
Identify and explain the injustice in your community.

Write a letter to one of your elected officials in which you identify an unjust circumstance in your community and advise your representative as to how it might be remedied. Include the following in your letter:

Identify and explain the injustice in your community.

Discuss your proposed solution.

Explain at least one social philosophy from Chapter 9 in the textbook that supports your solution.

What life experiences and personal qualities will make you an outstanding professional nurse?

What life experiences and personal qualities will make you an outstanding professional nurse?

Discuss the Effect of capital structure on the stock returns in the pharmaciutical industry only in the UK.

Discuss the Effect of capital structure on the stock returns in the pharmaciutical industry only in the UK.

Write a brief summary statistics and explain the correlation results.

Evaluate the challenges associated with energy security: Are natural resources a blessing or a curse?

Evaluate the challenges associated with energy security: Are natural resources a blessing or a curse?

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how meaning is constructed in film through a written analysis of a prescribed film text, based on a chosen extract from that film.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how meaning is constructed in film through a written analysis of a prescribed film text, based on a chosen extract (lasting no more than five minutes) from that film.

The objective is for you to show an understanding of the cultural context and how meaning is created for an audience by the filmmakers’ decisions about visual and audio elements.
You will choose an extract up to 5 minutes in length from the film to demonstrate your understanding of:
• The cultural context of the chosen film text
• The use of film elements to construct meaning in the selected extract, using appropriate film vocabulary
• How the identified film elements in the selected extract relates to the cultural context of the film, to the film text as a whole, and, where appropriate, to other films, as identified by the student.
You must choose a sequence that will evidence aspects of the cultural context of the film. This should be supported with research from relevant sources.

Choose a minimum of two film elements you wish to concentrate on
Choose your five-minute extract
Take notes on how each film element conveys meaning in your extract.
Begin writing your essay. Make sure to establish the cultural context of your film, and to demonstrate a connection between this context and the identified film elements in the extract to each other, and to the chosen film text as a whole.
Write two paragraphs (total of 4 paragraphs) on each film element of your choice demonstrating how each element conveys meaning in your extract and supporting your analysis with detailed, accurate, and relevant examples from the extract and your research. Use relevant film terminology.

How does Chandler’s model of integrated ‘managerial enterprise’ explain the long-term competitiveness .

How does Chandler’s model of integrated ‘managerial enterprise’ explain the long-term competitiveness .

Investigate the concentration of vitamin C in different products.

  1. Investigate the concentration of vitamin C in different products.
  2. Separation of Plant Pigments by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC).
  3. How a vigorous exercise affects cellular respiration, oxygen debt, pulse rate and blood pressure.
  4. Microbiology- investigate the effect of antibiotics/disinfectants.
  5. Investigate the effect of factors on enzyme activity.

esearch well-known events-based organisations and apply business principles and analysis within the events industry.

Describe the business context of firms, and the business environment in which they operate

2.Research well-known events-based organisations and apply business principles and analysis within the events industry.

3.Identify the economic context of firms and the economic environment in which they operate

4.research well-known events-based organisations and apply economic principles and analysis within the events industry

Describe one example of a crime that has high news value.

Describe one example of a crime that has high news value.