
Evaluate the benefits of brand development.

You are a new business development consultant. You are meeting with a client to discuss the importance of developing his or her brand.

Write a 1,050-word paper that outlines how you will present the topic of brand management to your client, including any charts, illustrations, or other graphics as needed to clearly state the importance of effective branding.

Describe these key branding points:


Evaluate the benefits of brand development.

Explain how you will advise your client to develop and introduce the brand to their customers.

Cite a minimum of three sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Discuss how to Compare Business Performance Using Financial Statements.

Discuss how to Compare Business Performance Using Financial Statements.

Write an article review for the topic: “Middleware Technology for IoT Systems

Write an article review for the topic: “Middleware Technology for IoT Systems: Challenges and Perspectives Toward 5G”.

3 pages only, Arial narrow, 14, in MSWord
Part 1 – Summary of the Article
Part II – Review and Critique of the Article
a. Review of the Article’s Organization
b. Strengths
c. Weaknesses (Try to see the weaknesses of the article through the lens of a Communication practitioner. E.g., ‘the article contains too many highly technical terms that are not easy to digest’)
d. The Main Thesis of the Article
e. Agreement/Disagreement to the Main Thesis

Use the uploaded file: “Internet of Things” as the main material for the review. See Part 3, “Middleware….”, Page 333 – 367

Assess the effects diabetic patient, the quality of care, patient safety , and costs to the system and individual .

In 5 page written assessment .assess the effects diabetic patient, the quality of care, patient safety , and costs to the system and individual . organizational data, such as read mission rates hospital aquired infections, falls, medication errors, staff satisfaction ,serious safety events and patient experience can be used to prioritize time resources and finances. Describe the effects of local state and federal policies or legislation on the nursing scope of practice, within the context of care quality, patient safety, and cost to the system and individual. propose strategies to improve quality of care enhance safety and reduce costs the system and individual .use parapharasing and summarization to represent ideas from external sources.

Explain why the capital budgeting process is important for the allocation of resources.

• Describe the capital budgeting process.
• Explain how the capital budgeting process is used in organizations.
• Describe the types of projects that are subject to capital budgeting.
• Explain why the capital budgeting process is important for the allocation of resources.

Reflect and evaluate how information literacy and Bloom’s Taxonomy influence the way in which we explore our research with an intention of discovering new ideas in the context of our academic, career, and life situations.

Our recent lectures and assignments have focused on information literacy, research, and how we explore research to communicate new discoveries. For this reflection, in at least 150 words, discuss the following:
Reflect and evaluate how information literacy and Bloom’s Taxonomy influence the way in which we explore our research with an intention of discovering new ideas in the context of our academic, career, and/or life situations.
Review why the push toward new discoveries is so important.

Chose a particular problem you’ve seen or experienced with technology.

Chose a particular problem you’ve seen or experienced with technology.

Explain how you will advise your client to develop and introduce the brand to their customers.

You are a new business development consultant. You are meeting with a client to discuss the importance of developing his or her brand.

Write a 1,050-word paper that outlines how you will present the topic of brand management to your client, including any charts, illustrations, or other graphics as needed to clearly state the importance of effective branding.

Describe these key branding points:


Evaluate the benefits of brand development.

Explain how you will advise your client to develop and introduce the brand to their customers.

Cite a minimum of three sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Discuss the relevance of your social problem or issue with respect to the creation of social welfare policy.

“Social Welfare Policy is the collective response to social problems and Social Welfare Programs are the product of social welfare policies.” Identify a social welfare problem that interests you. Examples of social problems include poverty, homelessness, mental illness, unemployment, substance abuse, family violence, immigration, aging, child welfare, health care, social justice, racial discrimination, sexism, LGBT, and veterans.

Discuss the relevance of your social problem or issue with respect to the creation of social welfare policy. Describe the impact of values and beliefs on the outcome of social welfare policy that results to address this problem. Share your ideas for possible future action.

For this assignment, you should,

1. Choose a social welfare problem or issue that interests you from the suggestions above. Please see
me if you need help in selecting a topic.

2. Conduct research on your topic. Your research must include
1. at least two (2) professional journal articles and
2. at least one (1) government publication from the internet.

To help structure your paper follow the required outline:
a. Identify a social problem or social issue and explain why it is a social welfare policy issue

b. What are the causes and impact of this social problem and what is the effect on society?

c. Describe the client population affected by this problem. How many people in the U.S.? Are they men and/or women? What is the general racial/ethnic background of this population? (Demographics)

d. What are the “values and beliefs” that affect how this problem is defined as a social problem?

e. What ideologies, theories, or paradigms of social welfare are relevant to define this problem?

f. Do a “critical analysis” of the social problem.
1. Who has the power in regard to this issue? Who does not?
2. What is the public reaction to the issue?
3. What policy or legislation was developed in response to the problem?
4. How the policy was implemented and was the program effective?

3. What are your suggested changes or approaches to the problem?

Create a 1-minute speech that shows how learning how to speak is important.

Create a 1-minute speech that shows how learning how to speak is important.