progress/what happened, and what were their consequences?

Analyse his leadership style(s), his skills and traits, and identify the crucial events which shaped his leadership approach.

Critically review the biography (or autobiography) of Winston Churchill. (Not a book review)
In your answer, analyse his leadership style(s), his skills and traits, and identify the crucial events which shaped his leadership approach.
Discuss both positive and negative aspects of Winston Churchill’s leadership.
Essay format (including abstract)
AC coversheet
APA referencing
at least 10 references

Discuss how effective the CONTEST strategy has been in combatting extremism in the UK.

1. ‘All terrorists are radicals, but not all radicals are terrorists’ (Neumann, 2008; 2013; 2016). What does this statement imply? Can a person be radicalised and never turn to terrorism? Critically motivate your answer referring to relevant literature discussed during the sessions.
‘2. Shock, demolish and rebuild’ (Orofino, 2015; 2020) is a common strategy used by extremist and terror groups to recruit and ‘fidelise’ their members. How does it work? Explain and discuss.
3. Discuss how effective the CONTEST strategy has been in combatting extremism in the UK.
4. Shamima Begum– who fled the UK when she was 15 to join ISIS – has said her ‘whole world fell apart’ when she discovered that she had been stripped of her British citizenship (The Guardian, 2020 (Links to an external site.)). Discuss the case of Shamima Begun in light of the ‘factors of radicalisation’ and the theoretical models (i.e. ‘staircase, pyramid and conveyor belt to terrorism’) studied during the sessions. Develop a critical argument explaining why Shamima decided to join ISIS espousing their ideological cause.
5. Hizb ut-Tahrir and the English Defence League – apparently very different but with a lot in common! Use the two groups as case-studies to compare and contrast Islamist and far-right non-violent extremism and explain how the two can strengthen each other in a vicious cycle.
Make sure you develop a clear argument, critically discuss your ideas and the motivations you decide to include in your essay.

Make sure you include relevant academic literature on:

The theoretical models explaining the escalation from radicalisation to extremism and terrorism
The triggers that push individuals towards radical and extreme beliefs, i.e. ‘emotional factors’ and the ‘environmental factors’
The process of recruiting and ‘fidelisation’of members within an extremist group
The impact and implications of counter-terrorism policies, prevention strategies and disengagement programmes

How does demographic decline and economic restructuring, impact planning and conditions for planning in a peripheral European region.

How does demographic decline and economic restructuring, impact planning and conditions for planning in a peripheral European region. The case of the Northwest Region of Bulgaria.